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2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (3) ◽  
pp. 319
Hasdiansah Hasdiansah ◽  
Sugiyarto Sugiyarto

<p>Teknologi FDM (<em>Fused Deposition Modelling</em>) merupakan salah satu teknologi yang digunakan untuk membuat objek 3D. FDM sering disebut sebagai teknologi yang sudah mampu mengubah dunia manufaktur dewasa ini. Namun teknologi FDM memiliki kelemahan karena teknologi ini menggunakan proses <em>building per layer </em>membuat permukaan yang dihasilkan terlihat memiliki garis yang menunjukan batas antar <em>layer </em>sehingga mempengaruhi kekasaran pada permukaan produk cetak.  Penelitian ini menggunakan filamen <em>Super Tough</em> PLA (ST.PLA). Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh parameter proses terhadap kekasaran permukaan objek cetak dan untuk mengetahui seting parameter proses yang menghasilkan kekasaran permukaan terbaik dari parameter proses yang digunakan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Taguchi dengan matriks ortogonal L<sub>25</sub>(5<sup>6</sup>).  Parameter proses yang akan dipilih dan dianalisis dalam penelitian ini adalah<em> layer thickness, printing speed, nozzle temperature, orientation, flowrate</em>, <em>cooling speed </em>dan respon yang diamati adalah kekasaran permukaan objek cetak. Untuk mengatasi permasalahan <em>noise</em> (gangguan) maka dicetak masing-masing tiga kali replikasi  Selanjutnya parameter proses tersebut akan dianalisis menggunakan Analisis Varian (ANOVA). Berdasarkan data  hasil pengukuran kekasaran permukaaan objek cetak,  maka diperoleh parameter proses yang memberikan pengaruh paling besar terhadap kekasaran permukaan objek cetak dengan menggunakan filamen ST-PLA adalah <em>layer thickness</em> dengan nilai F hitung sebesar 129,96, <em>flowrate</em> dengan nilai F hitung sebesar 6 dan <em>orientation</em> dengan nilai F hitung sebesar 3,03. Seting parameter proses yang menghasilkan nilai kekasaran permukaan terbaik objek cetak adalah 0,10 mm yaitu pada eksperimen nomor lima (Exp. No. 5) dengan rata-rata  12,61 µm, dengan pengaturan <em>layer thickness</em>, 45 mm/s pada pengaturan <em>printing speed</em>, 210˚C pada <em>nozzle temperature</em>, 0˚ pada <em>orientation</em>, 110% pada pengaturan <em>flowrate</em> dan 40% pada pengaturan <em>cooling speed</em>. Seluruh parameter proses tersebut disetting pada <em>slicing software</em> ideamaker 3.6.1. dalam menghasilkan G-Code objek cetak.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (3) ◽  
pp. 177-184
Anastasios Tzotzis ◽  
Athanasios Manavis ◽  
Nikolaos Efkolidis ◽  
Panagiotis Kyratsis ◽  

The automated generation of G-code for machining processes is a valuable tool at the hands of every engineer and machinist. Nowadays, many software systems exist that provide automated functions related to G-code generation. Most free software require the import of a Drawing Exchange Format (DXF) file and cannot work directly on a 3D part. On the contrast, the equivalent commercially-available software systems are feature-rich and can provide a variety of automated processes, but are usually highly priced. The presented application aims to supplement the existing free Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM) systems by providing a way of generating G-code for drilling operations, using already owned commercial 3D Computer Aided Design (CAD) systems such as SolidWorksTM. Thus, in the case of 3D part drilling, a standard 3D CAD system is sufficient since the code can be adopted by most modern CAD software with minor changes. Moreover, no specialized CAM software is required. In order to achieve this automation, the Application Programming Interface (API) of SolidWorks™ 2018 was utilized, which allows for the design of visualized User Interfaces (UI) and the development of code under the Visual Basic for Applications (VBA™) programming language. The available API methods are employed to recognize the features that were used to design the part, as well as extract the geometric parameters of each of these features. In addition, an embedded calculator automatically defines the cutting conditions (cutting speed, feed and tool) based on the user selections. Finally, the application generates the Computer Numerical Control (CNC) code for the summary of the discovered holes according to the standardized G-code commands; the output can be a typical TXT or NC file that can be easily converted to the preference of the user if necessary.

