american psychologist
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2021 ◽  
Vol 3 ◽  
pp. 54-59
José Abel De Andrade Baptista ◽  
Alexandre Formigoni ◽  
Sara Almeida da Silva ◽  
Caio Flavio Stettiner ◽  
Rosana Aparecida Bueno de Novais

The present work aims to demonstrate the most relevant points in the theory of acquired needs, formulated by the American psychologist David Clarence McClelland in 1961. The theory reports that the individual's success depends on two factors, from the socially acquired experiences to the of life and how these experiences should be treated to understand what needs the individual needs to meet to achieve motivation. From this point, the problem to be studied is intended to understand whether professional success can be measured based on three needs that, when met, would be enough to generate employee satisfaction with their work? The general objective of the research is the analysis of the theory developed by McClelland and how it can be more recently related to the concept of satisfaction in the professional environment. The research method for the proposed theme is a bibliographic search, as it stands out in the use of well-selected and updated information on the subject to be treated, in addition to being the most viable methodology to avoid redundancies in approaching the theme. It was obtained as a result of the analysis that amid so many problems found in managers, according to the point of view of the teams of collaborators, the concern to know the differences and needs of the team has not been a behavior properly adopted by the leadership. Therefore, it was concluded that the theory is useful for the reality of several globalization companies, but the problem lies in the neglect of leadership.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Hung Tan Ha

AbstractThe Listening Vocabulary Levels Test (LVLT) created by McLean et al. Language Teaching Research 19:741-760, 2015 filled an important gap in the field of second language assessment by introducing an instrument for the measurement of phonological vocabulary knowledge. However, few attempts have been made to provide further validity evidence for the LVLT and no Vietnamese version of the test has been created to date. The present study describes the development and validation of the Vietnamese version of the LVLT. Data was collected from 311 Vietnamese university students and then analyzed based on the Rasch model using several aspects of Messick’s, Educational Measurement, 1989; American Psychologist 50:741–749, 1995 validation framework. Supportive evidence for the test’s validity was provided. First, the test items showed very good fit to the Rasch model and presented a sufficient spread of difficulty. Second, the items displayed sound unidimensionality and were locally independent. Finally, the Vietnamese version of the LVLT showed a high degree of generalizability and was found to positively correlate with the IELTS listening test at 0.65.

2021 ◽  
NiCole T. Buchanan ◽  
Marisol Perez ◽  
Mitchell J Prinstein ◽  
Idia Thurston

To increase awareness and establish accountability, we propose that journals rate themselves using this table with an emerging list of accountability benchmarks. Recommendations are derived from Buchanan, Perez, Prinstein, & Thurston's 2021 paper, Upending Racism in Psychological Science: Strategies to Change How Our Science is Conducted, Reported, Reviewed, and Disseminated. Benchmarks were based on Centola et al., 2018, which showed 25% as the tipping point for shifting majority opinion on social norms. In order to over-correct for racism that has permeated our science, we suggest partial credit (score of 1) for journals that meet the 25% threshold and full credit (score of 2) for journals that go well above this threshold (i.e., 33% or one third of their publications). In the present table, “Most” refers to 70-100% of published articles, “Some” refers to 30-50% of published articles, and “Few” refers to 0-10% of published articles. Buchanan, N. T., Perez, M., Prinstein, M. J., & Thurston, I. (invited resubmission). Upending Racism in Psychological Science: Strategies to Change How Our Science is Conducted, Reported, Reviewed, and Disseminated. American Psychologist. (PsyArXiv Public Access:

2021 ◽  
NiCole T. Buchanan ◽  
Marisol Perez ◽  
Mitchell J Prinstein ◽  
Idia Thurston

To increase awareness and establish accountability, we propose that journals rate themselves using this table with an emerging list of accountability benchmarks. Recommendations are derived from Buchanan, Perez, Prinstein, & Thurston's 2021 paper, Upending Racism in Psychological Science: Strategies to Change How Our Science is Conducted, Reported, Reviewed, and Disseminated. Benchmarks were based on Centola et al., 2018, which showed 25% as the tipping point for shifting majority opinion on social norms. In order to over-correct for racism that has permeated our science, we suggest partial credit (score of 1) for journals that meet the 25% threshold and full credit (score of 2) for journals that go well above this threshold (i.e., 33% or one third of their publications). In the present table, “Most” refers to 70-100% of published articles, “Some” refers to 30-50% of published articles, and “Few” refers to 0-10% of published articles. See: Buchanan, N. T., Perez, M., Prinstein, M., & Thurston, I. (invited resubmission). Upending Racism in Psychological Science: Strategies to Change How Our Science is Conducted, Reported, Reviewed, and Disseminated. American Psychologist. PsyArXiv.

