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2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (3(37)) ◽  
pp. 27-30
Olga Ivanovna Avdeeva ◽  
Olga Igorevna Stremyanova

This article examines the structural and semantic features of the lexical and phraseological etymological fields of the Russian language, formed on the basis of lexemes-turcisms denoting the sphere of trade. In the structure of the lexical and phraseological etymological fields under consideration, the nucleus, perinuclear and peripheral zones were identified. Semantic analysis of the lexical etymological field «the sphere of trade» made it possible to identify semantic microfields in its composition. In addition, the role of lexemes of Turkish origin with the meaning «trade sphere» in the Russian vocabulary and phraseology is revealed. In addition, the role of Turkish-language components with the meaning «sphere of trade» in the composition of Russian phraseological units is identified and described: most of them are used to form the internal form of phraseological units and thus participate in the motivation of the general phraseological meaning, their smaller part forms the actual form of phraseological units without participation in motivation of general phraseological meaning.

Information ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (8) ◽  
pp. 297
Hiroki Okada ◽  
Shinsaku Kiyomoto ◽  
Carlos Cid

TFHE is a fast fully homomorphic encryption scheme proposed by Chillotti et al. in Asiacrypt’ 2018. Integer-wise TFHE is a generalized version of TFHE that can encrypt the plaintext of an integer that was implicitly presented by Chillotti et al., and Bourse et al. presented the actual form of the scheme in CRYPTO’ 2018. However, Bourse et al.’s scheme provides only homomorphic integer additions and homomorphic evaluations of a sign function. In this paper, we construct a technique for operating any 1-variable function in only one bootstrapping of the integer-wise TFHE. For applications of the scheme, we also construct a useful homomorphic evaluation of several integer arithmetics: division, equality test, and multiplication between integer and binary numbers. Our implementation results show that our homomorphic division is approximately 3.4 times faster than any existing work and that its run time is less than 1 second for 4-bit integer inputs.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 173-182
Luigi Azzariti-Fumaroli

In Robert Walser’s work any intention of meaning would seem to be revoked in doubt, in favour of blatant mannerism. This, in turn, would take the actual form of a proclaimed abstention from the pursuit of any purpose, so as to be similar to a simple graphic texture. The aim of this article is to show how this peculiar textual economy favours the invention of a subject capable of giving rise to a fictitious identity to the point of no longer being able to distinguish any gap between reality and fiction.

Michael J. Lynch

This chapter has as its focus the British delegation’s role in the formation of the Second Main Doctrine—on the extent of Christ’s atoning work—at the Synod of Dordt. After expositing a couple of key documents by James Ussher and John Overall, the chapter carefully inspects and summarizes never-before-studied manuscripts tracing the role of the British delegation in shaping the actual form of the Canons of Dordt on the extent of Christ’s work. Indeed, by looking at the British suffrage and their comments on the various early drafts of the Canons, this chapter undoubtedly proves that the Canons were written in such a way as to allow space for English hypothetical universalism within its confessional bounds.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
Bodo Winter ◽  
Marcus Perlman

Abstract This paper reviews recent research using participant ratings to measure the iconicity (form-meaning resemblance) of words and signs. This method, by enabling wide coverage of lexical items and cross-linguistic comparison, has revealed systematic patterns in how iconicity is distributed across the vocabularies of different languages. These findings are consistent with established linguistic and psychological theory on iconicity, and they connect iconicity to factors like learning and acquisition, semantics, pragmatic aspects of language like playfulness, and to the semantic neighborhood density of words and signs. After taking stock of this research, we look critically at the construct validity of iconicity ratings, considering an alternative account of iconicity ratings recently put forward by Thompson, Arthur Lewis, Kimi Akita & Youngah Do. 2020a. Iconicity ratings across the Japanese lexicon: A comparative study with English. Linguistics Vanguard 6. 20190088. They propose that, for most vocabulary, participants might rate the iconicity of different words based on their meaning alone – specifically the degree to which it relates to the senses – independently of actual form-meaning resemblance. We argue that their hypothesis cannot account for many of the various, theory-driven results from this line of research, which strongly support the conclusion that the ratings really do measure iconicity.

Elena G. Shakhovalova ◽  
Nikolai N. Shakhovalov

2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 69-89
Adnan Mohamed Yusoff ◽  
Abdoul Karim Toure

Animals and livestock are part of the main phenomenon of the Quran which highlights its intimacy with nature and human life. Names, types, properties, stories or matters that are related to animals and livestock appear specifically, scientifically and strategically in the Quran. This phenomenon attracts researchers to observe this emerging trend from a statistical point of view including the type of animal, frequency and place of emergence, as well as the objective of its mention either in actual form or as a metaphor. Thus, this study aims to identify the name or type of animal that has been selected to be immortalised in this Holy Book, the frequency and condition of its appearance, and subsequently the objective of its mention in the verse or surah. This is very important as basic data which will pave the way to a more advanced study in highlighting the majesty and miracles of the Quran in various dimensions that are related to natural resources. Correspondingly, this is a library study that is based on research on the text, especially the books of authentic interpretation, contemporary tafsir studies, the Ulum Quran, scientific journals, and other related texts. Among the important findings of the study is that animals and livestock are not a side element that comes to complete the beauty of the Quranic word or metaphor, or the physical design framework of its arrangement alone, for the presence of each of these animals or livestock is to carry the mission and certain objectives that cannot be played by other components in it. This study also paves the way for various further studies that can be explored by interested researchers, as well as in tadabbur activities that successfully attract the interest of today's society to get closer to the Quran.

Abstract-It has been established that several plants serve as haemoprotective agents. The mechanism is that they bind to the oxidative radicalswhichisproducedduringthehaemolysis of red blood cells and the binding restores the actual form of these cells. This way, the degenerative effect of plants as the blood is ameliorated by plants. In our study, phenyl hydrazinecausedsignificantanaemiainCharles Foster rats which was recovered by ethanolic extract of Momordica charantia.

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