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Т.А. Онуфриева ◽  
А.С. Голубев

Автоматизация производственных процессов на предприятии помогает максимально эффективно организовать работу производства, существенно снизить нагрузку на отдельных людей. Целью работы является разработка интеллектуального автоматизированного комплекса хранения инструментов. Актуальность разработки обусловлена необходимостью повышения эффективности производства за счет правильной организации и планирования производственных процессов и площадей, приведения данных процессов в соответствие с современными требованиями к информационно-измерительным системам. В данной статье рассматривается концепция создания интеллектуального автоматизированного комплекса хранения инструментов, описываются основные составляющие комплекса, рассматриваются принципы их взаимодействия, приводится алгоритм работы пользователя с ячейками системы хранения при выполнении операции внесения инструмента.Результатом исследования является разработка оригинального комплекса хранения инструмента, который применим на промышленных предприятиях различного профиля. Automation of production processes at an enterprise helps to organize the work of production as efficiently as possible, significantly reduce the workload on individual people. The aim of the work is to develop an intelligent automated complex for storing tools. The relevance of the development is due to the need to improve production efficiency through the correct organization and planning of production processes and areas, bringing these processes in line with modern requirements for information and measurement systems. This article discusses the concept of creating an intelligent automated complex for storing tools, describes the main components of the complex, discusses the principles of their interaction, provides an algorithm for the user's work with the cells of the storage system during the operation of inserting the tool.The result of the research is the development of an original tool storage complex, which is applicable at industrial enterprises of various profiles.

C. Honorio Javes ◽  
Y. Vallenas Sánchez

In recent years, there has been an increase in bacterial resistance to antimicrobials found in both animals and humans, and in some countries, the use of antibiotics as growth promoters has been prohibited. Therefore, this article reviewed bacteriophages (viruses that infect bacteria) as a substitute for antibiotic-type growth promoters, since they can help control the main bacterial pathogens such as Salmonella and E. coli that affect birds, improve production parameters in broilers and laying hens, and are more efficient than antibiotic-type growth promoters. Keywords:   bacteriophages, promoter’s growth, antibiotics, poultry. RESUMEN En los últimos años, la resistencia bacteriana a los antimicrobianos encontrada tanto en animales como en humanos y la prohibición del uso de antibióticos como promotores de crecimiento en algunos países son las nuevas variables a tener en cuenta. Por lo tanto, este artículo revisa los bacteriófagos (virus que infectan bacterias) como sustituto de promotores de crecimiento tipo antibiótico, ya que pueden ayudar a controlar los principales patógenos bacterianos como Salmonella y E. coli que afectan a las aves, mejoran los parámetros productivos en broilers y gallinas de postura y son más eficientes que los promotores de crecimiento tipo antibiótico. Palabras clave: bacteriófagos, promotores de crecimiento, antibióticos, avicultura.

2021 ◽  
Vol 31 (2) ◽  
pp. 109-113
Ristika Handarini ◽  
Elis Dihansih ◽  
Dewi Wahyuni ◽  
Burhanudin Malik

Compared to chickens, ducks still have low productivity and other limitations. One of the causes of these problems might be attributed to the off-odor found in duck meat. Therefore, production performance and meat quality of ducks need to be improved. The inclusion of extracts of betel (Piper betle Linn) leaves and torch ginger (Etlingera elatior) flowers wereas done to improve production performance and meat quality of local ducks. This study was aimed at assessing the effects of the inclusion of betel leaves and torch ginger flowers in the basal rations on production performance and meat quality of local ducks in the growing phase. A completely randomized factorial design in 4 x 4 with three replicates was used. The first factor consisted of four levels of torch ginger flower solution, namely 0, 2.5, 5, and 7.5%. The second factor consisted of four levels of betel leaf solution, namely 0, 2.5, 5, and 7.5%. Results showed that no significant differences (P>0.05) were found in body weight gain, feed intake, feed conversion, mortality rate and meat quality (pH, water holding capacity, tenderness and cooking loss). It was concluded that the inclusion of extract of betel leaves and torch ginger flowers did not improve production performance and meat quality of male local ducks.

