human resource information system
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2022 ◽  
pp. 93-113
Sonalee Srivastava ◽  
Badri Bajaj ◽  
Santosh Dev

In the modern era, human resource management is accompanied by the information system which is instrumental in managing human resource processes. In the current competitive and challenging environment, organizational success depends on its effective and efficient human resource. Human resource along with IT professionals can create an environment in an organization for successful adoption of human resource information systems. While considering it as a key factor in modern enterprise management, its burgeoning interest has led to the foundation of this article. The study is to delve deep into the literature and to explore the factors responsible for human resource information system adoption and to identify the barriers in its implementation and to provide suggestions to overcome these barriers. The findings reveal that the factors of human resource information system mentioned in literature are important. These factors should be taken into consideration while adopting Human Resource Information System by integrating Technology-Organization-Environment (TOE) framework with Human-Organization-Technology (HOT) framework.

2022 ◽  
pp. 491-512
Sonalee Srivastava ◽  
Santosh Dev ◽  
Badri Bajaj

With the advent of technology in the workplace, the applicability of the human resource information system (HRIS) within organizations has gained momentum widely. Indeed, employees' perceptions towards human resource information system has changed gradually. Human resource information system is influencing employees' work activities to such an extent that it has become imperative precedence for organizations' to maintain HRIS quality. Keeping this in the background, the study aims to examine the relationship of HRIS system quality, HRIS information quality, HRIS service quality, and HRIS perceived usefulness in determining HRIS system use and its users' satisfaction. Further, the study also aims to analyze the relationship of HRIS system use and HRIS users' satisfaction in determining HRIS success in Indian organizations. A sample of 116 HR staffs and managers working in IT-enabled service sector from National Capital Region (India) has been taken for step-wise regression analyses. The findings of the study revealed that HRIS service quality and perceived usefulness showed a significant positive relationship with HRIS system use. The results also revealed that HRIS system quality and perceived usefulness showed a significant positive relationship with users' satisfaction. Further, the findings also revealed that HRIS system use and HRIS users' satisfaction has a significant relationship with HRIS success.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 65-76
Hadija Halake Dida ◽  
Abel Moguche ◽  
Dr. Nancy Rintari

Purpose: To establish the relationship between change management and the implementation of the human resource information system in Isiolo County Government, Kenya. Methodology: This study was conducted in Isiolo County. Descriptive research design was used by the study to collect a total of 654 Employees of the county government of Isiolo who were the target population. The study employed stratified random sampling to select 30% of the employees in each stratum to obtain a sample of 196 employees of the county government. Data was collected using questionnaires. Data was then analyzed through SPSS version 23. The overall results were presented through inferential statistics such as regression, correlation and descriptive statistics frequencies and percentages. The data was presented using tables. Results: The study found out that there is a relationship between change management and the implementation of the human resource information system in Isiolo County Government, Kenya. Change management had an R value of 0.791 and R square value of 0.627. This indicated that change management influenced 63% on implementation of HRIS. The other 37% remaining were determined by other factors. This indicated that change management was part of a key ingredient towards implementation of HRIS. It was found that change management had a relationship with implementation of HRIS. Unique contribution to theory, policy and practice: The study concluded that even though change management was necessary to effectively implement HRIS some employees did not feel the need for change management. This was because the employees felt that they were okay with the current system and norms. The leadership did not articulately involve them in the vision attainment hence the main reason of employees not seeing the bigger picture. Therefore, the management should be more open minded and communicate frequently with the staff on where exactly the county was headed and what was needed to attain its vision and goals. Once the employees understand and internalize these things, it would motivate them to put effort so as to be part of realizing the vision.

Mr. Vijay N Budihal

Human Resource system isn't a brand-new thought currently. it's gained large quality among companies round the world. It plays a significant role in Human Resource management with in a bank. Human Resource management with plays a big role in managing the manpower of any banks. Ineffective Human Resource management with might cause insignificant variety of workers. Thus, HR planning permits cheap management with of human resource in a bank. the key aim of this paper is to focus the impact of Human Resource information system on Human Resource management activities. The results of paper recommend that Human resource Information system play a really important role in effectiveness of HR managementfunctions in abank.

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