Trama ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (41) ◽  
pp. 103-111
Priscila Célia GIACOMASSI

Estratégias metacognitivas podem ser ferramentas muito úteis, se aplicadas no processo de estruturação e execução do estágio supervisionado, especialmente nos cursos de licenciatura. Por metacognição, compreende-se um tipo elaborado de gerenciamento sobre o próprio pensamento, uma atitude autorregulatória cujo traço distintivo consiste em promover a busca constante do “aprender a aprender”. O andaimento, a documentação e a organização de registros por meio de dossiês ou portfólios, os contratos de aprendizagem firmados entre estudantes e professores, a autoavaliação e o planejamento coletivo são algumas estratégias autorregulatórias que visam instrumentalizar o estudante em contexto de estágio, para que possa atuar nele de forma autônoma e participativa. Para tanto, o contexto que envolve todas as etapas do estágio, desde a sua concepção, passando pela implementação e avaliação, deve proporcionar uma atmosfera que instigue o aluno a conduzir as suas ações e decisões com segurança e assertividade. Consequentemente, o planejamento precisa ser entendido como “coletivo”, contemplando os principais envolvidos no processo, ou seja, os professores orientador e supervisor bem como o próprio acadêmico. Para chegar a esse ponto de maneira satisfatória, a configuração final do estágio não deve ser “engessada”, mas organizada, permitindo antecipar ao mesmo tempo problemas e alternativas para resolvê-los. Tal movimento não é viável se não houver articulação entre universidade e escola visando a um constante aprimoramento dos métodos e técnicas empregados no processo. Nessa perspectiva, além de cumprirem seu papel previsto em lei de associarem de forma eficiente os conhecimentos teóricos e o fazer docente, as práticas de estágio podem se constituir em situações propícias a reflexões, iniciativas, projetos e propostas de intervenção capazes de beneficiar os atores e cenários envolvidos nessa ação.Referências:ALCÂNTARA, Marcelo Silveira de. Metacognição e auto-regulação na graduação universitária: estratégias de estudo individual e ensino-aprendizagem em contexto de iniciação à expertise. 254 f. Tese (Doutorado em Educação) Universidade Católica de Brasília, Brasília, 2014.BRASIL. Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação Nacional nº 9.394, de 20 de dezembro de 1996. Disponível em:  Acesso em: 28 jan. 2021.BRASIL. Lei nº 11.788, de 25 de setembro de 2008. Disponível em:  Acesso em: 29 jan. 2021.CALDERANO, Maria da Assunção. Docência compartilhada entre universidade e escola: formação no estágio curricular. São Paulo: FCC/SEP, 2014. Disponível em: Acesso em: 29 jan. 2021.CARLBERG, Simone. Considerações. In.: O processo educativo: articulações possíveis frente à diversidade. São José dos Campos: Pulso, 2006, p. 106-108.CARLBERG, Simone; PILATTI, Elisangela; JUNGHANS, Marianne Kollarz. Portfólio: Instrumento-meio de educação. In.: O processo educativo: articulações possíveis frente à diversidade. São José dos Campos: Pulso, 2006, p. 111-128.CHAUÍ, Marilena de Souza. Ideologia e Educação: educação e sociedade. São Paulo: Cortez, 1980.HATTIE, John. Aprendizagem visível para professores: como maximizar o impacto da aprendizagem. (Trad.)Luís Fernando Marques Dorvillé. Porto Alegre: Penso: 2017.FAGUNDES, Gustavo. Educação Superior Comentada. A diferença entre as figuras de orientador e supervisor de estágio na educação superior. Ano 2 Nº 16 de 15 a 21 de julho de 2014. Disponível em:  Acesso em 31 jan. 2021.FLAVELL, John H. Metacognition and cognitive monitoring: A new area of cognitive-developmental inquiry. American Psychologist, v. 34, No. 10, 906-911, October, 1979. Disponível em: Acesso em: 26 abr. 2021.FREIRE, Paulo. Pedagogia da autonomia: Saberes necessários à prática educativa. São Paulo: Paz e Terra. 2009.PINTO, Rosimar Sabino; MARCOTTI, Paulo. Metacognição - uma proposta de intervenção psicopedagógica no Ensino Fundamental I. Revista de Pós-Graduação Multidisciplinar, São Paulo, v. 1, n. 4, p. 169-178, mar. 2018/set. 2018. Disponível em: Acesso em: 28 jan. 2021.SANTOS, Denise. Ensino de língua inglesa: foco em estratégias. Barueri: Disal, 2012.SEVERO, Suzan Severo de; KRAMER, Rossana. O professor de Inglês e o livro didático: uma relação crítico-dialógica. XII Semana de Extensão, Pesquisa e Pós-Graduação - Mentes Inquietas: pessoas, experiências e atitudes. SEPesq Centro Universitário Ritter dos Reis, Porto Alegre, RS - 24 a 28 de outubro de 2016. Disponível em: Acesso em: 31 jan. 2021.VASCONCELLOS, Maria de Nazareth Machado de Barros. Gestão de Sistemas Educacionais. Curitiba, IESDE Brasil S.A., 2009.WEIL, Pierre. A arte de viver em paz: por uma nova consciência e educação. São Paulo: Gente, 2002.WOLF, Rosângela Abreu do Prado; GOMES, Thaís de Sá. A prática de estágio supervisionado no Ensino Superior. IX Congresso Nacional de Educação – EDUCERE – III Encontro Sul Brasileiro de Psicopedagogia. 26 a 29 de outubro de 2006 – PUC-PR. Anais... Curitiba: 2006. Disponível em: Acesso em: 28 jan. 2021.Recebido em 01-02-2021Revisões requeridas em 15-04-2021Aceito em 10-05-2021 

