surface mapping
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Muhammad Nouman ◽  
Gohar Rehman ◽  
Muhammad Yaseen ◽  
Sohail Wahid ◽  
Ibrahim Safi ◽  

AbstractThis research was carried out to understand the nature of strike-slip Jhelum Fault zone and to propose a model for the surface to subsurface deformation pattern. Field data along with satellite images are used to construct the geological map. Moreover, the subsurface model has been proposed using the mechanism of dip-isogons in computer application which connects points of equal inclination or dip on the outer and inner bounding surfaces of a folded layers. The proposed geological map and subsurface model shows that the Jhelum Fault when propagated in the south from Hazara-Kashmir Syntaxis forms a continuous shear zone on surface with some discontinuous exposure of splay faults rather than exposed as continuous discrete break. Likewise, the subsurface cross sections show that deformation along the fault zone is accumulated by splay faults from the main Jhelum Fault, which forms a positive flower structure with steep north-eastward dips, which is characteristics of strike-slip movement along Jhelum Fault Zone. The vertical stratigraphic throw along these faults shows small offsets and little east–west shortening, indicating that the major slip along the fault is strike slip.

2021 ◽  
Vol 32 (3) ◽  
pp. 1-11
Ezzah Azimah Alias ◽  
Muhamad Ikram Md Taib ◽  
Ahmad Shuhaimi Abu Bakar ◽  
Takashi Egawa ◽  

A crack-free indium gallium nitride (InGaN) based light emitting diode (LED) grown on silicon (Si) substrate was successfully demonstrated by introducing aluminium nitride/gallium nitride (AlN/GaN) superlattice structure (SLS) in the growth of the LED. The luminescence and the crystalline properties of the LED were discussed. From photoluminescence (PL) surface mapping measurement, the emission wavelength of the LED (453 nm) was almost uniform across the LED epi-wafer area. Temperaturedependent PL revealed that the dominant emission peak of the LED was 2.77 eV at all temperatures. The emission peak was related to the quantum wells of the LED. Some additional peaks were also observed, in particular at lower temperatures. These peaks were associated to alloy fluctuations in the In0.11Ga0.89N/ In0.02Ga0.98N multiquantum wells (MQWs) of the LED. Furthermore, the dependence of PL intensity and PL decay time on temperature revealed the evidence related to indium and/or interface fluctuations of the quantum wells. From X-ray diffraction (XRD) ω-scan measurements, fringes of the AlN/GaN SLS were clear, indicating the SLS were grown with good interface abruptness. However, the fringes for the MQWs were less uniform, indicating another evidence of the alloy fluctuations in the MQWs. XRD-reciprocal surface mapping (RSM) measurement showed that all epitaxial layers of the LED were grown coherently, and the LED was fully under strain.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (4) ◽  
Brenden R. Ortiz ◽  
Samuel M. L. Teicher ◽  
Linus Kautzsch ◽  
Paul M. Sarte ◽  
Noah Ratcliff ◽  

2021 ◽  
Anand O Masson ◽  
Bryce Besler ◽  
W Brent Edwards ◽  
Roman J Krawetz

Characterizing the biomechanical properties of articular cartilage is crucial to understanding processes of tissue homeostasis vs. degeneration. In mouse models, however, limitations are imposed by their small joint size and thin cartilage surfaces. Here we present a 3D automated surface mapping system and methodology that allows for mechanical characterization of mouse cartilage with high spatial resolution. We performed repeated indentation mappings, followed by cartilage thickness measurement via needle probing, at 31 predefined positions distributed over the medial and lateral femoral condyles of healthy mice. High-resolution 3D x-ray microscopy (XRM) imaging was used to validate tissue thickness measurements. The automated indentation mapping was reproducible, and needle probing yielded cartilage thicknesses comparable to XRM imaging. When comparing healthy vs. degenerated cartilage, topographical variations in biomechanics were identified, with altered thickness and stiffness (instantaneous modulus) across condyles and within anteroposterior sub-regions. This quantitative technique comprehensively characterized cartilage function in mice femoral condyle cartilage. Hence, it has the potential to improve our understanding of tissue structure-function interplay in mouse models of repair and disease.

2021 ◽  
Yujie Lian ◽  
Georg Rempfer ◽  
Hadi Askaripoor ◽  
Jonas Landsgesell ◽  
Alois Knoll

Gregory O'Grady ◽  
Armen A. Gharibans ◽  
Peng Du ◽  
Jan D. Huizinga

Gastric peristalsis is critically dependent on an underlying electrical conduction system. Recent years have witnessed substantial progress in clarifying the operations of this system, including its pacemaking units, its cellular architecture, and slow wave propagation patterns. Advanced techniques have been developed for assessing its functions at high spatiotemporal resolutions. This review synthesizes and evaluates this progress, with a focus on human and translational physiology. A current conception of the initiation and conduction of slow wave activity in the human stomach is provided first, followed by a detailed discussion of its organisation at the cellular and tissue level. Particular emphasis is then given to how gastric electrical disorders may contribute to disease states. Gastric dysfunction continues to grow in their prevalence and impact, and while gastric dysrhythmia is established as a clear and pervasive feature in several major gastric disorders, its role in explaining pathophysiology and informing therapy is still emerging. New insights from high-resolution gastric mapping are evaluated, together with historical data from electrogastrography, and the physiological relevance of emerging biomarkers from body surface mapping such as retrograde propagating slow waves. Knowledge gaps requiring further physiological research are highlighted.

2021 ◽  
Pierre-Alain Langlois ◽  
Matthew Fisher ◽  
Oliver Wang ◽  
Vladimir Kim ◽  
Alexandre Boulch ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 116 (3) ◽  
pp. e466
Guanqiao Shan ◽  
Zhuoran Zhang ◽  
Changsheng Dai ◽  
Hang Liu ◽  
Xian Wang ◽  

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