diffusion chronometry
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2021 ◽  
Jordan Lubbers ◽  
Shan de Silva ◽  
Adam Kent

The long-term thermochemical conditions at which large bodies of silicic magma are stored in the crust is integral to our understanding of the timing, frequency, and intensity of volcanic eruptions, and provides important context for volcano monitoring data. Despite this realization, however, individual magmatic systems also may have unique time-temperature paths, or thermal histories, that are the result of many complex and, sometimes, simultaneous/competing processes, ultimately leading to an incomplete understanding of their long-term thermal evolution. Of recent interest to the volcanology community is the length of time large volumes of eruptible and geophysically detectable magma exist within the crust prior to their eruption. Here we use a combination of diffusion chronometry, trace element, and thermodynamic modeling to quantify the long-term thermal budget of the 2.08 Ma, 630km3 Cerro Galán Ignimbrite (CGI) in NW Argentina, one of the largest explosive volcanic eruptions in the recent geologic record. We find that diffusion of both Mg and Sr in plagioclase indicate that erupted magmatic material only spent decades to centuries at or above temperatures (~750°C) required to produce and store significant volumes of eruptible magma. Calculated plagioclase equilibrium liquid compositions reveal an array that is controlled overall by fractionation of plagioclase + biotite + sanidine, although high-resolution trace element transects record a diversity of long-term storage conditions with some plagioclase recording periods of co-crystallization with biotite and sanidine, while others do not. Despite these chemical differences in long-term storage, we find diffusion models record a unimodal distribution which, when combined with prior work revealing zircon residence times of ~105 years, and calculated zircon saturation temperatures of 807 ± 8°C, provide compelling evidence that the CGI magmatic system spent most of its upper crustal residence in a largely uneruptible state and was ultimately remobilized shortly before eruption.

Euan J. F. Mutch ◽  
John Maclennan ◽  
Oliver Shorttle ◽  
John F. Rudge ◽  
David A. Neave

2021 ◽  
Michael Jollands

<p>Understanding rates and mechanisms of diffusion in geologically relevant materials is important when considering, for example, electrical conductivity, rheology and, of course, diffusion chronometry. Olivine has received much attention in this regard – not only is it important in upper mantle and many volcanic settings, but its wide range of stability in pressure-temperature-chemical activity space makes it extremely amenable to experimental petrology. Furthermore, olivine is simple enough to study systematically, but contains different crystallographic sites, diffusion pathways and is anisotropic, thus has sufficient complexity to remain interesting. Like many common rock-forming minerals, olivine is nominally anhydrous, but normally contains trace amounts of hydrogen. This is generally bonded to structural oxygen, forming hydroxyl groups. These can be easily imaged by infrared spectroscopy, which simultaneously elucidates both their concentration and associated point defect chemistry.</p><p>The combination of a mineral that is quite straightforward to study experimentally, and the ability to distinguish between different H substitution mechanisms, a major strength of infrared spectroscopy, has proved to be hugely useful. However, the more we know, the more complex the system seems to become. For example, firstly, small changes in the major element composition of olivine were shown to have considerable effects on H diffusion. Secondly, close inspection of infrared spectra from experiments and natural samples revealed the presence of point defects that, according to the generally invoked theory, should not be there. Thirdly, small variations in experimental design between different studies apparently led to major discrepancies in results, even if the experiments were designed to measure ostensibly the same process. Fourthly, apparent diffusivities extracted from well-constrained natural samples showed results in complete disagreement with experiments in the same system.</p><p>On the one hand, these complexities have the potential to severely limit the accuracy of diffusion chronometry using H diffusion. On the other hand, complexity is opportunity. Given the wealth of published studies, both experimental and natural, and given that H-bearing point defects in olivine can be easily distinguished, we are presented with a unique possibility to truly unravel the diffusive behaviour of H in olivine. Recently developed theories suggest that treating H mobility as diffusion alone is insufficient (even if multiple diffusion mechanisms are invoked), and instead it is necessary to consider the way in which different H-bearing point defects interact within the crystal. A model describing this process in both pure and trace element-doped forsterite will be presented, which reconciles, to some extent, these previous discrepancies. The model suggests that the true mobility of H is one to two orders of magnitude higher than that which has been directly measured when assuming simple diffusion. Work is in progress to expand the model towards crystals with chemistries relevant for nature. If a similar model can be invoked for natural olivine, then this will require that models of processes invoking H diffusion (e.g. rheology, diffusion chronometry, electrical conductivity) will need to be reevaluated.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 297 ◽  
pp. 179-202
Daniel A. Coulthard ◽  
Georg F. Zellmer ◽  
Akihiko Tomiya ◽  
Sébastien Jégo ◽  
Raimundo Brahm

2020 ◽  
Euan Mutch ◽  
John Maclennan ◽  
Oliver Shorttle ◽  
John Rudge ◽  
David Neave

Geology ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 48 (7) ◽  
pp. 654-657 ◽  
Michael C. Jollands ◽  
Elias Bloch ◽  
Othmar Müntener

Abstract Titanium-in-quartz thermometry and diffusion chronometry are routinely applied to felsic magmatic systems. These techniques can be used to determine for how long, and at what temperatures, shallow crustal magmatic systems remain partially molten, both of which are fundamental for assessing volcanic hazards. We have conducted new Ti-in-quartz diffusion experiments at 1 bar, in air, between 900 and 1490 °C, and analyzed the products by secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) depth profiling. The results show that Ti diffusivity is two to three orders of magnitude lower than previously determined {log10D = –8.3 ± 0.4 m2 s–1 – [311 ± 12 kJ mol–1/(2.303RT)]}, where R is the universal gas constant (kJK–1 mol–1) and T is the temperature in Kelvin. Application of these new diffusivities brings time scales determined by Ti-in-quartz diffusion chronometry, using quartz primarily from ignimbrites, into agreement with those determined from zircon U-Pb ages from the Bishop Tuff system (California, USA). This indicates that quartz crystallized early and recorded all, or much of, the thermal history of this magmatic system. These new data also show that sharp Ti zoning profiles can be maintained in quartz within slowly cooled rocks without necessitating that the quartz crystallization temperature is significantly lower than the experimentally determined H2O-saturated granite solidus, or that such samples underwent ultrafast cooling, as has recently been proposed for the granitoids from the Tuolumne Intrusive Suite (California, USA). Finally, our data also indicate that, at least regarding the Bishop Tuff, temperatures must have remained at near-solidus conditions for the entire pre-eruptive evolution of the system, thus relaxing interpretations of “cold storage” for this magmatic system.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (4) ◽  
pp. 201-214 ◽  
F. Costa ◽  
T. Shea ◽  
T. Ubide

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