prediction program
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Aerospace ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 27
Grazia Piccirillo ◽  
Nicole Viola ◽  
Roberta Fusaro ◽  
Luigi Federico

One of the most critical regulatory issues related to supersonic flight arises from limitations imposed by community noise acceptability. The most efficient way to ensure that future supersonic aircraft will meet low-noise requirements is the verification of noise emissions from the early stages of the design process. Therefore, this paper suggests guidelines for the Landing and Take-Off (LTO) noise assessment of future civil supersonic aircraft in conceptual design. The supersonic aircraft noise model is based on the semi-empirical equations employed in the early versions of the Aircraft NOise Prediction Program (ANOPP) developed by NASA, whereas sound attenuation due to atmospheric absorption has been considered in accordance with SAE ARP 866 B. The simulation of the trajectory leads to the prediction of the aircraft noise level on ground in terms of several acoustic metrics (LAmax, SEL, PNLTM and EPNL). Therefore, a dedicated validation has been performed, selecting the only available supersonic aircraft of the Aircraft Noise and Performance database (ANP), that is, the Concorde, through the matching with Noise Power Distance (NPD) curves for LAmax and SEL, obtaining a maximum prediction error of ±2.19%. At least, an application to departure and approach procedures is reported to verify the first noise estimations with current noise requirements defined by ICAO at the three certification measurement points (sideline, flyover, approach) and to draw preliminary considerations for future low-noise supersonic aircraft design.

2021 ◽  
Vol 29 (4) ◽  
pp. 309-319
Kiumars Teymourian ◽  
Phillip Tretten ◽  
Dammika Seneviratne ◽  
Diego Galar

Abstract Maintainability is one of the design parameters (reliability, availability, maintainability, and safety (RAMS)) and maintenance is needed to keep the respective design in sustainable use. At the same time, the human is involved in the form of interface and interaction in an engineered product/system designed. Ergonomics is a multi-disciplinary science that considers human capabilities and limitations in a broader sense. The objective of this paper is to integrate ergonomics into the maintainability design process in order to facilitate maintenance operation in lesser; time, cost, easier operation as well as the well-being of human who is involved. In other words, good ergonomics lead to good economics and in a broader sense, sustainability. This investigation shows that designing comfortable workplaces and lesser workload for maintenance operators will be beneficial for the maintainability design process and also improve the meantime to repair MTTR. In order to evaluate the effect of designed work-place and workload on maintainers 3 D Static Strength Prediction Program (3D SSPP) that is commonly used as an ergonomics evaluation tool in scientific studies was applied.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (01) ◽  
pp. 1-30
N. S. S. Prabahar ◽  
A. Persson ◽  
L. Larsson

Abstract Horizontal T-foils allow for maximum lift generation within a given span. However, the lift force on a T-foil acts on the symmetry plane of the hull, thereby producing no righting moment. It results in a lack of transverse stability during foil-borne sailing. In this paper, we propose a system, where the height-regulating flap on the trailing edge of the foil is split into a port and a starboard part, whose deflection angles are adjusted to shift the centre of effort of the lift force. Similar to the ailerons which help in steering aircraft, the split-flaps produce an additional righting moment for stabilizing the boat. The improved stability comes, however, at a cost of additional induced resistance. To investigate the performance of the split-flap system a new Dynamic Velocity Prediction Program (DVPP) is developed. Since it is very important for the performance evaluation of the proposed system it is described in some detail in the paper. A complicated effect to model in the DVPP is the flow in the slot between the two flaps and the induced resistance due to the generated vorticity. Therefore, a detailed CFD investigation is carried out to validate a model for the resistance due to the slot effect. Two applications of the split-flap system: an Automated Heel Stability System (AHSS) and a manual offset system for performance increase are studied using a DVPP for a custom-made double-handed skiff. It is shown that the AHSS system can assist the sailors while stabilizing the boat during unsteady wind conditions. The manual offset enables the sailors to adjust the difference between the deflection angles of the two flaps while sailing, thus creating a righting moment whenever required. Such a system would be an advantage whilst sailing with a windward heel. Due to the additional righting moment from the manual offset system, the sails could be less depowered by the sailors resulting in a faster boat despite the additional induced resistance. It is shown in the paper that the control systems for the ride height and the heel stability need to be decoupled. The paper ends with a description of a mechanical system that satisfies this requirement.

