hypocenter determination
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2021 ◽  
Vol 873 (1) ◽  
pp. 012074
Dewi Ayu Swastika ◽  
Harmita Lestari ◽  
Aulia Puji Astuti ◽  
Sabrianto Aswad ◽  
Muhammad Fawzy Ismullah Massinai

Abstract The area of Sulawesi, especially along the Palu Koro Fault, is an area that is largely influenced by the confluence and movement of plates as well as regional fault activity pathways with high levels of seismicity. Determining the location of the hypocenter accurately through relocation is required in identifying the detailed tectonic structures in the area. Relocation of the hypocenter using the Modified Joint Hypocenter Determination (MJHD) method using the IASP91 velocity model in the period August to October 2018 with the arrival time data from BMKG catalog. The results of hypocenter relocation using the MJHD method show that from 132 earthquake distribution points to 63 earthquake hypocenter points after the relocation. The change in the location of the hypocenter was much denser along the Palu Koro Fault route than before the relocation as evidenced by the mean value of rms (root mean square) before relocation was 1.31 and after relocation it became smaller (0.61). Changes in parameter values after relocation using the MJHD method caused the distribution of the earthquake hypocenter to be tighter towards the Palu Koro fault than before the relocation, where the distribution had a random and scattered pattern.

2021 ◽  
Vol 873 (1) ◽  
pp. 012098
P P Rahsetyo ◽  
D P Sahara ◽  
A D Nugraha ◽  
D K Syahbana ◽  
Zulfakriza ◽  

Abstract Agung is one of active volcanoes in Indonesia, located on island of Bali. Since 1963, Agung has not had significant activity, until in September 2017 the volcano was active again which was marked by increased seismic activity and eruptions in November 2017. Therefore, to analyze the dynamics and processes of active volcanic eruptions requires an understanding of the structure of the volcano, especially the position of the magma reservoir and its path. The depiction of the structure of this volcano can be analyzed by determining the location of the earthquake due to volcanic activity, especially Volcano-Tectonic (VT) earthquake. In this study, we determined the location of the hypocenter around the Agung using the non-linear location method. VT earthquakes have similar characteristics to tectonic earthquakes so this method can be used to determine the initial hypocenter. The data used in this study came from 8 PVMBG seismographs from October to December 2017. We manually picking arrival time of P- and S-waves from the 3948 VT events found. Pair of P and S wave phases with 18741 P-wave phases and 17237 S-wave phases, plotted in a wadati diagram resulting in a vp/vs ratio of 1.7117. We use 1D velocity models derived from Koulakov with the assumption that the geology of the study area is not much different from the volcanoes in Central Java. The resulting hypocenter distribution shows a very random location and has uncertain X, Y, and Z directions from a range of 0 to 91 km. This study limits this uncertainty to 5 km resulting in a more reliable earthquakes distribution of 3050 events. The results indicate 2 clustered events, a swarm of VT events that occur every month at a depth of 8 to 15 km and there are 2 paths that lead to the top of Agung and SW of that swarm. These preliminary results will be used to update 1D velocity model and relocate the events beneath Agung region for further studies.

2020 ◽  
Faiz Muttaqy ◽  
Andri Dian Nugraha ◽  
Nanang T. Puspito ◽  
David P. Sahara ◽  
Zulfakriza Zulfakriza ◽  

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 21
Syahrial Ayub ◽  
Muhammad Zuhdi ◽  
Muhammad Taufik ◽  
Gunawan Gunawan

Volcanic earthquakes of mount Merapi have been investigated periodically. The investigation aims to determine the hypocenter and epicenter of mount Merapi's volcanic earthquake using wave polarization analysis. The analysis was carried out in three domains, which are the time domain, the frequency domain, and the space domain. The analysis in the time domain was conducted by the arrival time of the volcanic earthquake, and the analysis in the frequency domain was done by observing the spectrum to get information on source frequency and bandwidth passed from polarization analysis, while the analysis in the space domain was conducted especially on hypocenter determination of the volcanic earthquakes. The analysis leads to the frequency of source 6 Hz and a bandwidth of 0.1 Hz. Thus, the hypocenter of volcanic earthquakes by polarization analysis was distributed to depth from 670 m to 3250 m from Merapi's top

Mungunsuren Dashdondog ◽  
Odonbaatar Chimed ◽  
Anne Meltzer ◽  
Nomin-Erdene Erdenetsogt ◽  
Josh Stachnik

One dimensional (1D) velocity models are still widely used for computing earthquake locations at seismological centers. The location accuracy of an earthquake strongly depends on the velocity model used to compute the location. In the past, the local velocity model developed for the Hangay region was lacking precision due to insufficient data. Within the framework of the “Intracontinental Deformation and Surface Uplift- Geodynamic Evolution of the Hangay Dome, Mongolia, Central Asia” project [15], 72 seismic Broadband stations network were deployed in the Hangay Dome. This gives us an opportunity to estimate the crustal velocity structure of the South Hangay region using recorded local earthquake data. For this purpose, available velocity models for the South Hangay region have been re-evaluated.  By simultaneous invertion P- and S-wave arrival times using VELEST algorithm, we estimated minimum 1D velocity models, station corrections, hypocentre locations, and origin times for the south Hangay region. Consequently, 1D crustal velocity model is proposed for the South Hangay region. This new model is expected to improve the accuracy of the routine hypocenter determination and as initial reference models for seismic tomography study.