2021 ◽  
Zhenyu Li ◽  
Daofu Gong ◽  
Lei Tan ◽  
Xiangyang Luo ◽  
Fenlin Liu ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 9
Budhy Setiawan ◽  
Isa Triyanti Santoso ◽  
Achmad Walid ◽  
Ryan Prasetyo ◽  
Delila Cahya Permatasari ◽  

ABSTRAK Mesin 3D printing dapat membuat proses produksi menjadi singkat dan sederhana, keunggulan ini menjadikan banyak peneliti mulai menggembangkan mesin printing. Pengembangan mesin printing yang sudah dilakukan salah satunya adalah mesin 3D printer 2 x 2 x 2 meter. Keberhasilan mesin printing dapat dilihat dari hasil printing yang sesuai dengan desain yang diharapkan. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan aplikasi yang dapat membantu merancang desain objek 3D pada mesin printer 2x2x2 meter, salah satunya menggunakan aplikasi CAD (Computer Aided Design) “SolidWork”. Aplikasi “SolidWork” bersifat opensource yang dapat membantu mengetahui pengaruh desain 3 dimensi menggunakan software CAD terhadap jarak, sudut dan skala objek pada mesin printer 2x2x2 meter. Desain objek 3D “SolidWork” disimpan dalam dalam format file STL, kemudian diproses di dalam Simplify 3D, objek akan diiris secara software. Hasil irisan gambar 3D akan menghasilkan sebuah file G-Code. Output koordinat dari G-Code digunakan untuk menggerakan motor stepper. Hasil cetak objek 2D memiliki error ukuran bentuk segitiga 4,62%, bentuk straight slog 7,49%, bentuk oval 5,54%, error sudut sebesar 0% dan error skala objek 0%. Sedangkan untuk objek 3D memiliki error rata – rata sebesar 0,29%. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian aplikasi “SolidWork” dapat menujukkan kinerja mesin dan membantu dalam pembuatan desain 2D dan 3D pada mesin 3D printer 2x2x2 meter di Lab Elektro Prodi Elektronika Politeknik Negeri Malang. ABSTRACT 3D printing machines can make the production process short and simple, this advantage has made many researchers start to develop printing machines. One of the developments in printing machines that have been carried out is the 2 x 2 x 2 meter 3D Printer machine. The success of the printing machine can be seen from the printing results by the expected design. Therefore, an application is needed that can help design 3D object designs on a 2x2x2 meter printer machine, one of which is using the CAD (Computer-Aided Design) application "SolidWork". The application "SolidWork" is open source which can help determine the effect of 3-dimensional design using CAD software on the distance, angle, and scale of objects on a 2x2x2 meter printer machine. "SolidWorks" 3D object design is saved in STL file format, then processed in Simplify 3D, the object will be sliced ​​automatically. The sliced ​​3D image will produce a G-Code file. The coordinate output from the G-Code is used to drive the stepper motor. The printout of 2D objects has a triangular size error of 4.62%, a straight slog shape of 7.49%, an oval shape of 5.54%, an angle error of 0%, and a scale error of 0%. Meanwhile, 3D objects have an average error of 0.29%. Based on the results of testing the "SolidWork" application can show machine performance and assist in making 2D and 3D designs on a 2x2x2 meter 3D printer machine at the Electrical Lab of Electronics Study Program, State Polytechnic of Malang.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (19) ◽  
pp. 9177
Shyh-Kuang Ueng ◽  
Ya-Fang Hsieh ◽  
Yu-Chia Kao

Digital and analog contents, generated in additive manufacturing (AM) processes, may be illegally modified, distributed, and reproduced. In this article, we propose a watermarking scheme to enhance the security of AM. Compared with conventional watermarking methods, our algorithm possesses the following advantages. First, it protects geometric models and printed parts as well as G-code programs. Secondly, it embeds watermarks into both polygonal and volumetric models. Thirdly, our method is capable of creating watermarks inside the interiors and on the surfaces of complex models. Fourth, the watermarks may appear in various forms, including character strings, cavities, embossed bumps, and engraved textures. The proposed watermarking method is composed of the following steps. At first, the input geometric model is converted into a distance field. Then, the watermark is inserted into a region of interest by using self-organizing mapping. Finally, the watermarked model is converted into a G-code program by using a specialized slicer. Several robust methods are also developed to authenticate digital models, G-code programs, and physical parts. These methods perform virtual manufacturing, volume rendering, and image processing to extract watermarks from these contents at first. Then, they employ similarity evaluation and visual comparison to verify the extracted signatures. Some experiments had been conducted to validify the proposed watermarking method. The test results, analysis, discussion, and comparisons are also presented in this article.