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (12) ◽  
Chunying Zhang

Self-efficacy was proposed by American psychologist Bandura in 1977. This paper explores the relationship between self-efficacy theory and children's language development, and proposes strategies to improve children’s self-efficacy in an all-round way, such as correcting adults’ attitudes towards children’s language learning, paying attention to children’s individual language learning experience, playing a role of peer model demonstration, setting up the moderate difficulty of language learning task, and exerting children's self-efficacy in language learning in different types of language activities.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (100) ◽  
pp. 235-243

The article deals with the analysis of V. N. Soroka-Rossinsky's pedagogical heritage about the national school reflected in his pre-revolutionary articles. Based on the analysis of the articles, it is concluded that V. N. Soroka-Rosinsky in his views on the national school is close to the K. D. Ushinsky’s principle of the nationality of education. At the same time, the research scientist tends to the psychology of feeling, the energy theory of the American psychologist Stanley Hall - the creator of pedology, which was reflected in his further practical work and collaboration with A. F. Lazursky and V. M. Bekhterev. The central concept in his theory is a national feeling, which is not perceived by the mind, but is lived and experienced by the heart. This strong feeling is associated with the adolescent thirst for heroism and feat, the attraction to a strong personality, which should be applied in education. The scientist finds the roots of sacrificial civic feeling in genetic memory and connects the personal experience of a teenager with the genetic one...

Z. Attila Papp ◽  
Eszter Neumann

AbstractOriginally, the concept of resilience refers to one’s capacity to cope with unexpected shocks and unpredictable situations. Originating from ecological theories, the approach has gained ground in social sciences. In the context of education, the concept has been applied to explain how disadvantaged students can overcome structural constraints and become educationally successful and socially mobile (Werner, E. E., Vulnerable but invincible: a longitudinal study of resilient children and youth. McGraw-Hill, New York, 1982; Masten A. S., American Psychologist 56: 227–238, 2001; Reid, R., Botterrill L. C., Australian Journal of Public Administration 72:31–40, 2013; Máté, D., Erdélyi Társadalom 13:43–55, 2015).This paper is based on the analysis of the Hungarian National Assessment of Basic Competences (NABC) database which has been conducted annually since 2001. We created a typology of school resilience based on the schools’ social and ethnic profile as well as their performance indicators. We defined those schools resilient which over perform others with similar social intake, and we also identified irresilient schools which underperform others with similar social intake. The school types were created by correlating the socio-economic status index (SES) and school performance.Since the NABC database provides us with data on the estimated rate of Roma students in each school, it is possible to take into account the schools’ ethnic intake in the analysis of resilience. We conducted statistical analyses to compare the performance of resilient and irresilient schools in the light of the ratio of Roma students. Finally, we seek answers to the question whether ethnic segregation correlates with school achievement in Hungary. We could identify some crucial institutional factors contributing to resilience (or school success) in the case of schools with relatively high proportion of Roma students.