2021 ◽  
pp. 74-79
Oleg Zakharov

Two years ago, a large-scale transformation started at the Eurasian Resources Group - they began to implement the ERG Way production system at the company's enterprises. This is the path to improving the efficiency of the company and its production processes, including a safety culture. The project is strategic, and the ERG management expects tangible results from it in the form of continuous improvements, increased productivity, and a change in production culture. And, despite the fact that last year due to the pandemic, the active phase of implementation was suspended, the production system continued to develop. The project team was able to create conditions under which the changes made did not suffer losses, to preserve the achieved results, and somewhere even to increase. For example, in 2020, ERG employees submitted over 16 thousand initiatives to improve production processes. Oleg Zakharov, ERG Director for Operational Efficiency, said how we managed to maintain production indicators at the proper level in a difficult period.

2021 ◽  
Eber Medina ◽  
Alejandro Flores ◽  
Katya Campos

Abstract Enhancing stimulation treatments in carbonate reservoirs is a continuous process that includes input from previous operations and production results. Individually, stimulation provides an opportunity to improve the treatment design by means of various factors, such as changes to rates and volumes, new fluid designs, use of nitrogen to increase energy and recover additional fluid after the operation, changes to the well completion, novel diversion techniques, and additional additives. These factors affect overall optimization of fluid distribution. This paper discusses the use of particulate diverter systems during acidizing treatments and highlights how such treatments have progressed. A case study of a carbonate formation in northern Mexico is also presented. A carbonate field in northern Mexico was analyzed in 2010 to implement a stimulation treatment. The operations ranged initially from reactive and nonreactive stimulation treatments at low-pumping rates to hydraulic acid fracturing in a single formation. After understanding the use of hydraulic acid fracturing in a single zone, multiple formation zones were fractured to improve production while introducing changes in the well completion to enable a faster operation. Multiple acid fracturing treatments during a single intervention were performed with a particulate diversion material to increase the zonal coverage. The successful diversion application has been documented using diagnostics, such as temperature profiles and radioactive tracers. When a reactive and nonreactive stimulation treatment was performed, the average production in the field was 30 BOPD. Later, with the implementation of hydraulic acid fracturing in a single interval (more than 20 fracturing operations), the average production per well increased to 100 BOPD. More recently, in the last 15 wells, the application of fracturing improvements and the stimulation of two to three zones using particulate diversion to distribute the fluid achieved average production results of approximately 300 BOPD. These results represent a threefold increase since the initial fracturing operations and a tenfold increase since stimulation operations began in the field. Improvements in acid diversion techniques using particulate diverters has provided significant advantages by enabling effective treatment of several zones in one step, without stopping the operation. This paper describes the design and implementation of the diverting system used during the case study to improve production in a carbonate formation.

Animals ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (6) ◽  
pp. 1620
Katarzyna Krysiak ◽  
Damian Konkol ◽  
Mariusz Korczyński

In recent years, probiotics have become more popular in the world of dietary supplements and feed additives within the poultry industry, acting as antibiotic substitutes. Above all, probiotics are universal feed additives that can be used in conjunction with other additives to promote improved performance and health. Their positive effects can be observed directly in the gastrointestinal tract and indirectly in immunomodulation of the poultry immune system. Nutritional effects seen in flocks given probiotics include increased laying and egg quality, increased daily increments, and improved feed conversion ratio (FCR). There has also been an improvement in the quality of meat. This suggests producers can improve production results through the use of probiotics. In addition to these production effects, bird immunity is improved by allowing the organism to better protect itself against pathogens and stress. The lack of accuracy in the formulation of non-European preparations needs to be further developed due to unknown interactions between probiotic bacteria strains as well as their metabolites. The versatility of probiotics and the fact that the bacteria used in their production are an integral part of animal digestive tracts make them a safe feed additives. Despite restrictions from the European Union, probiotics have potential to improve production and health within the poultry industry and beyond. The following article will review the use of probiotics in poultry production.

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