leadership research
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2022 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Tuğba Erhan ◽  
Hasan Huseyin Uzunbacak ◽  
Erhan Aydin

Purpose The leadership shift from conventional to digital comes from the compulsory digitalization of the workplace because the technological progress provides the opportunity of doing work remotely, and this is a great advantage of reducing costs that stem from the offline workplace. Thus, this research aims at demonstrating the relationship between digitalization of leadership and innovative work behavior. Design/methodology/approach Data were collected from 320 Turkish department managers in the Textile Industry through digital leadership and innovate work behavior scales. The hypotheses were tested using path analysis. The analyses were conducted by using SPSS and AMOS package programs. Findings The results show that the employees’ perceptions of digital leadership have a positive and significant effect on all dimensions of an employee innovative work behavior. Also, the leaders with high digital skills were perceived positively by the employees and the employees tend to adapt innovative behaviors when they have the digitally skilled leaders. Originality/value This study contributes to leadership research by providing evidence for the role of leadership shift in innovative work behavior. Extending the verification of leadership shift in innovative work behavior that can be adopted in Turkey has also been considered.

2022 ◽  
pp. 22-56
Seong-Yuen Toh

This chapter elucidates Keith Grint's model of leadership as a viable dynamic option in our complex world. By locating the model within a social constructionist frame, this chapter demonstrates how far we have come in the evolving stream of leadership research. Seven main characteristics of the Grint's model of leadership are discussed to demonstrate how the model can help us to understand wicked problems, such as the COVID-19 pandemic in Malaysia. The author also identifies two weaknesses of Grint's model: (1) organisational culture and (2) followership. Lastly, to address the two weaknesses, the author proposes an integrated model of leadership that combines the understanding of an adhocracy culture based on the competing value framework and Kelly's effective followership model. In conclusion, the integrative framework of leadership offers leadership researchers a model with more explanatory power in understanding the leadership phenomenon within the social constructionist supposition.

2022 ◽  
pp. 101592
Chou-Yu Tsai ◽  
Jayoung Kim ◽  
Fuhe Jin ◽  
Minjong Jun ◽  
Minyoung Cheong ◽  

2021 ◽  
pp. 001312452110625
Chantal Francois

School leadership research offers prescriptions for strong instructional and culturally relevant leadership for diverse and urban adolescent populations, yet little evidence describes how school principals impact adolescents’ in-school reading experiences. This qualitative inquiry sought to understand how one urban secondary principal perceived and enacted his role in a school’s effort to teach reading. It also investigated how staff and students perceived his actions. Framed by sociocultural perspectives of reading and a distributed leadership perspective, data analysis revealed that the principal made time and nurtured relationships to grow teacher capacity, support and participate in independent reading, and attend to individual readers and teachers. This study affirms the importance of context in shaping urban adolescents’ reading experiences and raises implications for the urban school principal’s role in their literacy instruction.

Iris K. Gauglitz

Abstract. Prior research has revealed relevant associations between narcissism and leadership, but most studies have focused on narcissism as a personality trait and its grandiose dimension. However, other forms of narcissism (e.g., vulnerable, pathological, and communal narcissism) might also be relevant for leadership but have mainly been neglected in leadership research. Therefore, in this research spotlight, I investigate the link between alternative forms of narcissism and leadership criteria such as leader emergence and leader effectiveness. Along with theoretical considerations, I will derive suggestions for future research on these forms of narcissism and leadership.

2021 ◽  
pp. 204138662110613
Hugo M. Kehr ◽  
Julian Voigt ◽  
Maika Rawolle

An unresolved question in visionary leadership research is, why must visions be high in imagery to cause affective reactions and be motivationally effective? Research in motivation psychology has shown that pictorial cues arouse implicit motives. Thus, pictorial cues from vision-induced imagery should arouse a follower’s implicit motives just like a real image. Hence, our fundamental proposition is that follower implicit motives and follower approach motivation serially mediate the relationship between leader vision and followers’ vision pursuit. We also examine the case of negative leader visions, with the central propositions that a negative leader vision arouses a follower’s implicit fear motives and that the follower’s implicit fear motives and follower avoidance motivation serially mediate the relationship between negative leader vision and the follower’s fear-related behaviors. Lastly, we assert that multiple implicit follower motives aroused by a multithematic leader vision exert additive as well as interaction effects on the follower’s vision pursuit.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 95-105
Yakub Hendrawan Perangin Angin ◽  
Yonatan Alex Arifianto ◽  
Tri Astuti Yeniretnowati

Abstrak: Pemuridan sangat berkaitan erat dengan kepemimpinan. Pemuridan bagi kepemimpinan sangat bermakna karena sangat terbukti efektif guna mempersiapkan, menghasilkan dan membentuk pemimpin Kristen menuju serupa Yesus. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi pustaka. Langka awal adalah dengan mempelajari konsep pemuridan dan kepemimpinan Kristen. Langkah berikutnya adalah dengan melakukan analisis tentang dampak bahaya dan dampak positif adanya praktik pemuridan dalam kekristenan bagi kepemimpinan. Langkah terakhir adalah merumuskan makna dan implikasi pemuridan bagi kepemimpinan sebagai perspektif dalam menyusun pola pendidikan pemimpin Kristen. Hasil penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa implikasi yang harus dilakukan dan dijalani dalam kehidupan sebagai respon dari penelitian pemuridan dan kepemimpinan ini bagi pola pengajaran dan pendidikan kaderisasi kepemimpinan Kristen, adalah: Pertama, Menjadi pemimpin Kristen yang efektif. Kedua, Pemimpin yang mencetak para pemimpin. Ketiga, Pemimpin yang berani bayar harga. Keempat, Pemimpin yang hidup dalam komunitas pemuridan. Kelima, Mengimplementasikan iman yang dipercayai.Abstract: Discipleship is closely related to leadership. Discipleship for leadership is very meaningful because it has proven effective in preparing, producing and shaping Christian leaders to be like Jesus. The research method used in this study is a qualitative method with a literature study approach. The first step is to learn the concepts of discipleship and Christian leadership. The next step is to conduct an analysis of the harmful and positive impacts of the practice of discipleship in Christianity for leadership. The final step is to formulate the meaning and implications of discipleship for leadership as a perspective in formulating the pattern of Christian leader education. The results of this study conclude that the implications that must be carried out and lived in life as a response to this discipleship and leadership research for the pattern of teaching and cadre education for Christian leadership are: First, Become an effective Christian leader. Second, Leaders who print leaders. Third, leaders who dare to pay the price. Fourth, Leaders who live in a community of discipleship. Fifth, implement the faith that is believed.

2021 ◽  
pp. 70-89
Ralf Müller ◽  
Nathalie Drouin ◽  
Shankar Sankaran

This chapter discusses how leaders are identified in projects. As leaders are also appointed to teams in organizations, the chapter begins with a discussion on the nature of team leadership in organizations. It describes one of the models used for explaining team leadership and its application in an organizational context. The authors then turn to competencies of appointed leaders in projects, and they discuss how leaders are spotted in organizations with examples from multinational organizations. Following this, they turn their attention to how leaders are identified in projects. A research into identification, carried out as part of the balanced leadership research, is then presented. The chapter closes with a summary and some questions for reflection.

2021 ◽  
pp. 537-556
Arkadiusz Mironko ◽  
Rosemary Muriungi ◽  
Anthony Scardino

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