caching strategy
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2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 653
Yuanhang Li ◽  
Jinlin Wang ◽  
Rui Han

The Information-Centric Network (ICN), designed for efficient content acquisition and distribution, is a promising candidate architecture for the future Internet. In-network caching in ICN makes it possible to reuse contents and the Name Resolution System (NRS) makes cached contents better serve users. In this paper, we focused on the ICN caching scenario equipped with an NRS, which records the positions of contents cached in ICN. We propose a Popularity-based caching strategy with Number-of-Copies Control (PB-NCC) in this paper. PB-NCC is proposed to solve the problems of unreasonable content distribution and frequent cache replacement in traditional caching strategies in ICN. We examine PB-NCC with a large number of experiments in different topologies and workloads. The simulation results reveal that PB-NCC can improve the cache hit ratio by at least 8.85% and reduce the server load by at least 11.34% compared with other on-path caching strategies, meanwhile maintaining a low network latency.

2021 ◽  
Vol 26 (6) ◽  
pp. 857-868
Kaihang Yu ◽  
Zhonggui Ma ◽  
Runyu Ni ◽  
Tao Zhang

Nour El Houda Fethellah ◽  
Hafida Bouziane ◽  
Abdallah Chouarfia

The Information Centric Networking ICN architectures are proposed to overcome the problems of the actual internet architecture. One of the main straight points of the ICN architectures is the in-network caching. The ICN performance is influenced by efficiency of the adopted caching strategy which manages the contents in the network and decides where caching them. However, the major issue which faces the caching strategies in the ICN architectures is the strategic election of the cache routers to store the data through its delivery path. This will reduce congestion, optimize the distance between the consumers and the required data furthermore improve latency and alleviate the viral load on the servers.  In this paper, we propose a new efficient caching strategy for the Named Data Networking architecture NDN named NECS which is the most promising architecture between all the ICN architectures. The proposed strategy reduces the traffic redundancy, eliminates the useless replication of contents and improves the replay time for users due to the strategic position of cache routers. Besides, we evaluate the performance of this proposed strategy and we compare it with three other NDN caching strategies, using the simulator network environment NdnSIM. On the basis of the simulations carried out, we obtained interesting and convincing results.

Xiao Han ◽  
Huiqiang Wang ◽  
Jing Tan

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-15
Jing Yang ◽  
Zhuowei Song ◽  
Peng He ◽  
Yaping Cui ◽  
Dapeng Wu ◽  

Caching in device-to-device (D2D) networks is emerging a promising trend, which enables to reduce backhaul traffic. Moreover, social interaction among users influences the performance of overall system network. Therefore, it is crucial to consider social attributes in the D2D networks to develop a caching strategy to resolve the problem of unbalanced content distributed. In this paper, we consider two types of users according to their activeness, i.e., active users and inactive users. Inactive users assist active users cache contents during off-peak periods and provide the contents to the active users during peak periods to relieve the pressure of base station (BS). In addition, caching system model is divided into physical domain model and social domain model. In physical domain, the quality of communication links is judged by the delay between D2D users. In social domain, based on a real-world dataset, CiaoDVD, we calculate user similarity in three dimensions and obtain user trust by a trust topology to measure user relationships. Finally, in order to maximize the cache hit ratio, a joint action deep Q -networks (JADQN) framework is proposed to pair the active users with inactive users and distribute the contents to inactive users. Simulation results indicate that the proposed strategy improves the cache hit ratio by 42.9% and reduces the download delay by 48.8% compared with least frequency used (LFU) algorithm, which validates the effectiveness of our method.

2021 ◽  
pp. 275-284
Dharamendra Chouhan ◽  
Sachinkumar Hegde ◽  
N. N. Srinidhi ◽  
J. Shreyas ◽  
S. M. Dilip Kumar

Electronics ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (18) ◽  
pp. 2217
Yingwen Chen ◽  
Hujie Yu ◽  
Bowen Hu ◽  
Zhimin Duan ◽  
Guangtao Xue

Mobile users’ demands to delay-sensitive video streaming media put forward new requirements for mobile networks, such as architecture optimization. Edge caching as a new paradigm is proposed to enhance the quality of service (QoS) for mobile users at the network edge. Due to the limited coverage of edge cache nodes, the frequent handoffs between base stations would aggravate network traffic overhead, resulting in a bad experience of high latency and service interruption when mobile users browse videos. This paper first proposes a three-layer mobile edge network architecture and applied edge caching to video streams to build an efficient caching system. Given the user’s mobility and low latency of mobile video streaming, we propose an edge caching strategy based on user speed and content popularity. Horizontally, the user’s speed affects the spanning area and the buffer size of the cache on edge; vertically, content popularity determines the priority of cached videos. Experimental results demonstrate that our caching strategy outperforms other schemes in terms of the average delay and the cache hit ratio in mobile video streaming scenes compared with the other three classic caching methods.

2021 ◽  
pp. 107523
Chunlin Li ◽  
Yong Zhang ◽  
Qinqin Sun ◽  
Youlong Luo

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