moscow state pedagogical
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A. A. Zdanovich ◽  

Aleksander Aleksandrovich Zdanovich — Doctor of Historical Sciences, professor, veteran of the KGB of the USSR and the FSB of Russia, retired lieutenant general, professor of the Moscow State Pedagogical University, the author of several monographs on the history of Russian special services and the Great Patriotic War. He is one of the founding fathers and president of the Society for the Study of the History of Russian Special Services and active organizer of the scientific conference «Historical Readings in the Lubyanka». This interview was agreed upon during the scientific trip of A. A. Zdanovich to Omsk in September 2020. The interview was given remotely and then edited by Aleksander Aleksandrovich from Moscow in September 2021. The conversation is devoted to the current state and prospects of studying the history of the Russian special services.

Tatiana Borisovna Kiseleva ◽  
Irina Aleksandrovna Gorbenko

The article reveals the content of the concept of «bullying». The authors present the experience of preparing students for the prevention of bullying in adolescent environment by means of cinematherapy at the Moscow State Pedagogical University.

А.М. Черныш

в статье обсуждается значение преподавания истории в высших учебных заведениях. Отмечается место и роль преподавания истории в воспитании патриотизма. Освещаются проблемы и точки зрения, связанные с этой проблематикой, даются рекомендации, показан опыт преподавания истории в Московском педагогическом государственном университете. the article discusses the importance and significance of teaching his-tory in high school. The place and role of History in the upbringing of patriotism is noted. The problems and points of view related to this issue are highlighted, recom-mendations are given. Experience in teaching History at the Moscow State Pedagogical University is shown.

А.А. Шевцова ◽  
И.А. Купцова

В статье рассматривается кейс дистанционного обучения, реализованный на кафедре культурологии Московского педагогического государственного университета (МПГУ) во время пандемии коронавируса COVID-19 весной – начале лета 2020 г. Авторы анализируют спектр различных творческих домашних заданий для студентов бакалавриата и магистратуры и практику их применения в условиях дистанционного обучения. the article deals with the case of distance learning, implemented at the Department of cultural studies of the Moscow state pedagogical University (MPSU) during the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic in the spring and early summer of 2020. The authors analyze the range of various creative homework assignments for undergraduate and graduate students and the practice of their application in distance learning.

Е.Г. Кузнецова ◽  
П.А. Прасолова

в статье раскрывается специфика образовательной подготовки в области социального предпринимательства. Рассмотрен опыт ряда вузов РФ в области обучения социальному предпринимательству. Обобщены результаты анкетирования, проведенного среди студентов ИСГО МПГУ с целью выявления заинтересованности в обучении социальному предпринимательству. Делается вывод о целесообразности введения в образовательные программы МПГУ на всех уровнях образования таких дисциплин, как «Основы современного предпринимательства», «Управление в сфере социального предпринимательства», «Социальное предпринимательство в сфере образования» и др. the article reveals the specifics of educational training in the field of social entrepreneurship. The experience of several Russian universities in the field of training in social entrepreneurship is considered. The results of a questionnaire conducted among students of the Institute of Social and Humanitarian Studies of the Moscow State Pedagogical University are generalized in order to identify interest in learning social entrepreneurship. It is concluded that it is advisable to introduce such disciplines as the Foundations of Modern Entrepreneurship, Management in the Field of Social Entrepreneurship, Social Entrepreneurship in the Field of Education, etc. at the Moscow State Pedagogical University at all levels of education.

В.Д. Янченко

В статье рассмотрен вклад профессоров кафедры методики преподавания русского языка в развитие отечественной методики РКИ от ее истоков до современности, освещена профессиональная деятельность некоторых ученых кафедры в области методической науки, продемонстрирована преемственность в развитии методической науки и показана современная тенденция к продолжению традиций кафедры и опоры на наследие ученых – предшественников в области РКИ. The article considers the contribution of the teaching staff in the field of methodology, which proved the continuity in the development of the department’s methodology and reliance on the heritage of predecessors in the field of RFL’s.

Tatiana Semenova

The author describes the experience of organizing and conducting a summer teaching counselor practice at the faculty of preschool pedagogy and psychology of the Moscow State Pedagogical University (MPSU) as a social and pedagogical innovation, analyzes the problems and highlights the prospects for the implementation of the module «basics of counselor activity». The purpose of the study: the study of opinions of students of Faculty of preschool pedagogy and psychology Moscow State Pedagogical University (MSPU) relative to years of teaching leader practices for consolidation and analysis of their experience; identification of problems and definition of prospects of the organization and conduct of this practice, the dissemination of pedagogical experience. Research problem: 1. study of the opinion of students of the faculty of preschool pedagogy and psychology of MPSU regarding the organization and conduct of summer pedagogical leader practice; 2. identification of the attitude of students of the faculty of preschool pedagogy and psychology to the study of the module "Basics of leadership activity"; 3. justification of the need to study the module "Basics of leadership activities" and include leadership practice in the curriculum of students' training, identifying problems and determining the prospects for its organization and implementation.

В. Бердичевский ◽  
V. Berdichevskiy

The article discusses some issues of the use of visual teaching aids for the Russian language of foreign students, mainly from China and Southeast Asia, based on the mentality of representatives of these countries. The basis is the experience of teaching RFLs at the preparatory department for foreign citizens of Moscow State Pedagogical University.

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