logical contradiction
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2021 ◽  
Vol 34 (1) ◽  
pp. 51-53
Stephan J. G. Gift

Length contraction predicted by special relativity, requiring that two observers in different inertial frames measure each other's rods shorter than his own, is shown to be a logical contradiction and therefore invalid.

Discourse ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (4) ◽  
pp. 131-149
M. A. Flaksman

Introduction. The universal classification of onomatopoeic words was first introduced in 1969 by Stanislav V. Voronin. In the course of the following fifty years it has been tested on the material of typologically different languages both by the author himself and by other researchers. The aim of this article is to provide a full description of the classification (which has never been published in English before) and to examine its key points critically. The bulk of empirical data collected in the recent years calls for yet another update on the classification. There is a logical contradiction between such classes of onomatopoeic words as frequentatives and frequentatives-(quasi)-instants-continuants. They overlap typologically. This and other minor issues are solved in the present paper.Methodology and sources. The method discussed and applied in the classification is the method of phonosemantic analysis introduced by S. V. Voronin. Empirical data from English and other relevant languages are used for supporting the proposed changes into the classification.Results and discussion. The critical analysis of the Voronin’s universal classification of the onomatopoeic words revealed the presence of overlapping classes and hyperclasses within it, as well as other minor inconsistencies. The empirical typological data allowed to introduce some minor corrections while retaining the main principles of the classification.Conclusion. Introduced half a century ago, Stanislav Voronin’s classification of onomatopoeic words still remains a useful tool of typological research. Critical additions and proposed changes do not lessen its impact on studies in linguistic iconicity. The first part of this paper is devoted to the description of the classification and to the discussion of its advantages and limitations. In the second part of the article some possible solutions to the detected problems are suggested.

2020 ◽  
Vol 62 (1) ◽  
pp. 95-111
Dorota Rybarkiewicz

Abstract In the paper two seemingly distinct areas of philosophical investigations are brought together: metaphor and dialetheism. They both turn out to be deeply related, which becomes visible against a background, i.e. the hybrid structure of metaphor delineated in the first part. This network elicits three variations of dissonance subsequently called: (1) phantom-contradiction, which is combined with unconventionality of metaphors; (2) indexed-bound contradiction, bearing some cognitive tension but no real truth value gluts and; (3) logical contradiction “spread” between the two layers of metaphorical structure. Finally, the analysis allows for approaching a theoretically pending question concerning the influence of dialetheic aspects of metaphor upon human cognition and thinking in general.

2020 ◽  
Vol 27 (4) ◽  
pp. 1213-1220
Tage Alalehto

Purpose In 1988, Donald Cressey published a previously overlooked article. According to Cressey, there was a lack in the agenda of corporate crime research concerning theory and conceptual precision of what exactly the scientific object was and how it could reinforce the understanding of white-collar criminality. Cressey stated the idea that a fictitious person, such as a corporation, upon which were bestowed properties such as a will of its own (intentions and motivations) and a consciousness to act morally and ethically have a responsibility to follow the order of law, leds to a fundamental theoretical problem in terms of discovering the causes of crimes committed by such a fictitious person. I follow this line of thought about the arguments made by representatives of corporate crime. Specifically, I follow the concept of “decoupling,” by using various techniques of formal logic. The conclusion is that the concept of corporate crime is a logical contradiction (an eternal false statement), but the research has one analytical point which must be incorporated into the research of white-collar criminality: how structural conditions of a corporation’s policy and strategy “produce” or influence the individuals within the corporation to make decisions. The aim of the paper is to prove on logical grounds that the direction of research on corporate crime is on the wrong track to find the truth (basic elements and mechanisms) about white-collar crime. Design/methodology/approach Using formal logic, specifically modal logic. Findings The concept “corporate crime” is a logical contradiction. Research limitations/implications Concerning the conclusion, the implications has to be that corporate crime is a misleading concept in the research agenda of white-collar crime. Practical implications The authors have to reconsider the whole research field of corporate crime research. Originality/value To best of my knowledge, no one has before done a critic of corporate crime concept by formal logic.

2020 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 4-11
Sergey Lebedev

The article describes the method of General scientific ontological justification of scientific theories. Its essence consists in the following: 1) proof of the absence of logical contradiction between a particular scientific theory and a scientific picture of the world; 2) the interpretation of specific scientific theories in terms of relevant General scientific picture of the world; 3) the withdrawal of the main provisions will describe a scientific theory as a consequence of the General scientific picture of the world. The General scientific ontological justification of the scientific theory is only one of the factors of legitimization of the new theory as true along with three other forms of its legitimization: paradigmatic, epistemological and philosophical justification.

