chemical dynamics
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2022 ◽  
Vol 27 (42) ◽  
pp. 281-300
Cecilia Cavalieri

O presente artigo busca cruzar as no��es de l�ngua e de linguagem performadas pela subst�ncia leite diante de uma metaf�sica ocidental que n�o parece se sustentar, aproximando essas ideias do conceito de s�mbolo e de capital. Benveniste, Saussure e Donna Haraway nos ajudam no caminho de pensar leite,�linguagem e capitalismo ao longo da hist�ria, testando os limites taxon�micos das excepcionalidades humana, mam�fera e lingu�stica. � um trabalho sobre a afirma��o pol�tica de leite enquanto linguagem, uma apropria��o feminista do que poderia ser o conceito de linguagem e uma transforma��o desse conceito por meio de outro olhar sobre sua din�mica f�sico-qu�mica por meio de uma experimenta��o te�rico-dom�stica.Palavras-chave:Linguagem. Leite. Contrafilosofia. Mam�feres. Capital.�AbstractThis paper seeks to cross the notions of language and tongue performed by the substance milk in the face of a Western metaphysics that does not seem to sustain itself, bringing these ideas closer to the concept of symbol and capital. Benveniste, Saussure and Donna Haraway, help us on the path of thinking milk, language and capitalism throughout history, testing the taxonomic limits of human, mammalian and linguistic exceptionalities. It is a work about the political affirmation of milk as language, a feminist� ppropriation of what the concept of language could be, and a transformation of this concept through another look at its physical-chemical dynamics through a theoretical-domestic experimentation.Keywords:Language. Milk. Counterphilosophy. Mammals. Capital.

Nabankur Dasgupta ◽  
Chen Chen ◽  
Adri C. T. van Duin

A new ReaxFF reactive force field has been developed for metal carbonate systems including Na+, Ca2+, and Mg2+ cations and the CO32- anion. This force field is fully transferable with...

Jie Liang ◽  
Kang Wang ◽  
Yuxiang Du ◽  
Chunhuan Zhang ◽  
Yongli Yan ◽  

Shahid Rabbani ◽  
Dimitris M. Manias ◽  
Dimitrios C. Kyritsis ◽  
Dimitris A. Goussis

Tao E. Li ◽  
Bingyu Cui ◽  
Joseph E. Subotnik ◽  
Abraham Nitzan

Chemical manifestations of strong light–matter coupling have recently been a subject of intense experimental and theoretical studies. Here we review the present status of this field. Section 1 is an introduction to molecular polaritonics and to collective response aspects of light–matter interactions. Section 2 provides an overview of the key experimental observations of these effects, while Section 3 describes our current theoretical understanding of the effect of strong light–matter coupling on chemical dynamics. A brief outline of applications to energy conversion processes is given in Section 4. Pending technical issues in the construction of theoretical approaches are briefly described in Section 5. Finally, the summary in Section 6 outlines the paths ahead in this exciting endeavor. Expected final online publication date for the Annual Review of Physical Chemistry, Volume 73 is April 2022. Please see for revised estimates.

Satoshi Asaoka ◽  
Fuyuhiko Sumikawa ◽  
Yoshifumi Watanabe ◽  
Waqar Azeem Jadoon ◽  
Masaki Ohno ◽  

2021 ◽  
Daniel Patko ◽  
Qizhi Yang ◽  
Yangminghao Liu ◽  
Panagiotis Falireas ◽  
Benoit Briou ◽  

Agriculture must reduce green-house gas emission and pollution, produce safer and healthier food, closer to home, reducing waste whilst delivering more diverse diets to a growing world population. Soils could enable this transformation, but unfortunately, they have a hugely complex and opaque structure and studies of its myriad of mechanisms are difficult. Here, the fabrication of smart soils for the screening of below-ground bio-processes is demonstrated. Particles were generated from fluoropolymer waste with functionalisation converting them into sensors able to report on key chemical dynamics. Tailored functionalization was obtained by radical terpolymerisation to improve growth conditions and sensing capabilities. The study demonstrates the potential for the development of accelerated genetic or agrochemical screens and could pave the way for controlled indoor soil bio-production systems.

Debadrita Saha ◽  
Srinivasan S. Iyengar ◽  
Philip Richerme ◽  
Jeremy M. Smith ◽  
Amr Sabry

2021 ◽  
Krupa Ramasesha ◽  
Jan Tross ◽  
Paul Schrader ◽  
Leonid Sheps ◽  
Kendrew Au

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