effective constant
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2021 ◽  
Helen H. Suh ◽  
Julianne Meehan ◽  
Laura Blaisdell ◽  
Laurie Browne

AbstractBackgroundMost camps remained closed during Summer 2020, due to concerns regarding child transmission of SARS-CoV-2 and limited information about the effectiveness of non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs) within child congregate settings.MethodsWe surveyed US camps about on-site operations, camper and staff demographics, COVID-19 cases amongst campers and staff, and NPI usage as related to pre-camp quarantines, facial coverings, physical distancing, cleaning, and facility modifications. For all NPIs, save quarantines, responses were provided on a 5-point Likert scale format.ResultsWithin 486 on-site camps, a range of NPIs were instituted, most often related to reduced camper interactions, staff face coverings, cleaning, and hand hygiene. Camper facial coverings were less common, with campers always wearing masks at ∼34% of the camps. Approximately 15% of camps reported 1+ confirmed COVID-19 case in either campers or staff, with three camps reporting a COVID outbreak. In both single and multi-NPI analyses, the risk of COVID-19 cases was lowest when campers always wore facial coverings. While less effective, constant use of staff facial coverings and targeted physical distancing measures, but not pre-camp quarantine, also reduced COVID-19 risks.ConclusionsWe found constant facial coverings, especially for campers, and targeted physical distancing measures to reduce risks of SARS-CoV-2 transmission within summer camps. Our findings provide valuable guidance for future operations of camp and other child congregate settings with regard to efficient and effective NPI usage to mitigate SARS-CoV-2 infection.What’s Known on This SubjectApproximately 82% of US overnight camps did not open during Summer 2020 due to concerns regarding children’s ability to transmit SARS-CoV-2. Camps that did operate during this time instituted varied non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs) to reduce SARS-CoV-2 transmission, with little information available on the effectiveness of these NPIs within child congregate settings. Large population-based studies are needed to improve our understanding of the extent of SARS-CoV-2 infection amongst children and their caregivers and to determine whether and to what degree child congregate programs can safely open during the pandemic.What This Study AddsOur study, the largest survey of COVID-19 cases in child congregate settings at the national level, provides new information on the relative effectiveness of NPIs on mitigating COVID cases among children and staff within camp settings. We showed COVID-19 case rates in campers and staff to be low relative to corresponding case rates in the US and found constant camper facial coverings to be the most effective risk reduction method for SARS-CoV-2 transmission within camps. While less effective, constant use of staff facial coverings and targeted physical distancing measures, but not pre-camp quarantines, were also shown to reduce COVID-19 risks. Our findings has important implications for child congregate settings, helping to guide their successful opening and operation.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2020 (767) ◽  
pp. 17-35 ◽  
Gal Binyamini ◽  
Emmanuel Kowalski

AbstractLet {X\subset Y(1)^{n}} be a subvariety defined over a number field {{\mathbb{F}}} and let {(P_{1},\ldots,P_{n})\in X} be a special point not contained in a positive-dimensional special subvariety of X. We show that if a coordinate {P_{i}} corresponds to an order not contained in a single exceptional Siegel–Tatuzawa imaginary quadratic field {K_{*}}, then the associated discriminant {|\Delta(P_{i})|} is bounded by an effective constant depending only on {\deg X} and {[{\mathbb{F}}:{\mathbb{Q}}]}. We derive analogous effective results for the positive-dimensional maximal special subvarieties.From the main theorem we deduce various effective results of André–Oort type. In particular, we define a genericity condition on the leading homogeneous part of a polynomial, and give a fully effective André–Oort statement for hypersurfaces defined by polynomials satisfying this condition.

2020 ◽  
Vol 54 (2 (252)) ◽  
pp. 105-111
G.S. Grigoryan

The formation of Cօ2+ : phenylalanine (Phe) 1:1 complex has been confirmed via kinetic study in aqueous solution at pH>7, which acts as a model catalyst for the decomposition of cumene hydroperoxide (ROOH) in Co2++Phe+ROOH+H2O system. The kinetic expression of a single catalytic decomposition reaction of ROOH under the influence of [CoPhe]+ complex, as well as the Arrhenius equation describing the temperature dependence of the effective constant Keff (=Kcat[Co2+]0[Phe]0) of ROOH decay rate in the temperature range from 323 to 343 K are brought out.

2019 ◽  
Vol 19 (5) ◽  
pp. 345-350
N. A. Samoilov ◽  
M. S. Melgunov ◽  
V. A. Zhilina

The process of hydrotreatment of diesel fuel (fraction 180–320 °C) over fresh and spent (after two-year operation in an industrial reactor) Co-Mo catalyst was studied. It was established that the sulfur contents were rather close to one another in the diesel fuel samples treated using the fresh and spent catalysts, even though the specific surface area was 40 % smaller in the spent catalyst compared to that in the fresh sample. Dependence of effective constant keff of hydrodesulfurization on the temperature of low-temperature hydrotreatment (below 320–330 °C) was characteristic of the kinetic range of heterogeneous catalysis complicated by external diffusion resistance. When the temperature was elevated up to 420 °C, the process of diesel hydrotreatment transferred to the external diffusion region. Activation energies of hydrodesulfurization were comparable over the spent and fresh catalysts (81.1 and 80.5 kJ/mol, respectively). A hypothesis of the specific catalyst deactivation was discussed.

