Abstract. For the past 17 years, the Atmospheric Chemistry Experiment Fourier Transform Spectrometer (ACE-FTS) instrument on the Canadian SCISAT satellite has been measuring profiles of atmospheric ozone. The latest two operational versions of the level 2 ozone data are versions 3.6 and 4.1. This technical note characterizes how both products compare with correlative data from other limb-sounding satellite instruments, namely MAESTRO, MLS, OSIRIS, SABER, and SMR. In general, v3.6, with respect to the other instruments, exhibits a smaller bias (which is on the order of ~3 %) in the middle stratosphere than v4.1 (~2–9 %), however the bias exhibited in the v4.1 data tends to be more stable, i.e. not changing significantly over time in any altitude region. In the lower stratosphere, v3.6 has a positive bias of about 3–5 % that is stable to within ±1 % dec−1, and v4.1 has a bias on the order of −1 to +5 % and is also stable to within ±1 % dec−1. In the middle stratosphere, v3.6 has a positive bias of ~3 % with a significant negative drift on the order of 0.5–2.5 % dec−1, and v4.1 has a positive bias of 2–9 % that is stable to within ±0.5 % dec−1. However, the v4.1 bias in the middle stratosphere is reduced to 0–5 % after being corrected for field-of-view modelling errors. In the upper stratosphere, v3.6 has a positive bias that increases with altitude up to ~16 % and a significant negative drift on the order of 2–3 % dec−1, and v4.1 has a positive bias that increases with altitude up to ~15 % and is stable to within ±1 % dec−1.