community activity
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Nina Regina Prayoga ◽  
Reny Sukmawani ◽  
Ema Hilma Meilani

The Covid-19 pandemic has had a socio-economic impact in Indonesia, including broiler meat traders. Since the enactment of large-scale restrictions has triggered a lack of community activity outside, resulting in a decrease in sales volume and income at the Tipar Gede Warehouse Market, Sukabumi City. This study aims to determine the impact of COVID-19 on the decline in sales volume and income of broiler meat traders at the Tipar Gede Warehouse Market, Sukabumi City. This research was carried out using descriptive research with survey method research methods by describing the conditions or phenomena that occurred. From the research carried out, it was found that the impact of Covid-19 on sales volume before Covid-19 could be represented by 65%, while during Covid-19 there was a 35% decrease in sales volume and the impact of Covid-19 on the decline in income of broiler meat traders in Indonesia. The Tipar Gede Warehouse Market in Sukanumi City before Covid-19 was 60%, while during Covid-19 it was around 40%.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 396-401
Nuh Aulya Sari Lubis ◽  
Reni Ria Armayani ◽  
Faizatun Nisa’ ◽  
Aldy Fernando ◽  
Deva Kumala Sari

During the COVID-19 pandemic, many had a very large and bad impact on life, especially for traders, both small traders and small traders, not only that, the implementation of community activity restrictions (PPKM) resulted in traders not being allowed to sell during the PPKM level. One of the impacts of the implementation of Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) is the impact on street vendors around Merdeka Walk (PKL) in the city of Medan. The purpose of this research is to analyze the impact of the implementation of Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) Levels I-IV on the Income of Merdeka Walk Street Vendors in Medan City, the research method in this study uses a qualitative method with data collection by interview. The results of interviews with street vendors on the income of street vendors around Merdeka Walk Medan. Keywords: PPKM, Income, Street Vendor

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (24) ◽  
pp. 11963
Massimo Marzorati ◽  
Sarah Bubeck ◽  
Thomas Bayne ◽  
Kiran Krishnan ◽  
Aicacia Young

GoodBiome™ Foods is a collection of foods infused with prebiotics, including inulin and xylooligosaccharides, and the probiotic Bacillus subtilis HU58. The effects of repeated intake of three predigested GoodBiome™ Foods products and one comparator product on microbial community activity and composition were assessed using the mucosal simulator of the human intestinal microbial system (M-SHIME®) platform with proximal colon (PC) and distal colon (DC) compartments and conducted under healthy gut conditions. Treatment with all test products increased short-chain fatty acid (SCFA) production (acetate, propionate, and butyrate) versus the control period in both the PC and DC. The highest increases were seen with the GoodBiome™ Foods products. Ammonium and branched SCFA levels were also increased (versus the control period) in both compartments. Treatment with all test products enhanced the Simpson diversity index (versus the control period), reaching significance for all test products in the PC (p < 0.05). Treatment with all test products resulted in changes in the microbial community composition. The relative abundance increased for Proteobacteria and decreased for Actinobacteria in the PC and DC. Repeated intake of GoodBiome™ Food products increased SCFA production and microbial diversity in an M-SHIME® model of the human intestinal microbiome.

2021 ◽  
pp. 229-238
Onny Nur Pratama

Dambus is one of the art products (traditional music) found on Bangka Island used by the landbased people. They are obviously related to Malay people. Dambus is a term used for musical instruments, music (ensembles), patterns, techniques, songs and dances. The dambus art in its ensemble consisted of a tawak-tawak, a larger main drum, anak drum that was smaller in size, a tambourine and a gong. The dambus has a unique feature. It is the instrument head shape that resembles a deer head which contrasts with Malay beliefs namely with the teachings of Islam. In Islamic teachings it is strictly prohibited to make something similar to a statue or idol as the form of a dambus. The Bangka community also had the activity of ngelapun or berasuk in the past. Ngelapon or berasuk is a community activity that hunts deer in groups using a type of Lelapun (trap). During the Berume event, tradition of Ngetep Nasik Baru, Rusa's animal meat was one of the side dishes presented during the process of preparing food from the first crop, called ‘new rice’. This research will explain how all these things are interconnected to get a common thread about the meaning of the deer head representation on the musical instrument dambus of Bangka.

