asymptotic fields
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2021 ◽  
Vol 112 ◽  
pp. 102922
Yunlong Li ◽  
Peng Wu ◽  
Hashem Mazaheri ◽  
Menghui Xu

2021 ◽  
Vol 91 ◽  
pp. 837-862
Morteza Nejati ◽  
Saeid Ghouli ◽  
Majid R. Ayatollahi

Matthias Aschenbrenner ◽  
Lou van den Dries ◽  
Joris van der Hoeven

This chapter deals with eventual quantities, immediate extensions, and special cuts. It first considers the behavior of eventual quantities before discussing Newton weight, Newton degree, and Newton multiplicity as well as Newton weight of linear differential operators. It then establishes the following result: Every asymptotically maximal H-asymptotic field with rational asymptotic integration is spherically complete. The chapter proceeds by describing special (definable) cuts in H-asymptotic fields K with asymptotic integration and introducing some key elementary properties of K, namely λ‎-freeness and ω‎-freeness, which indicate that these cuts are not realized in K. It shows that has these properties. Finally, it looks at certain special existentially definable subsets of Liouville closed H-fields K, along with the behavior of the functions ω‎ and λ‎ on these sets.

Matthias Aschenbrenner ◽  
Lou van den Dries ◽  
Joris van der Hoeven

This chapter deals with asymptotic differential fields and their asymptotic couples. Asymptotic fields include Rosenlicht's differential-valued fields and share many of their basic properties. A key feature of an asymptotic field is its asymptotic couple. The chapter first defines asymptotic fields and their asymptotic couples before discussing H-asymptotic couples. It then considers asymptotic couples independent of their connection to asymptotic fields, along with the behavior of differential polynomials as functions on asymptotic fields. It also describes asymptotic fields with small derivation and the operations of coarsening and specialization, algebraic and immediate extensions of asymptotic fields, and differential polynomials of order one. Finally, it proves some useful extension results about asymptotic couples and establishes a property of closed H-asymptotic couples.

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