2020 ◽  
Tormod Kvaerna ◽  
Steven J. Gibbons ◽  
Timo Tiira ◽  
Elena Kozlovskaya

<p>"Precision seismology'' encompasses a set of methods which use differential measurements of time-delays to estimate the relative locations of earthquakes and explosions.  Delay-times estimated from signal correlations often allow far more accurate estimates of one event location relative to another than is possible using classical hypocenter determination techniques.  Many different algorithms and software implementations have been developed and different assumptions and procedures can often result in significant variability between different relative event location estimates.  We present a Ground Truth (GT) database of 55 military surface explosions in northern Finland in 2007 that all took place within 300 meters of each other.  The explosions were recorded with a high signal-to-noise ratio to distances of about 2 degrees, and the exceptional waveform similarity between the signals from the different explosions allows for accurate correlation-based time-delay measurements.  With exact coordinates for the explosions, we can assess the fidelity of relative location estimates made using any location algorithm or implementation.  Applying double-difference calculations using two different 1-d velocity models for the region results in hypocenter-to-hypocenter distances which are too short and the wavefield leaving the source region is more complicated than predicted by the models.  Using the GT event coordinates, we can measure the slowness vectors associated with each outgoing ray from the source region. We demonstrate that, had such corrections been available, a significant improvement in the relative location estimates would have resulted.  In practice we would of course need to solve for event hypocenters and slowness corrections simultaneously, and significant work will be needed to upgrade relative location algorithms to accommodate uncertainty in the form of the outgoing wavefield.  We present this dataset, together with GT coordinates, raw waveforms for all events on six regional stations, and tables of time-delay measurements, as a reference benchmark by which relative location algorithms and software can be evaluated.</p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 49-63
Deswita Sari ◽  
Fadiah Khairina ◽  
Gatut Daniarsyad

The part of south Sumatera is very vulnerable region in case of earthquake disaster caused by convergent boundary of two tectonic plates Indo-Australian Plates and Eurasian Plates. Precise hypocenter analysis is needed to understand about  the accurate tectonic setting such as subduction zone in the area. Hypocenter relocation is used to recalculate earthquake hypocenter to become more accurate. To produce a more accurate hyposenter this hyposenter relocation is done by using the method of Modified Joint Hypocenter Determination (MJHD). Relocation using the Modified Joint Hypocenter Determination (MJHD) method uses IASP91 wave velocity which assumes that the inner structures are heterogeneous. In this study, used data P-wave and S-wave  arrival time in the period January 2010 s.d December 2016 with coordinates -3.5º s.d -9º LS - 99º s.d 106.5º BT. The results of the relocation using MJHD showed a change of earthquake hypocenter shown by RMS (Root Mean Square) value ranging from 0.2 s.d 0.5. There are three subduction of the part in south sumatra. The subduction zone formed in Bengkulu is about 26.78º, the subduction zone of Lampung is around 30.225º and the subduction of the Sunda Strait is about 52.53º. Subduction zone of Bengkulu at depth of 250 km, Lampung and Sunda Strait at depth 400 km.

2019 ◽  
Vol 110 (1) ◽  
pp. 26-37 ◽  
Masumi Yamada ◽  
Thakur Kandel ◽  
Koji Tamaribuchi ◽  
Abhijit Ghosh

ABSTRACT In this article, we created a well-resolved aftershock catalog for the 2015 Gorkha earthquake in Nepal by processing 11 months of continuous data using an automatic onset and hypocenter determination procedure. Aftershocks were detected by the NAMASTE temporary seismic network that is densely distributed covering the rupture area and became fully operational about 50 days after the mainshock. The catalog was refined using a joint hypocenter determination technique and an optimal 1D velocity model with station correction factors determined simultaneously. We found around 15,000 aftershocks with the magnitude of completeness of ML 2. Our catalog shows that there are two large aftershock clusters along the north side of the Gorkha–Pokhara anticlinorium and smaller shallow aftershock clusters in the south. The patterns of aftershock distribution in the northern and southern clusters reflect the complex geometry of the Main Himalayan thrust. The aftershocks are located both on the slip surface and through the entire hanging wall. The 1D velocity structure obtained from this study is almost constant at a P-wave velocity (VP) of 6.0  km/s for a depth of 0–20 km, similar to VP of the shallow continental crust.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1341 ◽  
pp. 082017
M F I Massinai ◽  
A P Astuti ◽  
M R B Kiraman ◽  
M A Massinai ◽  
M Ramdhan

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