community interaction
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2022 ◽  
Vol 131 ◽  
pp. 03008
Irena Zemaitaityte ◽  
Alina Petrauskiene

The growing importance of communities and community interaction is witnessed by the growing interest in these areas: in the emphasis on community development and in the need to bring educational and social services closer to local communities, both at the level of the European Union and at the political level of each of its member countries. Analyzing the community interactions active involvement in community functions, concern and trust in its people, and a look into the future are emphasized. The choice of the research methodology was determined by the aim of the research – to reveal the functions of non-formal learning coordinators of adult learning in municipalities as those of the developers of learning and community developers through their work experience. The analysis of the data highlighted the role of coordinators as community activators and community developers, bringing together adult learning groups, involving young people, gymnasium students, and volunteers in the implementation of training, through local non-formal education providers.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (Supplement_1) ◽  
pp. 927-927
Emily Kinkade ◽  
Heather Fuller

Abstract The negative impacts of stress on older adults’ well-being are well documented, and social integration is posited as protective against such detrimental effects. Previous research illustrates the stress-buffering effect of social relationships on both physical and mental health, such as depressive symptoms, in older adults. The purpose of this study was to expand on prior findings by investigating the longitudinal stress-buffering effect of various dimensions of social integration on depressive symptoms among an older sample. Four waves of data were drawn from the Social Integration and Aging Study, including 416 older adults (ages 60-100). Subscales of the Social Integration in Later Life Scale measuring frequency and satisfaction with social ties and community interaction were used to assess distinct dimensions of social integration. Multilevel modeling demonstrated that two facets of social integration—satisfaction with social ties and frequency of community interaction—moderated the relationship between perceived stress and trajectories of depressive symptoms over time. Participants who reported high levels of stress reported fewer depressive symptoms if they had high satisfaction with social ties and high frequency of community involvement. Interestingly, frequency of contact with social ties and satisfaction with community interaction did not similarly buffer negative effects for depressive symptoms. These findings indicate the value of remaining actively engaged in the community and maintaining meaningful relationships as older adults age. Future research should investigate programs to foster relationships and engagement between older adults and their communities, with particular consideration of populations at a greater risk for isolation.

2021 ◽  
Di Zhao ◽  
Meilan Niu ◽  
Rui Ma ◽  
Huashan Yang ◽  
Panpan Guo ◽  

Abstract Background: Postpartum depression has become a serious public health hazard. Family and community support can be effective in alleviating the symptoms of postpartum depression. Currently, there is a lack of research directed at promoting family and community caregiver interactions to avoid postpartum depression. Therefore, this study aimed to construct a family-community interaction program to avoid postpartum depression.Method: This mixed-methods study with the longitudinal design consists of two phases. Phase one :quantitative study. A quantitative analysis method is applied to conduct longitudinal research on the pregnant and parturient women to explore the status quo of indicators of family support, social support, quality of life, and postnatal depression. Phase two: qualitative study to explore the current status of the interaction. In this phase, the subjects will be selected through purposive sampling; In-depth individual interviewing will be used for data collection. Mixed data were used to analyze qualitative and quantitative results and to construct a family-community interaction intervention program.Discussion: The present research is the first study to investigate family-community Interactions. For the purposes of the study, a mixed-methods approach will be used which aims to develop family-community Interactive Program, which can prevent postpartum depression of pregnant and parturient women and clarify the responsibilities of family members and Community caregivers in the prevention of postpartum depression, cultivating the awareness of interaction and collaboration between families and communities, and providing the targeted intervention policy to long-term positive interaction.Trial registration number: ChiCTR2100045901

