effective operators
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2021 ◽  
Vol 70 (5) ◽  
pp. 2215-2301
Magda Khalile ◽  
Thomas Ourmières-Bonafos ◽  
Konstantin Pankrashkin

2021 ◽  
Vol 81 (3) ◽  
Chiara Arina ◽  
Andrew Cheek ◽  
Ken Mimasu ◽  
Luca Pagani

AbstractWe consider the treatment of fermionic dark matter interacting with photons via dimension-5 and -6 effective operators, arguing that one should always use hypercharge gauge field form factors, instead of those of the photon. Beyond the simple observation that the electromagnetic form factor description breaks down at the electroweak scale, we show how the additional couplings to the Z boson predicted by the hypercharge form factors modify the relic density calculation and indirect detection limits for dark matter masses of a few tens of GeV and above. Furthermore, constraints from the invisible Z decay width can be competitive for masses below 10 GeV. We review the phenomenology of hypercharge form factors at the LHC as well as for direct and indirect detection experiments. We highlight where the electromagnetic and hypercharge descriptions lead to wildly different conclusions about the viable parameter space and the relative sensitivity of various probes, namely vector boson fusion versus mono-jet constraints from the LHC, and indirect versus direct searches, for larger dark matter masses. We find that the dimension-5 operators are strongly constrained by direct detection bounds, while for dimension-6 operators LHC mono-jet searches are competitive or better than the other probes we consider.

2021 ◽  
Vol 81 (1) ◽  
Pilar Coloma ◽  
Enrique Fernández-Martínez ◽  
Manuel González-López ◽  
Josu Hernández-García ◽  
Zarko Pavlovic

AbstractThe simplest extension of the SM to account for the observed neutrino masses and mixings is the addition of at least two singlet fermions (or right-handed neutrinos). If their masses lie at or below the GeV scale, such new fermions would be produced in meson decays. Similarly, provided they are sufficiently heavy, their decay channels may involve mesons in the final state. Although the couplings between mesons and heavy neutrinos have been computed previously, significant discrepancies can be found in the literature. The aim of this paper is to clarify such discrepancies and provide consistent expressions for all relevant effective operators involving mesons with masses up to 2 GeV. Moreover, the effective Lagrangians obtained for both the Dirac and Majorana scenarios are made publicly available as FeynRules models so that fully differential event distributions can be easily simulated. As an application of our setup, we numerically compute the expected sensitivity of the DUNE near detector to these heavy neutral leptons.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2020 (11) ◽  
Luca Di Luzio

Abstract An accidental U(1) Peccei-Quinn (PQ) symmetry automatically arises in a class of SO(10) unified theories upon gauging the SU(3)f flavour group. The PQ symmetry is protected by the ℤ4 × ℤ3 center of SO(10) × SU(3)f up to effective operators of canonical dimension six. However, high-scale contributions to the axion potential posing a PQ quality problem arise only at d = 9. In the pre-inflationary PQ breaking scenario the axion mass window is predicted to be ma ∈ [7 × 10−8, 10−3] eV, where the lower end is bounded by the seesaw scale and the upper end by iso-curvature fluctuations. A high-quality axion, that is immune to the PQ quality problem, is obtained for ma ≳ 2 0.02 eV. We finally offer a general perspective on the PQ quality problem in grand unified theories.

2020 ◽  
Vol 102 (7) ◽  
Ambalika Biswas ◽  
Anirban Kundu ◽  
Poulami Mondal

2020 ◽  
Seth Moortgat ◽  
Jorgen D'Hondt ◽  
Alberto Mariotti ◽  
Ken Mimasu ◽  
Cen Zhang

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (6) ◽  
Anke Biekoetter ◽  
Tyler Corbett ◽  
Tilman Plehn

We present a global analysis of the Higgs and electroweak sector based on LHC Run II and electroweak precision observables. We show which measurements provide the leading constraints on Higgs-related operators, and how the achieved LHC precision makes it necessary to combine rate measurements with electroweak precision observables. The SFitter framework allows us to include kinematic distributions beyond pre-defined ATLAS and CMS observables, independently study correlations, and avoid Gaussian assumptions for theory uncertainties. These Run II results are a step towards a precision physics program at the LHC, interpreted in terms of effective operators.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2019 (4) ◽  
Bradley J. Kavanagh ◽  
Paolo Panci ◽  
Robert Ziegler

2019 ◽  
Vol 22 (04) ◽  
pp. 1950021
César R. de Oliveira ◽  
Alessandra A. Verri

Consider the Neumann Laplacian in the region below the graph of [Formula: see text], for a positive smooth function [Formula: see text] with both [Formula: see text] and [Formula: see text] bounded. As [Formula: see text] such region collapses to [Formula: see text] and an effective operator is found, which has Robin boundary conditions at [Formula: see text]. Then, we recover (under suitable assumptions in the case of unbounded [Formula: see text]) such effective operators through uniformly collapsing regions; in such approach, we have (roughly) got norm resolvent convergence for [Formula: see text] diverging less than exponentially.

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