body chamber
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2021 ◽  
Vol 140 (1) ◽  
Christian Klug ◽  
Alexander Pohle ◽  
Rosemarie Roth ◽  
René Hoffmann ◽  
Ryoji Wani ◽  

AbstractNautilid, coleoid and ammonite cephalopods preserving jaws and soft tissue remains are moderately common in the extremely fossiliferous Konservat-Lagerstätte of the Hadjoula, Haqel and Sahel Aalma region, Lebanon. We assume that hundreds of cephalopod fossils from this region with soft-tissues lie in collections worldwide. Here, we describe two specimens of Syrionautilus libanoticus (Cymatoceratidae, Nautilida, Cephalopoda) from the Cenomanian of Hadjoula. Both specimens preserve soft parts, but only one shows an imprint of the conch. The specimen without conch displays a lot of anatomical detail. We homologise the fossilised structures as remains of the digestive tract, the central nervous system, the eyes, and the mantle. Small phosphatic structures in the middle of the body chamber of the specimen with conch are tentatively interpreted as renal concrements (uroliths). The absence of any trace of arms and the hood of the specimen lacking its conch is tentatively interpreted as an indication that this is another leftover fall (pabulite), where a predator lost parts of its prey. Other interpretations such as incomplete scavenging are also conceivable.

2020 ◽  
Vol 115 ◽  
pp. 104552
René H.B. Fraaije ◽  
John W.M. Jagt ◽  
Barry W.M. van Bakel ◽  
Dale M. Tshudy

2019 ◽  
Vol 75 (1) ◽  
pp. 70-78 ◽  
Alexander Pohle ◽  
Christian Klug ◽  
Ursula Toom ◽  
Björn Kröger

Abstract Tragoceras falcatum (Schlotheim, 1820) is a common, loosely coiled estonioceratid (Tarphycerida, Cephalopoda) occurring in the Kunda Regional Stage (early Darriwilian, Middle Ordovician) of Estonia. Although the species is quite well-known, we document some features for the first time. For example, one specimen from the Harku quarry (Estonia) with a phosphatized replacement shell exhibits growth halts (megastriae) on the body chamber. As they are not preserved in smaller specimens, we suggest that these megastriae formed at the approach of maturity, possibly also reflecting sexual dimorphism and cycles of reproduction (iteroparity?). Additionally, the specimen shows minute soft-tissue imprints (drag bands and pseudosutures). These imprints are comparable to patterns in other cephalopods such as ammonoids, bactritids and other nautiloids, but have not yet been reported from Palaeozoic nautiloids. However, they might have been misinterpreted as oncomyarian muscle attachment scars previously. Lastly, we discuss the taphonomy of the specimen, which was encrusted by multiple bryozoan colonies post-mortem. Furthermore, it shows questionable traces of bioerosion.

2017 ◽  
Vol 92 (2) ◽  
pp. 146-156 ◽  
Royal H. Mapes ◽  
Larisa A. Doguzhaeva

AbstractFour rare Pennsylvanian (Stark Shale: Pennsylvanian, Missourian [=Kasimovian]) coleoids from Nebraska and Iowa, which are preserved as flattened partial phragmocones and body chambers associated with three-dimensionally fossilized ink sacs, are herein described as Pabianiconus starkensis new genus new species, Nebraskaconus whitei new genus new species, and Starkites compressus new genus new species. One specimen that is missing most of the phragmocone, is provisionally assigned to Donovaniconus. The fossils are assigned to the Coleoidea because of the presence of ink-filled sacs in the body chamber region of the conch. Additionally, eight fragmented and flattened phragmocones and body-chamber clusters with similar morphologies, including some with ink fragments and arm hooks, are assigned to the Coleoidea, but are not named because of their fragmentary condition. On most of the eight specimens, the shell material is associated with other unidentified finely macerated material, which suggests these fossils are probably either ejectoid masses or coprolites from coleoid predators and/or scavengers. However, the new genera named above appear to have been deposited as complete animals, based on the presence of the ink-filled sacs that are in the body chambers. With their body chamber and phragmocone morphologies, these rare coleoid taxa provide valuable information about conch variability within the Carboniferous evolutionary radiation of coleoids.

Lethaia ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 50 (4) ◽  
pp. 540-547 ◽  
Larisa A. Doguzhaeva ◽  
Royal H. Mapes

2017 ◽  
Vol 67 (1) ◽  
pp. 31-46 ◽  
Andrew S. Gale ◽  
William James Kennedy ◽  
David Martill

Abstract A juvenile specimen of the ammonite Pseudaspidoceras from the Early Turonian of the Goulmima area in the Province of Er-Rachida in south-eastern Morocco shows clear evidence of predation by a tooth-bearing vertebrate. Most of the body chamber is missing, as a result of post-burial compactional crushing. The adapertural part of the shell on the left flank of the surviving fragment of body chamber bears six circular punctuations; the right flank four. These are interpreted as the product of a single bite by a mosasauroid, probably a Tethysaurus. The taxonomy of the Goulmima Pseudaspidoceras is discuused in an appendix.

2017 ◽  
Vol 67 (1) ◽  
pp. 109-120 ◽  
Neal L. Larson ◽  
Neil H. Landman

Abstract We report the discovery of lower jaws of Baculites (Ammonoidea) from the Upper Cretaceous U.S. Western Interior. In the lower Campanian Smoky Hill Chalk Member of the Niobrara Chalk of Kansas, most of the jaws occur as isolated elements. Based on their age, they probably belong to Baculites sp. (smooth). They conform to the description of rugaptychus, and are ornamented with coarse rugae on their ventral side. One specimen is preserved inside a small fecal pellet that was probably produced by a fish. Another specimen occurs inside in a crushed body chamber near the aperture and is probably in situ. Three small structures are present immediately behind the jaw and may represent the remains of the gills. In the lower Maastrichtian Pierre Shale of Wyoming, two specimens of Baculites grandis contain lower jaws inside their body chambers, and are probably in situ. In both specimens, the jaws are oriented at an acute angle to the long axis of the shell, with their anterior ends pointing toward the dorsum. One of the jaws is folded into a U-shape, which probably approximates the shape of the jaw during life. Based on the measurements of the jaws and the shape of the shell, the jaws could not have touched the sides of the shell even if they were splayed out, implying that they could not have effectively served as opercula. Instead, in combination with the upper jaws and radula, they constituted the buccal apparatus that collected and conveyed food to the esophagus.

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