Sarah Bashneen Suchana ◽  
Sheikh Itmam Soud

Within urbanized areas, the importance of neighborhood ponds should be assessed and investigated with its socio-spatial parameters (access and linkage, sociability, uses and activities, comfort and image etc) since such water bodies act as retention basin during floods, reservoir for lean period and responsive socializing agent to measure community interaction which are generally been neglected by city government, threatened by developers but taken care by neighborhood people in Old Dhaka. Most of the inner city small neighborhoods ponds have been encroached and filled up upon demand on land as the pond were not integrated in the city planning. The main objective of this research is to assess the significance of such water bodies and revive the spatial relationship of neighborhood ponds with its nearby residents. Therefore a socio-environmental survey (quantitative and qualitative) is held on neglected and threatened small neighborhood ponds of Old Dhaka with direct observation, in-depth interviews of the residents to compare the environmental, ecological and social contexts and explore the opportunities. An integrated assessment for enhancing sustainability and creating opportunities through community participation has been suggested to rejuvenate the ponds with attention for wetland preservation and to integrate into community development programs or planning.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 88-105
Husni Hafit ◽  
Jarot Muliawan

ABSTRACLand is essential for human life. On land, humans also build houses as shelter and build various other buildings for offices and so on. Land also contains various kinds of natural resources that can be utilized by humans. The implementation of house construction as a shelter is inseparable from housing development, where the house is a basic human need which has the main function as a place to live or settle, apart from that housing also functions as a place for community interaction which is always done as a useful habit. for the welfare, security and happiness of life as a social being, housing development is certainly inseparable from the previous stages as stated in the 3 In 1 The Land Aquitition Concept ABSTRAKTanah merupakan hal penting bagi kehidupan manusia. Diatas tanah pula manusia membangun rumah sebagai tempat bernaung dan membangun berbagai bangunan lainnya untuk perkantoran dan sebagainya. Tanah juga mengandung berbagai macam kekayaan alam yang dapat dimanfaatkan manusia. Pelaksanaan pembangunan rumah sebagai tempat bernaung itu tidak lepas dari pembangunan perumahan, dimana rumah merupakan kebutuhan dasar (basic needs) manusia yang berfungsi utama sebagai tempat tinggal atau menetap, terlepas dari itu perumahan juga berfungsi sebagai tempat berinteraksi masyarakat yang selalu dilakukan sebagai suatu kebiasaan yang berguna untuk kesejahteraan, keamanan dan kebahagiaan hidup sebagai mahluk sosial, pembangunan kawasan hunian rumah tinggal maupun tempat usaha tentu tidak lepas dari tahapan – tahapan yang di lalui sebelumnya seperti halnya yang tertuang dalam Konsep 3 In 1 The land Aquitition.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 30-45
Muhammad Nuril Huda ◽  
Nur Khoironi ◽  
Khusnul Isma Nuriza

Pejok Village is one of the largest shallot producers in Bojonegoro Regency. However, there are obstacles faced by farmers. The shallot farmers are relying on other regions for shallot supply. This study aimed to 1) identify farmers’ problems with shallot seedlings from outside the region, 2) find solutions to decrease shallot farmers’ dependency, and 3) take action in building farmers’ independence towards self-sufficiency in shallot seeds. This study applied a Participatory Action Research (PAR) approach that involved community interaction in identifying problems and coming up with solutions. Two actions were taken to solve the farmers’ problems: 1) training on the cultivation of shallot seeds; 2) trial of shallot seed cultivation. This participatory action has succeeded in building and developing the capacity of farmers in Pejok Village to realize independence in shallot seedling.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 625-646
Manoj Kumar, Dr. Pradeep Mamgain, Dr. Srinivas Subbarao Pasumarti

Pandemic outbreaks in student and teaching society have changed seriously. Now, with the influence of COVID19 infection fear, students have dramatically changed their orientational approach. Purposefully, University students aimed at connecting the virtual community for learning, interact, exchange information, and share knowledge. Numerous researched has examined the significant effects of the virtual community, although the present study aims to investigate the collective's e-satisfaction with the student e-learning environment at the university level as regards virtual community interaction, technology fitness, and compatibility. The study attempts to investigate the useful component for strengthening digital learning e-satisfaction by SEM modelling. This study focused on students from universities who take part in UG, PG and PhD programs from various parts of Indian higher education institution or universities. A total 384 number of responses were collected from the above academic intuitions. The study disclosed the importance of virtual community interaction, compatibility, and technology fit to measure e-satisfaction.

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