Jiabin Pan ◽  
Zhongtao Fu ◽  
Jiahao Xiong ◽  
Xiaoyu Lei ◽  
Ka Zhang ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (18) ◽  
pp. 8760
Michael Wüthrich ◽  
Maurus Gubser ◽  
Wilfried J. Elspass ◽  
Christian Jaeger

Fused deposition modeling (FDM) 3D printers commonly need support material to print overhangs. A previously developed 4-axis printing process based on an orthogonal kinematic, an additional rotational axis around the z-axis and a 45° tilted nozzle can print overhangs up to 100° without support material. With this approach, the layers are in a conical shape and no longer parallel to the printing plane; therefore, a new slicer strategy is necessary to generate the paths. This paper describes a slicing algorithm compatible with this 4-axis printing kinematics. The presented slicing strategy is a combination of a geometrical transformation with a conventional slicing software and has three basic steps: Transformation of the geometry in the .STL file, path generation with a conventional slicer and back transformation of the G-code. A comparison of conventionally manufactured parts and parts produced with the new process shows the feasibility and initial results in terms of surface quality and dimensional accuracy.

M. Gaudenzi Asinelli ◽  
J. Aparicio Estrems ◽  
J. Caballé Benavent

Abstract. The ability to repeat analyses on the same very small area of a surface is crucial to obtain reliable comparative data. For example, in a painting the boundary between two different, small painted areas can be very blurred; if an analyst needs to track over the time a specific and tiny pigment spot (e.g., to assess the reliability of a conservation treatment), manual positioning of the analyser can lead to a mismatch that might undermine any data comparison. The use of automatic positioning systems can improve the ability to hit the right spot, so to collect reliable data. This work focuses on the development of an open hardware XYZ system based on 3D printers’ architecture and equipped with an imaging system. It demonstrates that the combination of image processing methods with the G-code generated during the movements of the XY axes can allows to avoid misalignment of the object that needs to be analysed, and thus to improve measurements’ spatial precision. The XYZ positioning system and the positioning calibration method are now tested on Modernist hydraulic tiles from Barcelona (Catalunya, Spain), a decorative and functional element in danger because of the estate speculation that is affecting the architectonic identity of the Catalan capital.

Machines ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (8) ◽  
pp. 163
Jakub Bryła ◽  
Adam Martowicz

The work deals with the investigation of the variation of the selected 3D printing process properties that originate from the choice of a slicer. Specifically, the main aim of the present study was to assess the induced changes of the kinematic and geometric properties considered by the slicer for the printing process making use of the G-code readings. The paper provides adequate definitions and formulas required to characterize the slicer’s configuration. Next, the selected cases of the process parameters’ changes were studied, primarily taking into account varying layer height and infill. The authors performed a detailed analysis regarding the geometric implications at the mesoscale due to the slicer’s settings. Appropriate modifications of the slicer’s properties were also proposed and verified, making it possible to match the geometric and kinematic characteristics of the printed part.

OPSI ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 21
Rian Prasetyo ◽  
Ainur Komariah

Batik is an original Indonesian heritage, that must be preserved and it is the mainstay for implementation of “Making Indonesia 4.0”. It was published many research about stamp batik manufacturing, but still have limitation of motive variation and slackly design process. This research aim to develop the way to making CNC program to be quickly, besides of high variation of batik motive. Source code in python programming language, was built for extension tool in inscape software. Extentension is used to create stamp point, depend on various motive size. Source code created in .py and .inx format will be save in “ekstensi” folder. Based on coordinate point of stamping in stamp batik, CNC program will be created, using “G-code tools” extension that was available in inscape software menubar. CNC programming used extension was built is measured about  time of process and compared to manual CNC programming. CNC program that has been built then tested in CAMotics software. The results of this research show that CNC program could maked with this extension for various dimension od batik stamp and in 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, and 12 meters of cloth length. CNC programming with extension developed, can reduce time up to 96.05%.

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