Юлія Тептюк

Соціальна робота є невід’ємною складовою суспільства будь-якої країни, яка спрямована на підтримку тих верств населення, які у певний період часу є нездатними до ефективної самостійної адаптації до умов суспільного життя. Надзвичайно важливим завданням є системна підготовка висококваліфікованих соціальних працівників, які здатні підтримувати та розвивати власну стійкість до стресів, що забезпечує успішність виконання фахівцями соціальної сфери їх професійних обов’язків. Стресостійкість є системною динамічною властивістю, яка визначає здатність людини справлятися із багатьма стресогенними ситуаціями, активно їх змінювати чи пристосовуватись до них без шкоди для свого здоров’я та зберігати ефективність виконуваної діяльності. Отже, вона активізує емоційну, когнітивну та поведінкову сфери особистості, тому доцільним є дослідження не лише загального рівня стійкості до стресу, а й особливостей розвитку її структурних компонентів. Метою статті є емпіричне дослідження психологічних особливостей розвитку емоційно-мотиваційного компонента стресостійкості соціальних працівників різних вікових категорій. Отримані результати проведеного дослідження дали змогу визначити особливості розвитку конструктів емоційно-мотиваційного компонента стресостійкості у соціальних працівників різних вікових груп, а саме рівня тривожності, емоційної врівноваженості та змотивованості до успіху. Було виявлено, що з віком у фахівців соціальної сфери підвищується рівень тривожності й емоційної врівноваженості, й одночасно зменшується кількість досліджуваних з високим рівнем мотивації до успіху і мотивації уникнення невдач. Такі результати пояснюються погіршенням стану здоров’я, зокрема нервової системи, зниженням рівня активності й зменшенням амбіцій, а також розвитком рефлексії свого емоційного стану, набуттям навичок цілеспрямовано на нього впливати, досягненням оптимального рівня мотивації до успіху, що одночасно сприяє ефективному виконанню професійних завдань та економії власних ресурсів. Література Боднар, А.Я., & Макаренко, Н.Г. (2013). Психологічні особливості стресостійкості представників стресогенних професій (на прикладі працівників приватних охоронних структур). Наукові записки. Педагогічні, психологічні науки та соціальна робота, 149, 49–56. Дубчак, Г.М. (2018). Психологія становлення професійної стресостійкості майбутніх фахівців соціономічних професій. (Дис. д-ра психол. наук). Київ. Калашников, Ю.В. (2003). Как избежать самовыгорания. Соціальна робота в Україні: теорія і практика, 2, 186–191. Кудінова, М.С. (2016). Порівняльний аналіз понять «стресостійкість» та «емоційна стійкість». Теорія і практика сучасної психології, 1, 22–28. Льовочкіна, А. (2017). Здатність діяти у стресових ситуаціях як професійна компетентність соціального працівника. Вісник Київського національного університету імені Тараса Шевченка. Соціальна робота, 2, 10–13. Реан, А.А. (2007). Психология адаптации личности. Санкт-Петербург : Прайм-ЕВРОЗНАК, 479. Смирнов, Б.Н. (1989). Практические занятия по психологии. Москва. Ханін, Ю.Л. (1985). Особистісні та соціально-психологічні опитувальники в прикладних дослідженнях: проблеми і перспективи. Соціальна психологія і громадська практика, 163–177. Koole, Sander L. (2009). «The psychology of emotion regulation: An integrative review». Cognition & Emotion., 23(1), 4–41. Labouvie-Vief, G., & Devoe, M. (1991). Emotional regulation in adulthood and later life: A developmental review. Annual review of gerontology and geriatrics, 11, 172–194. Lazarus, R.S., (1998). Fifty years of research and theory of R.S. Lazarus (An analyses of historical and perennial issues). New York : Psychology Press. Maddi, S. (2006). Hardiness: The courage to grow from stress. The Journal of Positive Psychology, 1(3), 160–168. Masten, A.S. (2001). Ordinary Magic. Resilience Processes in Development. American Psychologist, 56(3), 227–238.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
pp. 78-85
E. V. Lapteva ◽  
V. V. Ostroumov

Modern economic science pays considerable attention to the study of labor economics, an integral part of which is the problem of human resources in the production of material goods. The study of this problem has been initiated by the scientific labor management school and Nikolay Vitke. His work and ideas were undeservedly forgotten and they require more attention. The authors’ goal is to draw ones attention to the fact that the concept authorship of human relations, the beginning of the problem development of communication between psychology and management was initiated by domestic scientists. Later, this concept was developed in numerous of works of foreign scientists, who consider the authors of the American psychologist and sociologist E. Mayo. The concept of N.A. Vitke should be taken into account as one of the important, according to the authors, in the development of modern control theories. The study can be the subject of further discussion about the prospects for the development of management theory, the life and personality of N.A. Vitke as well as his colleagues.

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