cash benefit
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Raúl Del Pozo-Rubio ◽  
Fernando Bermejo-Patón ◽  
Pablo Moya-Martínez

AbstractThe aim of this paper is to assess the industry-wide impact of Long-Term Care (LTC) spending on the Spanish economy. LTC spending includes beneficiaries’ copayment and the impact is quantified in terms of output, employment and value added. To this purpose, we use an input–output model of the Spanish economy that allows us to further describe how the value added generated is distributed throughout the economy according to the existing benefit-mix (in kind services, cash benefit for informal care and cash benefit for personal assistance). Additionally, the model provides results on how the return on LTC spending would improve by using only in-kind services instead of the benefit mix currently in place. The 2012 Spanish Input–Output Table at current prices was extracted from the WIOD Database’s 2016 Release. Consumption data for dependent, employed, and unemployed households were collected from the Spanish Household Budget Survey for 2012. The findings reveal that the total annual costs are 7,205.43 million €, with total costs from in-kind services being almost 71% higher than total costs from cash benefits. Each million euros invested in in-kind services and CBPA would create 41.91 jobs (68.41% direct, 9.16% indirect and 22.43% induced). However, each million euros spent on cash benefits would result in 16.88 jobs overall (53.02% direct, 24.53% indirect and 22.45% induced). The total number of jobs is 151,353 at the aggregate level, being 46,840 depending on cash-benefits and 104,513 on in-kind services.

Piotr Michoń

AbstractThe need for qualitative research of deservingness perception is strongly emphasised in the literature. This article studies the perception of deservingness for a "Family 500 +"—cash benefit in Poland. For the first time, data from online forums was used in the studies of deservingness and welfare attitudes. It allowed to avoid numerous limitations associated with social surveys. The qualitative analysis showed how participants of Internet debates perceive the criteria of deservingness: control, attitude, reciprocity, identity, need, and what are the relations between the criteria. The impurity of all deservingness criteria was indicated and a new criterion “adequacy” was proposed. Moreover due to the fact that the study concerned a concrete, non-abstract family cash benefit addressed the relationship between the perceived deservingness of children and their parents was pointed out. The vast majority of posts on Internet forums referred to deservingness of parents, not children. This is particularly evident in relation to the criteria of control and reciprocity. Presenting the hypothesis of jealousy and scapegoat strategy, the article also shows the direction of future research on deservingness.

2021 ◽  
Vol 121 ◽  
pp. 105853
Shannon Struck ◽  
Jennifer E. Enns ◽  
Julianne Sanguins ◽  
Mariette Chartier ◽  
Nathan C. Nickel ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 09-14
Salma Akter

Maternity leave means the period of paid absence from work. This type of leave is allowed to a mother before and after the birth of a child. Naturally, the term maternity benefit is applied in case of working women. Mostly, it is related to readymade garment (RDM). It indicates the payment made to a woman for giving birth of a child. The duration of maternity leave for female worker in RMG sector of Bangladesh is 4 months (16 weeks) according to Labor Act 2006. The purpose of this study is to show the application of RMG sector’s maternity leave and to assess the level of cash benefit payment for maternity leave. The main purpose of this study is to show the discrimination between two kinds of factories (foreign owned and local owned) about the proper application of rules and Act. The information collected from those who are experienced to take maternity leave and recently take the leave and also who are preparing for the leave. Frequency distribution has been used on the data extracted from female worker who have experience maternity leave and cash benefit payment. The result of this study is that there are two kinds of RMG sectors situations: one is called foreigner owned factory and another one is Bangali factory (local owner).Evidently, 60% get the cash payment with two terms before & after child born and 100% get the maternity leave. So, this paper will discuss about the differences of facilities, job security, cash payment, others opportunities for female in RMG sector.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (Supplement_1) ◽  
pp. 31-31
Ngee Choon Chia ◽  
Huijun Cynthia Chen