Zuleha ◽  
Fatimah ◽  
Nur Asyiah

The implementation of restrictions on community activities, often called Micro PPKM, is carried out in a limited manner in several cities/districts with the aim of reducing the spread of Covid-19 to the village/gampong level and seeking to increase the community's economy slowly and gradually. Micro PPKM is regulated by the issuance of the Minister of Home Affairs Instruction Number 01 of 2021 on January 6 and is enforced from January 11-25 and extended until March 2021. Prior to PPKM Micro, PPKM has been implemented to reduce the spread of Covid-19. Meanwhile, Aceh Province applies restrictions on micro community activities (PPKM) for the period 6-19 April 2021. Micro community activity restrictions (PPKM) are implemented by considering areas that have high risk and become the epicenter of an increase in Covid-19 cases. Indra Makmu Sub-district, which is East Aceh Regency, has implemented a Micro PPKM policy so that the impact of the spread of Covid-19 does not expand which causes the decline in the economic sector and other multidimensional impacts..

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 128-132
Anto J Hadi ◽  
Erni Yetti Riman ◽  
Haslinah Ahmad ◽  
Nur Hamdani Nur ◽  
Adi Antoni

Dampak Corona Virus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) telah mempengaruhi gaya hidup seluruh masyarakat dunia terutama pola konsumsi makanan berbagai kelompok umur. Namun dalam berlarut-larut pandemi covid-19 ini sehingga diterapkan Pemberlakuan Pembatasan Kegiatan Masyarakat (PPKM) yang berakibat pada perubahan perilaku diet tertentu untuk mengatasi covid-19. Studi ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis perilaku diet selama covid-19 di masa PPKM. Jenis Penelitian ini adalah survey analitik desain cross sectional study. Responden usia 18 tahun keatas sebagai populasi dan sampel dengan pengambilan sampel secara accidental sampling sebanyak 493 peserta. Data dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan kuesioner serta teknik analisis data dengan uji-t independen atau analisis ANOVA. Hasil diperoleh sebagian besar peserta melaporkan sendiri bahwa mereka baru-baru ini mengurangi makan di luar serta proporsi orang yang memilih untuk menggunakan suplemen untuk mencegah covid-19 telah meningkat secara substansial selama PPKM sebanyak 275 (55,8%), kurang dari setengah peserta mengikuti perilaku diet yang direkomendasikan, termasuk porsi makanan individu serta peserta yang mengikuti perilaku ini memiliki keragaman makanan yang lebih baik. Kesimpulannya, selama periode PPKM peserta masih mengikuti perilaku diet tertentu untuk mengatasi covid-19. Sementara beberapa perilaku diet diadopsi untuk membantu mencegah penularan seperti menghindari makan bersama serta mengonsumsi multivitamin.

Wawan Fransisco ◽  

This study aims to find out and analyze law enforcement against health protocol violations during the covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia and to find out and analyze the application of sanctions for health protocol violations committed by the community during the covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia. This research was conducted by using a normative juridical research using a statutory approach, a concept analysis approach that is descriptive qualitative analysis. The results of this study indicate that law enforcement against violations of health protocols during the covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia is carried out based on statutory regulations, by conducting Community Activity Restrictions (PKM), Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB) as a form of law enforcement against health protocol violations during the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia through socialization in preventing the spread of the COVID-19 virus and Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB) by imposing sanctions on violators. However, law enforcement against health protocol violations has not been implemented properly. This is because there are still violations of health protocols carried out by the community.

Joko Sutrisno ◽  
Agustono Agustono ◽  
Rhina Uchyani Fajarningsih ◽  
Refa'ul Khairiyakh ◽  
Amalia Nadifta Ulfa ◽  

<p align="justify"><em>Corona Virus Disease 19 (COVID-19) is a disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus that can be transmitted between humans through coughing or sneezing. The application of health protocols and increased immunity is an effort to prevent COVID-19 infection. Intensification of home garden with immune-boosting medical plants have several benefits, that are the fulfillment of household needs of immune-boosting medical plants, overcome the soaring price of immune-boosting medical plants and as physical activity and community ecotherapy to increase immunity. Community service with theme intensification of home garden with immune-boosting medical plants and as ecotherapy was carried out in Mojolaban Sub-district, Sukoharjo. The community service aimed to improve the knowledge and skills of the community related to the intensification of home garden medical plants that can be used as ecotherapy. This activity was conducted by extension and training methods to representatives of two Farmer Women’s Groups, namely KWT Sri Rejeki and KWT Mekar Sari. Participants of this community activity look enthusiastic to follow each activity. The team of community service activity in Mojolaban Sub-district also handed over tools and materials in form of planting media, fertilizers, medical plants seed (turmeric, ginger, temulawak and lemongrass) to KWT Sri Rejeki and KWT Mekar Sari for starting the intensification of home garden with immune-boosting medical plants. This community service increases the knowledge of the community in Mojolaban Sub-district about the intensification of home gardens with immune-boosting medical plants, the community is also enthusiastic to conduct home garden intensification with immune-boosting medical plants after knowing of benefits that will be obtained</em><em>.</em></p>

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