conformal curvature
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Mohammed B. Al-Fadhli

The recent Planck Legacy release confirmed the presence of an enhanced lensing amplitude in the cosmic microwave background (CMB) power spectra, which prefers a positively curved early Universe with a confidence level exceeding 99%. In this study, the pre-existing curvature is incorporated to extend the field equations where the derived wavefunction of the Universe is utilised to model Universe evolution with reference to the scale factor of the early Universe and its radius of curvature upon the emission of the CMB. The wavefunction reveals both positive and negative solutions, implying that matter and antimatter of early Universe plasma evolved in opposite directions as distinct Universe sides, corroborating the axis of CMB. The wavefunction indicates that a nascent hyperbolic expansion away from early plasma is followed by a first phase of decelerating expansion during the first 10 Gyr, and then, a second phase of accelerating expansion in reverse directions, whereby both sides free-fall towards each other under gravitational acceleration. The predicted conformal curvature evolution demonstrates the fast orbital speed of outer stars owing to external fields exerted on galaxies as they travel through conformally curved space-time. Finally, the wavefunction predicts an eventual time-reversal phase comprising rapid spatial contraction that culminates in a Big Crunch, signalling a cyclic Universe. These findings show that early plasma could be separated and evolved into distinct sides of the Universe that collectively inducing its evolution, physically explaining the effects attributed to dark energy and dark matter.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (4) ◽  
pp. 1969-1982
B. P. Murthy ◽  
R. T. Naveen Kumar ◽  
P. S. K. Reddy ◽  

Sun Yijing ◽  
Tan Yuxin ◽  
Shuang Zhen

Sabina Eyasmin

The hypersurface of a space is one of the most important objects in a space. Many authors studied the various geometric aspects of hypersurfaces in a space form. The notion of conformal flatness is one of the most primitive concepts in differential geometry. Again, conformally flat space is a proper generalization of a space form. In this paper, we study the geometry of hypersurfaces in a conformally flat manifold. Then we have investigated some sufficient conditions imposed on the shape operator for which the hypersurface satisfies various pseudosymmetric-type conditions imposed on its conformal curvature tensor.

Filomat ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 35 (2) ◽  
pp. 657-666
Young Suh ◽  
Vasant Chavan ◽  
Naeem Pundeer

In the present paper, we carried out a systematic investigation of pseudo-quasi-conformal curvature tensor has been made on the four-dimensional spacetime of general relativity. The spacetime fulfilling Einstein?s field equations with vanishing of pseudo-quasi-conformal curvature tensor is being considered and existence of Killing and conformal Killing vectors on such spacetime have been established. At last, we extend the similar case for the investigation of cosmological models with dust and perfect fluid spacetime.

M. M. Praveena ◽  
C. S. Bagewadi ◽  
M. R. Krishnamurthy

We study solitons of almost pseudo symmetric Kählerian space-time manifold. It is considered that different curvature tensors like projective, conharmonic and conformal curvature tensors in almost pseudo symmetric Kählerian space-time manifolds are flat. It is shown that solitons are steady, expanding or shrinking under different relations of isotropic pressure, the cosmological constant, energy density and gravitational constant..

Mohammed B. Al-Fadhli

The Planck Legacy recent release revealed the presence of an enhanced lensing amplitude in the cosmic microwave background, which endorses the early universe positive curvature with a confidence level greater than 99%. Although General Relativity performs accurately in the present universe where spacetime is almost flat, its lost boundary term and the need of dark matter/energy might indicate its incompleteness. By utilising the Einstein–Hilbert action, this letter presents new extended field equations considering pre-existing universal curvatures and boundary contributions. The extended field equations are inclusive of Einstein field equations in addition to the boundary and the conformal curvature terms, which could remove the singularities from the theory.

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