resource support
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2022 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 101247
Cristina I Font-Julián ◽  
José-Antonio Ontalba-Ruipérez ◽  
Enrique Orduña-Malea ◽  
Mike Thelwall

2021 ◽  
Vol 35 (6) ◽  
pp. 137-146
Haeyoon Lee ◽  
Muheon Jeong ◽  
Inseon Park

The purpose of this study is to obtain implications through comparative analysis of disaster safety datasets and services of representative public data portals in Korea and Japan. Comparative standards were established first. Then, dataset weight analysis of disaster-type and safety-management -stage components, trend analysis through text mining on data-set descriptions, and data quality and portal services analysis were performed. As a result public data sets were lower in Korea both numerically and proportionally than in Japan. Japan had a high proportion of disaster preparation and recovery datasets in terms of disaster safety management, while Korea had a high proportion of prevention data-sets. In addition, in terms of disaster response collaboration, most of Korea has material management and resource support, but Japan has high proportion of emergency recovery and situation management of damaged facilities. In terms of data quality, Japan has many datasets with four levels of Berners-Lee rating. However Korea has a high proportion of datasets with three levels of Beners-Lee rating. However, Korea has a better data format for big-data utilization. Portal services are mainly centered on natural disasters in Japan, but in Korea, they are centered on social disasters. The results of this study provide a reference for the future direction of disaster safety public data portals in Korea.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (6) ◽  
pp. 275-284
Youngseok Song ◽  
Hyeongjun Lee ◽  
Yangho Song ◽  
Moojong Park

In this study, an estimation method for damage and recovery costs on account of domestic droughts was developed. The estimation method for the scale of damage was applied based on the national drought statistics generated by the Ministry of Public Administration and Security. The damage and recovery costs of domestic droughts were calculated based on the damage data of domestic droughts that occurred in 2018 and 2019. The estimation method was developed for damage costs incurred due to domestic droughts by considering the number of people affected by water supply restrictions, accommodation, and restaurants. The method for estimating recovery costs after domestic droughts was developed considering domestic disaster support, water support, water development support, equipment support, and human resource support for victims. Due to the construction of a DB of limited domestic drought damage status, the damage costs were calculated for the number of people affected by water supply restrictions, and the recovery costs were calculated for the domestic disaster and water support. The total damage costs caused by domestic droughts in 2018 amounted to 612.471 M KRW, and in Gangwon-do and Jeollanam-do, they were 218.616 M KRW in 2019, and more than 90% of Incheon metropolitan city was calculated. The total recovery costs caused by domestic droughts in 2018 were 5,994.555 M KRW, and in Gangwon-do and Jeollanam-do, they amounted to 4,882.024 M KRW in 2019, and more than 90% of Chungcheongnam-do was calculated. The difference between the damage and recovery costs of domestic droughts was approximately tenfold in 2018 and twentyfold in 2019.

2021 ◽  
pp. 003022282110666
Emmanuel Nii-Boye Quarshie ◽  
Kwaku Oppong Asante ◽  
Johnny Andoh-Arthur ◽  
Charity Sylvia Akotia ◽  
Joseph Osafo

We explored the views of members of parliament (MPs) in Ghana on the call to decriminalise attempted suicide. We applied reflexive thematic analysis to Parliamentary Hansards (2017–2020) on calls to decriminalise attempted suicide in Ghana. 11 MPs shared their stance for or against the call. We developed three major themes that entailed, often, opposing views: (1) deterrent effect of the law (against: the law punishes and deters to protect life; for: the law is insensitive and has ironic effects), (2) enforcement of the law (against: leave things as they are, the law is not enforced, anyway; for: crime is not self-inflicted) and (3) prioritisation of suicide prevention (against: focus on more pressing issues, but resource support systems; for: the law and legitimate support systems cannot co-exist). The findings indicate two needs: to extend suicide literacy to Ghanaian MPs, and to initiate a public/private member’s bill on attempted suicide decriminalisation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (4) ◽  
pp. 48-64
Kateryna KLYMENKO ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 70
M. Daimul Abror

Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan, menganalisis, dan menginterpretasikan strategi aparatur Desa dalam meningkatkan kesadaran tertib administrasi kependudukan di Desa Kayukebek dengan mengacu pada tipe-tipe strategi menurut Jack Koteen meliputi: Corporate strategy, Program strategy, Resource support strategy, dan Institutional strategy. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif deskriptif. Informan dari penelitian ini adalah Kepala Desa, Sekretaris Desa sebagai pemegang peranan penting dalam keputusan pemerintahan Desa, Kaur bagian pelayanan administrasi kependudukan dan kepala adat umat Hindu sebagai informan kunci yang mengetahui permasalahan yang terjadi, masyarakat sebanyak 1-2 orang sebagai perwakilan dari masing-masing Dusun. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan, pertama kondisi administrasi kependudukan di Desa Kayukebek khususnya kalangan umat Hindu saat ini sudah mulai tertib dimana masyarakat dulunya tidak respon sekarang sudah mulai mengerti dan sadar akan pentingnya administrasi kependudukan. Kedua terdapat beberapa faktor yang menyebabkan warga kurang tertib administrasi kependudukan salah satunya yaitu masyarakat mengeluhkan akan biaya yang mahal, jarak tempuh ke balai desa jauh dan masyarakat kurang memiliki kesadaran dari awal sehingga ketika ada keperluan mendadak saja mereka baru mengurusnya, seperti kebutuhan untuk persyaratan pendaftaran masuk sekolah, pernikahan dan lain sebagainya. Ketiga, strategi aparatur desa dalam meningkatkan kesadaran tertib administrasi kependudukan di kalangan umat Hindu upaya yang dilakukan antara lain dengan mengadakan sosialisasi administrasi kependudukan, pemanfaatan sumber daya manusia, meningkatkan kemampuan aparatur desa untuk melakukan koordinasi dan kerjasama dengan instansi terkait administrasi kependudukan dan mendekatkan pelayanan secara langsung kepada masyarakat

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (Supplement_1) ◽  
pp. 633-633
Katherine Thompson ◽  
Victoria Winslow ◽  
El Pinkerton ◽  
Elbert Huang ◽  
Maria de Ornelas ◽  

Abstract Informal caregivers of people with Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias (ADRD) are a vulnerable, often isolated population with high rates of financial strain and need for community resource supports. Little is known about how best to connect these caregivers to resources, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. CommunityRx-Caregiver is an evidence-based intervention that connects caregivers to community resources for basic needs, wellness, and caregiving. Using preliminary data from a randomized trial of CommunityRx-Caregiver (N=344), we examined caregivers’ baseline confidence in finding community resources and their engagement in the CommunityRx-Caregiver intervention. Caregivers enrolled December 2020-February 2021 (n=26) received (1) personalized lists of community resources via text message (HealtheRx), (2) access to an online resource portal (FindRx) and (3) automated texts offering support for finding resources. Most caregivers were female (65%), Black (92%), >60 years old (64%) and 44% reported very good or excellent health. Nearly half of caregivers (46%) were completely confident in finding community resources. Overall, 81% of caregivers engaged with a text message or the FindRx. Nearly two-thirds (65%) of caregivers responded to at least one text message. More than a quarter (27%) used the FindRx tool; 5/7 of those shared FindRx resources with others. Caregivers sought resources including in-home personal care, exercise classes and support groups. Caregivers of people with ADRD, many of whom had low confidence in finding resources, engaged with a multi-modal information technology-based intervention to obtain community resource support. These preliminary findings suggest caregivers were receptive to a remotely-delivered community referral intervention during the COVID-19 pandemic.

2021 ◽  
Vol 24 (6) ◽  
pp. 62-80
Natalia Trusova ◽  
Nataliia Polishchuk ◽  
Alina Sakun ◽  
Oleksandr Prystеmskyi ◽  
Roman Morozov

The article considers the anti-crisis stability of the potential of break-even development and its resource support in agribusiness. The necessity of a synergetic approach to estimating the dynamic flow of resources capable of generating own sources of financing to activate the target parameters of crisis stability of break-even development potential and the development of an alternative scenario of self-financing of the production and financial cycle to stimulate economic growth of agribusiness is proved. The reproductive process of resource support of anti-crisis stability of the potential for safe development of agribusiness enterprises is substantiated. The model of estimation of target parameters of anti-crisis stability of potential of unprofitable development of agrarian business and a matrix of its point estimation at a choice of the alternative scenario of self-financing is presented. Scenarios of the flow of resource support of anti-crisis stability of the potential of unprofitable development of the agribusiness enterprise are developed. An indicator of the level of anti-crisis stability of the break-even development potential according to the determined target parameters of self-financing is offered. The dynamics of anti-crisis factor load on the stability of the potential of break-even development of agribusiness enterprises on average in one region of the Steppe zone of Ukraine by its territorial location is analyzed. Cluster analysis was used to assess the elements of the qualitative system-resource component of anti-crisis stability of the potential of break-even development with the separation of types of agribusiness enterprises in the regions of the Steppe zone of Ukraine with different structure of current assets. The forecast level of resource support according to the quantitative component of anti-crisis stability of the potential of break-even development on average in the regions of the Steppe zone of Ukraine and per one agribusiness enterprise of the region is determined. The forecast range of limits of target parameters of self-financing and their influence on the level of anti-crisis stability of potential of unprofitable development of agribusiness enterprises on the average on one region of the Steppe zone is presented

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (4) ◽  
pp. 502
Evi Gravitiani ◽  
Bhimo Rizky Samudro ◽  
Rochmat Aldy Purnomo ◽  
JJ Sarungu ◽  
Mugi Rahardjo