Abstract Singapore has a rapidly aging population. Long-term care (LTC) is one of the largest financial risks facing elderly in Singapore. Singapore implemented Eldershield, a long-term care insurance scheme which provided defined cash benefit payouts in the event of severe disability; but capped at a maximum of six years. Eldershield enrolled people at age 40, but offered an opt-out option. As of 2015, 65% of those aged 40 to 83 opted to be covered by Eldershield, making Singapore as having the highest voluntary LTC insurance rate in the world. This paper uses an actuarial multi-state disability model and calibrates the transition probabilities and duration-of-stay at various health (disability) states to assess the adequacy and comprehensiveness of Eldershield. The time-limited cash benefit design in Eldershield helped defray about 13% of LTC costs. Removing the time cap will help defray 23% and 26% of the LTC costs for elderly male and female respectively. Furthermore, the simulation results demonstrate that relaxing the trigger benefit and having staggered payouts will improve the adequacy of long-term care insurance. The experience of Singapore’s LTC insurance offers insights into the challenges of designing an insurance that tends to occur at higher age and insuring against a cost that could range from zero to a significantly large sum over a long period. Even with the enhanced Careshield Life, which provides cash payouts for life, other policy designs, for example caregiver grants, may be needed to ensure more adequate financing of long-term care.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 17-26
Dede Irfan Maulana Yusuf ◽  
Tiara Rismayanti ◽  
Thameliya Gemmy Supardi ◽  
Sofia Sifa Maulidina ◽  
Siti nur ilma Mutiara ◽  

Dalam era globalisasi saat ini sangat diperlukan SDM yang berkualitas karena maju mundurnya suatu perusahaan sangat bergantung pada kualitas SDM atau karyawannya, oleh karena itu pengelolaan sumber daya manusia harus dilakukan secara professional agar terwujudnya keseimbangan antara kebutuhan pegawai dan tuntutan serta kemampuan perusahaan. Pemberian kompensasi dalam perusahaan harus diatur dengan baik sehingga dapat diterima oleh kedua belah pihak dengan harapan dapat menjamin kepuasan karyawan yang pada nantinya perusahaan dapat mencapai tingkat kinerja yang diinginkan. Penelitian ini dilakukan di PT. Angkasa Pura II (Persero) bertujuan untuk mengetahui modernisasi sistem kompensasi yang diberikan perusahaan agar kinerja karyawannya dapat meningkat. Adapun metode analisis data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data yang diperoleh dari laporan tahunan perusahaan tahun 2018 dan 2019 yang sudah dipublikasikan di website PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero). Berdasarkan analisis yang dilakukan pada PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero), dapat diketahui system kompensasi PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero) pada karyawannya meliputi Fixed Compensation, Variable Compensation, Benefit,Ketenagakerjaan, Non Cash Benefit. Selain itu adanya program dana pensiun bagi karyawan usia 56 tahun PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero) menyiapkan pelatihan wirausaha dan purna bakti. Adapun penilaian kinerja karyawan pada PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero) dapat dikatakan baik karena pergerakan pesawat, arus penumpang dan kargo pada tahun 2019 menunjukan peningkatan dari tahun sebelumnya.

2019 ◽  
pp. 69-76
Monika Giżyńska

The purpose of the article is to analyze the regulations regarding the “Meal at school and at home” program, which constitutes financial support for municipalities in providing assistance in the form of a meal, a cash benefit in the form of a specific benefit for the purchase of a meal or food, and a benefit in kind in the form of food products for the needy residents of a given commune. The program is a governmental undertaking aimed at supporting municipalities in the implementation of their own mandatory tasks in the field of feeding, aimed at reducing malnutrition of children and adults, primarily lonely and elderly.

2019 ◽  
Vol 19 ◽  
pp. S66
G.L. Kohatsu ◽  
E.S. Silva ◽  
M.D.D. Campos ◽  
M.U. Yamaguchi ◽  
E.L. Rudey ◽  

2019 ◽  
Vol 19 ◽  
pp. S65
M.D.D. Campos ◽  
G.L. Kohatsu ◽  
M.U. Yamaguchi ◽  
E.S. Silva ◽  
E.L. Rudey ◽  

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