titanate ceramics
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Igor P. Vorona ◽  
Valentyna Nosenko ◽  
Sergii M. Okulov ◽  
Dariya Savchenko ◽  
Taras Petrenko ◽  

Abstract Manganese-doped magnesium titanate ceramic samples obtained by a solid-state reaction via sintering in the air from a mixture of MgO and TiO2 powders of different molar ratios were analyzed by electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) technique. The EPR signals of Mn2+ ions (S = 5/2, І = 5/2) in crystal phases of MgO, Mg2TiO4, and MgTiO3 were detected. We have obtained the following spin Hamiltonian parameters for Mn2+ ions: g = 2.0015, A ~ 81 ∗ 10-4 cm-1 (in MgO phase); g = 2.0029, A ~ 73.8 ∗ 10-4 cm-1, b2 0 = 35 ∗ 10-4 cm-1 (in Mg2TiO4 phase); g = 2.004, A ~ 79 ∗ 10-4 cm-1, b2 0 = 165 ∗ 10-4 cm-1 (in MgTiO3 phase). Despite the presence of Mn4+ centers in both Mg2TiO4:Mn and MgTiO3:Mn ceramics confirmed by previous optical studies, no EPR signals related to Mn4+ ions (S = 3/2, І = 5/2) were found. The Mn2+ EPR signals are proposed as structural probes in manganese-doped magnesium titanate ceramics.

Ольга Витальевна Малышкина ◽  
Григорий Сергеевич Шишков ◽  
Александра Ивановна Иванова

В работе показано, что в результате спекания образцов композита титанат бария (80 объемных %) - феррит бария (20 объемных %) в фарфоровом тигле при температуре 1300 °С возникает эвтектика. В результате сравнения свойств образцов, полученных при различных температурах спекания, установлено, что оптимальные свойства имеют образцы, спеченные при 1250 °С. Проведено сравнение структуры и диэлектрических свойств образцов керамики титаната бария и композита титанат бария (80 объемных %) - феррит бария (20 объемных %), спеченных при температуре 1250°С. Показано, что добавление в состав титаната бария 20% феррита бария повышает значение диэлектрической проницаемости, пироэлектрического коэффициента и пьезоэлектрического модуля d композита в 1,5 - 2 раза по сравнению с керамикой титаната бария, тогда как значение пьезоэлектрического модуля d остается без изменения. Введение в состав керамики титаната бария 20 % феррита бария достаточно для того, чтобы полученный композит имел магнитные характеристики, соответствующий чистому ферриту бария. It is shown in the work that as a result of sintering of composite samples of barium titanate (80 vol. %) - barium ferrite (20 vol. %) in a porcelain crucible at a temperature of 1300 °C, a eutectic appears. As a result of comparing the properties of the samples obtained at different sintering temperatures, it was found that the samples sintered at 1250 °C have optimal properties. The structure and dielectric properties of barium titanate ceramic samples and barium titanate (80 vol. %) - barium ferrite (20 vol. %) composite sintered at a temperature of 1250 °C are compared. It has been shown that the addition of 20% barium ferrite to the composition of barium titanate increases the dielectric constant, pyroelectric coefficient, and piezoelectric modulus d of the composite of 1,5 - 2 times compared to barium titanate ceramics, while the value of the piezoelectric modulus d remains unchanged. The introduction of 20 % barium ferrite into the barium titanate ceramics is sufficient for the resulting composite to have magnetic characteristics corresponding to pure barium ferrite.

2021 ◽  
Vol 585 (1) ◽  
pp. 88-96
Avanish Kumar ◽  
Anju Dixit ◽  
Swati Chopra ◽  
P. S. Dobal

Andrzej Molak ◽  
Anna Z. Szeremeta ◽  
Janusz Koperski

This work shows a correlation between light reflectance, absorption, and morphologies of series of (1-x) BM–x PT, (x = 0.0, 0.02, 0.04, 0.08, 0.12, 0.16, 0.24) ceramics composite. The (1-x) BM–x PT showed features of a black mirror with a low optical energy gap. The measured Vis-NIR diffused reflectance enabled the calculation of the energy gap using the modified Kubelka-Munk function. The estimated energy gap was lower than 1.5 eV related to low reflectance in the Vis-NIR range. Moreover, obtained histograms of grains, using scanning electron microscope, enabled the correlation between grains size and amount of lead titanate. We deduced from the ceramics surface morphology that marked porosity also induced reflectivity of low magnitude. We correlated the magnitude of the energy gap with phases of the BM-PT composite and with the electrical conductivity activation energy reported in the literature. Our results findings opened prospect studied materials for optical applications.

Piyush Sapkota ◽  
Ichiro Fujii ◽  
Sangwook Kim ◽  
Shintaro Ueno ◽  
Chikako Moriyoshi ◽  

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