Jumlah tenaga kerja yang tinggi masih belum diimbangi dengan ketersediaan lapangan kerja yang mencukupi. Kondisi seperti ini memerlukan solusi agar angka pengangguran tidak semakin bertambah. Hasil yang ingin dicapai dari kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah terbentuknya pola pikir dari para penyandang disabilitas yang ada di Kampung Idiot Ponorogo. Oleh karena itu perlu adanya rumusan atau Road map sebagai upaya yang dilakukan untuk mendapatkan efektivitas pembelajaran program batik ciprat bagi penyandang disabilitas di Kampung idiot Ponorogo. Metode kegiatan pengabdian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dan intensif yaitu, tenant penyandang disabilitas mendapatkan pembelajaran dan pendampingan kewirausahaan secara intensif dari pengajar, praktisi dan semua pihak yang terlibat terkait batik ciprat. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa kepemimpinan adalah kunci organisasi kewirausahaan sosial di Rumah Harapan. Terlihat dari kondisi pelatihan, pengelolaan, dan strukturisasi Rumah Harapan dapat berjalan sesuai harapan bersama. Sokongan sumberdaya merupakan bahan bakar yang menyuplai ketersediaan hal-hal yang dibutuhkan oleh Rumah Harapan, seperti adanya sumber daya manusia. Kesimpulannya yaitu pelatihan pembelajaran batik ciprat merupakan jaringan dan menjadi kunci bagi organisasi kewirausahaan sosial desa ini sehingga mampu bertahan karena hubungan kerja sama dengan stakeholder bagi Rumah Harapan bukan sekedar untuk memperluas target penjualan produk tetapi juga bentuk usaha penggalian ilmu-ilmu baru.Kata Kunci: Batik Ciprat; Identitas; Pemberdayaan Ekonomi; Kampung Idiot Ponorogo; KewirausahaanBatik Ciprat, The Identity and Economic Empowerment for Handicapped in Kampung Idiot, PonorogoABSTRACTThe availability of adequate employment has not matched the high number of workers. Conditions like this require a solution so that unemployment does not increase. The outcome of this community service activity is the formation of the mindset of persons with disabilities in Kampung Idiot Ponorogo. Therefore it is necessary to have a formula or Road map as an effort made to obtain the effectiveness of learning the ciprat batik program for people with disabilities in the idiot village of Ponorogo. This service activity method uses a qualitative and intensive approach. That is, tenants with disabilities get intensive entrepreneurial learning and mentoring from teachers, practitioners, and all parties involved with splatter batik. The results show that leadership is the key to the social entrepreneurship organization at Rumah Harapan. It can be seen from the conditions of the training, management, and structure of Rumah Harapan that it can run according to mutual expectations. Resource support is the fuel that supplies the things needed by Rumah Harapan, such as human resources. The conclusion is that the ciprat batik learning training is a network and is the key for this village social entrepreneurship organization so that it can survive because the cooperative relationship with stakeholders for Rumah Harapan is not only to expand product sales targets but also a form of business exploring new knowledge.. Keywords: Ciprat Batik; Identity; Economic Empowerment; Idiot Ponorogo Village; Entrepreneurship

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (9) ◽  
pp. 36-51
Anatolii DROBIAZKO ◽  
Oleksandr LYUBICH ◽  
Olena KAMINSKA ◽  

The article considers the development trends of the main banking markets of active operations for the eight months of 2021. The analysis of market trends has showed that despite significant efforts of the Government to intensify lending under the programs "Affordable Loans 5-7-9%" and "Mortgage Lending", the dynamics of growth of banks' loan portfolios can notmeet expectations. The banking regulator has adopted new legal and regulatory requirements that significantly cool the banking business in conducting new lending operations. Banks with state participation in capital dominate the volume of credit operations. There is a tendency to reduce the volume of negatively classified assets in banks with the participation of the state in capital. The downward trend in negatively classified assets provides prospects for attracting foreign capital to the balance sheets of these banks. In general, the global trend of enhancing the role of the state in solving problems during the crisis has manifested itself in the economic processes of Ukraine. Trends regarding the increase of the role of the state in the financial sector during the economic crisis in modern literature is called the "new Keynesianism". In the banking sector of Ukraine there is a situation when banks have a reserve of liquidity to expand lending. But the regulatory requirements for financial monitoring of banking operations and reserve requirements for active operations of banks have become stiffer in terms of resource support for the economy.In addition, the strengthening of legal requirements for personal criminal liability of bank management is a brake on resource support of the economy. Fiscal housing at this stage of development of the financial system of Ukraine is manifested in the significant activity of banks in the government securities market. It is not worth expecting significant economic support due to the increase in bank lending without changes in regulatory policy in the crisis of 2021.

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