linear analog
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Molecules ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 26 (21) ◽  
pp. 6601
Joanna Bojda ◽  
Ewa Piorkowska ◽  
Grzegorz Lapienis ◽  
Adam Michalski

The influence of macromolecular architecture on shear-induced crystallization of poly(L-lactide) (PLLA) was studied. To this aim, three star PLLAs, 6-arm with Mw of 120 and 245 kg/mol, 4-arm with Mw of 123 kg/mol, and three linear PLLAs with Mw of 121, 240 and 339 kg/mol, were synthesized and examined. The PLLAs were sheared at 170 and 150 °C, at 5/s, 10/s and 20/s for 20 s, 10 s and 5 s, respectively, and then cooled at 10 or 30 °C/min. Shear-induced crystallization during cooling was followed by a light depolarization method, whereas the crystallized specimens were examined by DSC, 2D-WAXS, 2D-SAXS and SEM. The effect of shear depended on the shearing conditions, cooling rate and polymer molar mass but it was also affected by the macromolecular architecture. The shear-induced crystallization of linear PLLA with Mw of 240 kg/mol was more intense than that of the 6-arm polymer with similar Mw, most possibly due to its higher Mz. However, the influence of shear on the crystallization of the star polymers with Mw close to 120 kg/mol was stronger than on that of their linear analog. This was reflected in higher crystallization temperature, as well as crystallinity achieved during cooling.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-4
Krishna B.T.

This paper describes implementation of CMOS based linear and non-linear analog circuits using operational trans conductance amplifier as the basic element. These circuits have their applications in communication and signal processing areas. In this work PSPICE is used for the simulation of various analog circuits. The corresponding results are presented.

B.T. Krishna ◽  

This paper describes implementation of CMOS based linear and non-linear analog circuitsusing operational trans conductance amplifier as the basic element. These circuits have their applications in communication and signal processing areas. In this work PSPICE is used for the simulation of various analog circuits. The corresponding results are presented.

2021 ◽  
Vol 67 (2) ◽  
pp. 40-48
A. V. Ogorodnikov ◽  
S. S. Kharnas

BACKGROUND. Primary hyperparathyroidism (PGPT) is an increase in the secretory activity of the parathyroid glands (OSH), due to their tumor or hyperplastic changes. Due to the lack of an effective alternative to the treatment of PGPT, the surgical method is still the only correct tactical solution for the management of patients with an established diagnosis of PGPT. The paper presents the long-term results and assessment of the quality of life of patients who underwent surgical treatment from standard and small access. The results obtained showed the promise of a sparing approach to the treatment of PGPT caused by LV adenoma.AIM. To study the effectiveness of surgical treatment of patients with PGPT based on the assessment of the quality of life of patients who underwent parathyroidectomy from standard and small access.MATERIALS AND METHODS. A retrospective study of the quality of life of patients with PGPT after surgical treatment was conducted using the SF-36 questionnaire and the linear analog scale (LAS). Statistical data processing is performed in the R programming language using the FMSB package. The quantitative parameters were presented as median (Median) and interquartile range (25th (1st Qu) — lower quartile and 75th (3rd Qu ) — upper quartile). As a nonparametric statistical criterion, the Mann–Whitney U-test was used, on the basis of which the p-value was calculated. The calculated data of the research results are presented in graphical form — in the form of bar charts, spider plot and barplot.RESULTS. This study involved 264 patients. The patients were divided into 2 groups: GR1 — patients operated from the Kocher access with mandatory revision of all 4 OSH, GR2 — patients who received surgical treatment from the small access with the removal of the altered OSH, without revision of the remaining OSH. When analyzing the quality of life of patients before surgery, there were no statistically significant differences in the groups in terms of PF (Physical Functioning) and VT (Vitality). Small-access parathyroidectomy (patients with GR 2) significantly improved the quality of life in the GH (General Health) and VT (Vitality) domains. The analysis of LAS before surgery between the groups showed no statistically significant differences, while after surgical treatment, the indicators on the linear analog scale differ in the direction of improvement in GR2.CONCLUSION. The results obtained in the course of the study showed the promise of a gentle approach to the treatment of PGPT caused by LV adenoma, which is reflected in higher quality of life indicators.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 35-42
Dewi Yulianti Bisri ◽  
Tatang Bisri