2019 ◽  
Vol 19 (6) ◽  
pp. 719-731 ◽  
Fatemeh Khatami ◽  
Mohammad R. Mohajeri-Tehrani ◽  
Seyed M. Tavangar

Background:Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM) is a worldwide disorder as the most important challenges of health-care systems. Controlling the normal glycaemia greatly profit long-term prognosis and gives explanation for early, effective, constant, and safe intervention.Materials and Methods:Finding the main genetic and epigenetic profile of T2DM and the exact molecular targets of T2DM medications can shed light on its personalized management. The comprehensive information of T2DM was earned through the genome-wide association study (GWAS) studies. In the current review, we represent the most important candidate genes of T2DM like CAPN10, TCF7L2, PPAR-γ, IRSs, KCNJ11, WFS1, and HNF homeoboxes. Different genetic variations of a candidate gene can predict the efficacy of T2DM personalized strategy medication.Results:SLCs and AMPK variations are considered for metformin, CYP2C9, KATP channel, CDKAL1, CDKN2A/2B and KCNQ1 for sulphonylureas, OATP1B, and KCNQ1 for repaglinide and the last but not the least ADIPOQ, PPAR-γ, SLC, CYP2C8, and SLCO1B1 for thiazolidinediones response prediction.Conclusion:Taken everything into consideration, there is an extreme need to determine the genetic status of T2DM patients in some known genetic region before planning the medication strategies.

2019 ◽  
Vol 64 (6) ◽  
pp. 532
Z. I. Sizova ◽  
V. N. Gorbatch ◽  
K. A. Mozul

The magnetization, initial magnetic susceptibility, and magnetostriction of a multicomponent Co-based amorphous alloy have been studied. The exchange constant a and the Curie temperature TC of the alloy are determined. On the basis of a method based on the theory of stochastic magnetic structure for amorphous ferromagnets and using the magnetization curves, the correlation field Hℓ, the field Ha, the effective constant of local magnetic anisotropy Keff, and the stochastic characteristics of local anisotropy – the mean square field fluctuations and the correlation radius – have been calculated. The temperature behavior of the examined magnetic characteristics is analyzed. The results of magnetostriction research allow a conclusion to be drawn that the local magnetic anisotropy of the alloy has a single-ion origin.

Uchegbu Chinenye E ◽  
Inyama Kelechi

This paper is aimed at designing an efficient traffic light model for the commercial city of Aba in Abia State, Nigeria, using LED (Light Emitting Diode). LED consumes 80 – 90 percent less energy than the normal incandescent lamps, and lasts 5 – 8 years or longer. The traffic control system involves the use of decade counter and timer for the design and circuit simulation. This analysis can efficiently be implemented at intersections in the city of Aba. It also involves the use of an alternative power supply system in the case of public power failure, for an effective constant control system.

2016 ◽  
Vol 20 (suppl. 5) ◽  
pp. 1321-1332
Miroslav Mijajlovic ◽  
Sonja Vidojkovic ◽  
Milos Milosevi]a

The friction coefficient in many friction stir welding researches is generally used as an effective, constant value without concern on the adaptable and changeable nature of the friction during welding sequence. This is understandable because the main problem in analyzing friction in friction stir welding are complex nature of the friction processes, case-dependent and time dependent contact between the bodies, influence of the temperature, sliding velocity, etc. This paper is presenting a complex experimental-numerical-analytical model for estimating the effective friction coefficient on contact of the bobbin tool and welding plates during welding, considering the temperature at the contact as the most influencing parameter on friction. The estimation criterion is the correspondence of the experimental temperature and temperature from the numerical model. The estimation procedure is iterative and parametric - the heat transport parameters and friction coefficient are adapted during the estimation procedure in a realistic manner to achieve relative difference between experimental and model?s temperature lower than 3%. The results show that friction coefficient varies from 0.01 to 0.21 for steel-aluminium alloy contact and temperature range from 406?C to 22?C.

2015 ◽  
Vol 59 (4) ◽  
pp. 945-958 ◽  
G. O. Jones ◽  
M. E. M. Thomas

AbstractWe answer a question of Masser by showing that for the Weierstrass zeta function ζ corresponding to a given lattice Λ, the density of algebraic points of absolute multiplicative height bounded byTand degree bounded byklying on the graph of ζ, restricted to an appropriate domain, does not exceedc(logT)15for an effective constant c > 0 depending onkand on Λ. Using different methods, we also give two bounds of the same form for the density of algebraic points of bounded height in a fixed number field lying on the graph of ζ restricted to an appropriate subset of (0, 1). In one case the constant c can be shown not to depend on the choice of lattice; in the other, the exponent can be improved to 12.

2015 ◽  
Vol 14 (04) ◽  
pp. 1550032
Zhang Rui ◽  
Jamal El-Den ◽  
Chen Qianzhu

Enterprise Simulative Games are commonly introduced to students at universities as means of exposing them to real world business challenges. They are designed to challenge the students’ previously acquired knowledge and expertise. They aim to improve the students’ general business and enterprise management skills. Success in the game is a reflection of effective “constant” interactions among the students in the groups as well as the proper use of the diverse knowledge possessed by the members and/or disseminated by the CEO and the lecturers. In addition, effective sharing of what they know is integral to winning over the other groups. This is essential for their success in the game. It is anticipated that the increase in the sharing of knowledge during the game activities increases the groups’ chances of having competitive edge over their peers. In this research, we investigated the effects of organisational context, motivational factors and personal characteristics on the knowledge sharing during the students’ participation in the simulative games. Based on data analysis methods, the research findings demonstrated that these factors have positive effects on the knowledge shared among group members in groups. The paper also found that individual characteristics increase the knowledge sharing if it is coupled with motivational factors rather than individual characteristics alone.

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