2021 ◽  
Vol 45 (5) ◽  
pp. 288-299
Pham Minh Ngoc ◽  
Bu-gi Kim ◽  
Changjo Yang

2021 ◽  
pp. 563-576
Giovanni Capurro ◽  
Paolo Sodomaco

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (01) ◽  
pp. 173-192
Q. Penloup ◽  
K. Roncin ◽  
Y. Parlier

A Design of Experiment method was applied combined with a performance prediction program to assess the influence of four design parameters on the propulsive capacity of kites used as auxiliary propulsion for merchant vessels. Those parameters are the lift coefficient, the lift to drag ratio or drag angle, the maximal load bearable by the kite and the ratio of the tether length on the square root of the kite area. These parameters are independent from the kite area and, therefore, they could be used with various kite ranges and types. The maximum wing load parameter is the one that shows the most influence on the propulsive force. Over 50% of the gains obtained through this study are directly attributable to it. Then the ratio of the tether length on the square root of the kite area comes as the second greatest influence factor for true wind angles above 70°. While the drag angle is more influential for the narrower angles. In fact, the most substantial gains are made upwind.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 368-378
Efi Yuliati Yovi ◽  
Nasruli Awaliyah

Even though pine oleoresin harvesting is labor-intensive forestry work involving manual material handling (especially lifting) and is massively carried out in Indonesia, there is a lack of ergonomics studies on manual pine oleoresin harvesting. This study focused on lifting-related postures in pine oleoresin harvesting. A Three Dimension Static Strength Prediction Program Version 7.1.0 was used to identify the injury risk on the lower back (lumbosacral joint, L5/S1) using biomechanical criteria (compression and shear forces) at extreme postures. Recommended Weight Limit (RWL) and Lifting Index (LI) were calculated for a comprehensive analysis. The exceeding compression and shear forces indicated that the L5/S1 injury risk on oleoresin collecting work (part of oleoresin harvesting) is high. The psychophysical analysis confirmed the findings, as several main postures in this work were categorized as intense manual lifting due to the excessive score of LI.  A significant reduction in the L5/S1 compression and shear forces were shown at a simulation using a proposed load threshold (using the calculated RWL). Keywords: biomechanics, ergonomics, forestry work, manual lifting, oleoresin harvesting

2021 ◽  
Marissa Torres ◽  
Norberto Nadal-Caraballo

The quantification of storm surge is vital for flood hazard assessment in communities affected by coastal storms. The astronomical tide is an integral component of the total still water level needed for accurate storm surge estimates. Coastal hazard analysis methods, such as the Coastal Hazards System and the StormSim Coastal Hazards Rapid Prediction System, require thousands of hydrodynamic and wave simulations that are computationally expensive. In some regions, the inclusion of astronomical tides is neglected in the hydrodynamics and tides are instead incorporated within the probabilistic framework. There is a need for a rapid, reliable, and accurate tide prediction methodology to provide spatially dense reconstructed or predicted tidal time series for historical, synthetic, and forecasted hurricane scenarios. A methodology is proposed to combine the tidal harmonic information from the spatially dense Advanced Circulation hydrodynamic model tidal database with a rapid tidal reconstruction and prediction program. In this study, the Unified Tidal Analysis program was paired with results from the tidal database. This methodology will produce reconstructed (i.e., historical) and predicted tidal heights for coastal locations along the United States eastern seaboard and beyond and will contribute to the determination of accurate still water levels in coastal hazard analysis methods.

Deepak Kunwar

The Disease prediction Program is based on a prediction model predicting user disease on the basis of the following indicators the user contributes as an input to the system.. The system analyzes the symptoms provided by the user as input and gives the probability of the disease as an output Disease Prediction is done by implementing the CNN Classifier. CNN Classifier calculates the probability of the disease. Along with disease prediction system also calculates severity of disease and as per severity of disease suggests medicine. Suggesting diet and appropriate exercise is another merit of proposed system. Prediction of disease involves current as well as medical history of user.

2021 ◽  
Vol 94 ◽  
pp. 103415
Andrew D. Hall ◽  
Nicholas J. La Delfa ◽  
Chris Loma ◽  
Jim R. Potvin

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