Triplet (kembar tiga) dan kehamilan kembar yang lebih banyak lagi (higher multiple gestations) dihubungkan dengan peningkatan morbiditas ibu dan anak dibandingkan dengan kehamilan ganda atau kehamilan tunggal. Seksio sesarea adalah rute yang disukai untuk melahirkan pasien dengan kehamilan triplet. Seorang wanita, 31 tahun, G1P0A0 gravida aterm triplet hasil inseminasi, BB 72,5 kg, TB 168 cm, Mallampati 1, tekanan darah 130/90 mmHg, laju nadi 97x/menit, SpO2 100% dengan kanul binasal. Induksi dengan propofol 140 mg, atracurium 35 mg, intubasi dengan pipa endotrakheal no 6,5. Ventilasi mekanik dengan volume tidal 560 mL, laju nafas 12 x per menit, postive end expiratory pressure (PEEP) 5. Rumatan anestesi dengan N2O 40%, sevofluran 1-2 vol%. Analgetik fentanyl 100 ug diberikan setelah bayi lahir. Cairan RL 1500 mL, gelofusin 500 mL. Obat-obat lain: misoprostol 800 mcg perrectal, oxytocin 40 IU, methylergometrine 0,6 mg, asam traneksamat 1 gram, dextrose 40% 25 mL. Bayi ke-1 BB 2650 gr, pada jam 19.1, Apgar score 1 menit dan 5 menit 9, 10, Bayi ke-2 BB 2100 gr, Apgar score 1 menit dan 5 menit 9, 10, Bayi ke-3 BB 1900 gr, Apgar score 1 menit dan 5 menit 9, 10 lahir selang 1 menit. Tidak terjadi hipotensi, dan karena skor linear analog scale (LAS) 4-6 setelah terapi medikal maka dilakukan pengikatan uterus dengan tehnik B-Lynch suture, tidak terjadi postpartum hemorrhage, Hb postoperatif 10 g/dL, hematokrit 29%, tidak dilakukan transfusi darah. Analgetik pascabedah dengan petidin 100 mg dan dexketoprofen 100 mg dilarutkan dalam NaCl 0,9% 500 mL yang diberikan untuk 24 jam.   Anesthesia Management for Caesarean Section Triplet Pregnancy with Intraoperative LAS Score 6 Abstract Triplet and higher multiple gestations associated with increase maternal and fetal morbidity compare with twin or singleton pregnancy. Caesarean section is route for delivery patient with triplet gestations. A woman, 31 years, G1P0A0 gravida aterm triplet insemination result, BW 72,5 kg, height 168 cm, Mallampati 1, blood pressure 130/90 mmHg, heart rate 97x/minute, SpO2 100% with canul binasal. Induction anesthesia with propofol 140 mg, atracurium 35 mg, intubated with endotracheal tube no 6,5. Mechanical ventilation with tidal volume 560 mL, respiratory rate 12 x per minutes, postive end expiratory pressure (PEEP) 5. Maintenance anesthesia with N2O 40%, sevoflurane 1-2 vol%. Analgetic fentanyl 100 ug given after baby delivery. Fluids with RL 1500 mL, gelofusin 500 mL. Other drugs are misoprostol 800 mcg perrectal, oxytocine 40 IU, methylergometrine 0.6 mg, tranexamic acid 1 gram, dextrose 40% 25 mL. First baby BW 2650 gr, Apgar score 1 minute and 5 minute 9, 10 at 19.21, second baby BW 2100 gr, Apgar score 1 minute and 5 minute 9, 10, third baby BW 1900 gr, Apgar score 1 minute and 5 minute 9, 10 delivered 1 minute interval. No evidence of hypotension and linear analog scale (LAS) score is 4-6 and so needed uterus binding with B-Lynch suture technique, no evidence of postpartum hemorrhage, postoperative Hb 19 g/dL, hematocrit 29%, no blood transfusion. Postoperative analgesia with petidine 100 mg and dexketoprofen 100 mg in NaCl 0,9% 500 mL for 24 hours.

2021 ◽  
Oluwapelumi O. Kareem ◽  
Farzin Rahmani ◽  
Jason A. Hyman ◽  
Christopher B. Keller ◽  
Melissa A. Pasquinelli ◽  

The size and size variability of bis-MPA dendrimers is shown to be smaller by DOSY-1H NMR than their linear analog, PBBM. This was accomplished using five different solvents and for the first time confirms, experimentally, what has been theorized.

2020 ◽  
pp. 1-8
Alexandra Soufi ◽  
Marielle Gouton ◽  
Olivier Metton ◽  
Julia Mitchell ◽  
Yvette F. Bernard ◽  

Abstract Background: Progress in the management of complex congenital heart disease (CHD) led to an improvement in survival rates of adults with a Fontan-like circulation. The objective of this study was to assess the subjective health status and quality of life of this population. Methods and results: Patients aged more than 18 years at the time of the study, who underwent a Fontan-like procedure. Subjective health status was assessed by the SF-36 questionnaire and a linear analog scale was used to score patients’ self-perception of their quality of life; cardiac and demographic parameters were collected. Results: Among 65 eligible patients, 60 (23 females; mean ± SD age: 25.7 ± 7.2 years) answered the SF-36 questionnaire and 46 of these were interviewed to evaluate their perceived quality of life. Among them, 20 (33.3%) were working full-time and 21 (35%) experienced arrhythmias. The physical SF-36 scores were lower in patients than in the general population (p ≤ 0.05). The New York Hear Association (NYHA) class and occupation were correlated with SF-36 scores of physical activity (respectively, p = 0.0001 and p = 0.025). SF-36 scores of psychological status were associated with the number of drugs and occupation (respectively, p = 0.0001 and p = 0.02). The mean ± SD quality of life score measured using a linear analog scale was 7.02 ± 1.6 and was linked to education and occupation (p ≤ 0.05) but not with cardiac parameters. Conclusion: Adult Fontan patients perceive an impaired physical health but report a good overall quality of life. Education and occupation impacts significantly on Fontan patients’ quality of life.

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