V.A. Nikolaev ◽  
I.V. Kryaklina

Основным недостатком зерноочистительных машин с прямоугольными решётами является ограниченная пропускная способность, обусловленная логическим противоречием. Оно заключается в том, что по мере прохода сквозь решето количество очищаемого материала на решете уменьшается, а ширина решета остаётся неизменной. При этом значительная часть решета работает неэффективно, так как только часть его поверхности покрыта очищаемым материалом. Чтобы повысить эффективность работы зерноочистительных машин, рёшета сдваивают и располагают в два или три яруса, увеличивают подачу на верхние решёта, но при этом снижается качество работы зерноочистительной машины. Поскольку по мере прохождения материала сквозь решето количество очищаемого материала на нём уменьшается, рационально было бы применять трапецеидальное решето. Однако конструктивная реализация зерноочистительной машины с трапецеидальными решётами затруднена. Для преодоления этого противоречия предложена зерноочистительная машина с решетом, представляющим перевёрнутый усечённый конус, который совершает вертикальные колебания. Приведено описание конструкции и принципа действия этой машины. Разработан модельный ряд зерноочистительных машин ПАЗМАН.The main disadvantage of grain cleaning machines with rectangular sieves is the limited throughput due to a logical contradiction. It lies in the fact that the amount of cleaned material on the sieve when passing through the sieve decreases and the width of the sieve remains unchanged. At the same time a significant part of the sieve works inefficiently as only part of its surface is covered with the cleaned material. To increase the efficiency of grain cleaning machines the sieves are doubled and placed in two or three chains, the feed rate to the upper chains is increased but the quality of the grain cleaning machine is reduced. Since as the material passes through the sieve the amount of material to be cleaned on it decreases, it would be rational to use a trapezoidal sieve. However the structural implementation of a grain cleaning machine with trapezoidal sieves is difficult. To overcome this contradiction a grain cleaning machine with a sieve representing an inverted flattened cone that performs vertical vibrations is proposed. The design and operating principle of this machine are described. A range of grain cleaning machines PAZMAN has been developed.

2019 ◽  
Vol 41 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-18
Michael Inwood

AbstractAristotle argued that there are no true statements of the form <Fx and not-Fx>. In his lectures on history of philosophy Hegel does not challenge this view and in his Science of Logic expresses admiration for Aristotle's rebuttal of Zeno of Elea's attempt to find such contradictions in his paradoxes of motion. Yet more than once in his logics Hegel insists that everything is contradictory. I approach this problem from two directions. First, Widerspruch often means, and is understood by Hegel to mean, ‘opposition’ rather than ‘contradiction’ in the strict logical sense. Thus Catullus's simultaneous love and hatred of Clodia is a contradiction, but not an Aristotelian, or formal logical, contradiction. I defuse Hegel's occasional suggestions of Aristotelian contradictions in motion and time. Second, I exploit Hegel's tacit rejection of Aristotle's official bivalence account of truth and falsity, in favour of the view that truth is approached by successive improvements in our inevitably imperfect attempts to attain it. In this respect Hegel's procedure is similar to that of Aristotle himself, who characteristically constructs his own view of metaphysics, physics, ethics, etc., from the imperfect, but not flatly false, opinions of his predecessors. ‘The truth is the whole’, that is, the whole sequence of our attempts to reach it.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 ◽  
pp. 400-433 ◽  
Jc Beall

The fundamental problem of Christology (as Richard Cross famously coined it) is the apparent contradiction of Christ as recorded at Chalcedon. Christ is human (with everything entailed thereby) and Christ is divine (with everything entailed thereby). Being divine entails (among many other of God’s properties) being immutable. Being human entails (among many other of our essential properties) being mutable. Were Christ two different persons (viz., a human person, a divine person) there’d be no apparent contradiction. But Chalcedon rules as much out. Were Christ only partly human or only partly divine there’d be no apparent contradiction. But Chalcedon rules as much out. Were the very meaning of ‘mutable’ and/or ‘immutable’ (or other such predicates) other than what they are, there’d be no apparent contradiction. But the meaning is what it is, and changing the meaning of our terms to avoid the apparent contradiction of Christ is an apparent flight from reality.What, in the end, is the explanation of the apparent contradiction of Christ? Theologians and philosophers have long advanced many consistency-seeking answers, all of which increase the metaphysical or semantical complexity of the otherwise strikingly simple but radical core of Christianity’s GodMan. In this paper, I put the simplest explanation on the theological table: namely, Christ appears to be contradictory because Christ is contradictory (i.e., some predicate is both true and false of Christ, and hence some logical contradiction is true of Christ). This explanation may sound complicated to the many who are steeped in the mainstream account of logic according to which logic precludes the possibility of true contradictions. But the mainstream account of logic can and should be rejected. Ridding theology of the dogma of mainstream logic illuminates the simple though striking explanation of the apparent contradiction of Christ — namely, that Christ is a contradictory being. Just as the simplest explanation to the apparent roundness of the earth has earned due acceptance, so too should the simplest explanation of the apparent contradiction of Christ.

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