grid graphs
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V Aksakalli ◽  
D Oz ◽  
A F Alkaya ◽  
V Aydogdu

The Northern Sea Route (NSR) links the Atlantic and Pacific oceans through the Arctic and it is critical for global trade as it provides a route between Asia and Europe that is significantly shorter than the alternatives. NSR is soon expected to open for intercontinental shipping due to global warming and thus presents tremendous opportunities for reductions in shipping time, cost, and environmental impacts. On the other hand, facilitating this route requires innovative approaches due to the navigation risks associated with its ice-covered waters. This study presents a graph-theoretical approach for optimal naval navigation in ice-covered sea routes with flexible turn angles based on the idea of large-adjacency grid graphs. Our model allows for asymmetric left and right turn radii as well as turn speeds that vary as a function of the turn angle and it offers natural-looking navigation paths.

2021 ◽  
Vol 28 (4) ◽  
Shuchita Goyal ◽  
Samir Shukla ◽  
Anurag Singh

The matching complex of a graph $G$ is a simplicial complex whose simplices are matchings in $G$. In the last few years the matching complexes of grid graphs have gained much attention among the topological combinatorists. In 2017, Braun and Hough obtained homological results related to the matching complexes of $2 \times n$ grid graphs. Further in 2019, Matsushita showed  that the matching complexes of $2 \times n$ grid graphs are homotopy equivalent to a wedge of spheres. In this article we prove that the matching complexes of $3\times n$ grid graphs are homotopy equivalent to a wedge of spheres. We also give the comprehensive list of the dimensions of spheres appearing in the wedge.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 344 (11) ◽  
pp. 112550
Brhane Gebremichel ◽  
Meng-Yue Cao ◽  
Jack H. Koolen

Sensors ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (19) ◽  
pp. 6548
Gang Qiao ◽  
Qipei Liu ◽  
Songzuo Liu ◽  
Bilal Muhammad ◽  
Menghua Wen

Topology control is one of the most essential technologies in wireless sensor networks (WSNs); it constructs networks with certain characteristics through the usage of some approaches, such as power control and channel assignment, thereby reducing the inter-nodes interference and the energy consumption of the network. It is closely related to the efficiency of upper layer protocols, especially MAC and routing protocols, which are the same as underwater acoustic sensor networks (UASNs). Directional antenna technology (directional transducer in UASNs) has great advantages in minimizing interference and conserving energy by restraining the beamforming range. It enables nodes to communicate with only intended neighbors; nevertheless, additional problems emerge, such as how to guarantee the connectivity of the network. This paper focuses on the connectivity problem of UASNs equipped with tri-modal directional transducers, where the orientation of a transducer is stabilized after the network is set up. To efficiently minimize the total network energy consumption under constraint of connectivity, the problem is formulated to a minimum network cost transducer orientation (MNCTO) problem and is provided a reduction from the Hamiltonian path problem in hexagonal grid graphs (HPHGG), which is proved to be NP-complete. Furthermore, a heuristic greedy algorithm is proposed for MNCTO. The simulation evaluation results in a contrast with its omni-mode peer, showing that the proposed algorithm greatly reduces the network energy consumption by up to nearly half on the premise of satisfying connectivity.

2021 ◽  
Vol 184 (3) ◽  
Gianmarco Bet ◽  
Anna Gallo ◽  
Francesca R. Nardi

AbstractWe consider the ferromagnetic q-state Potts model with zero external field in a finite volume evolving according to Glauber-type dynamics described by the Metropolis algorithm in the low temperature asymptotic limit. Our analysis concerns the multi-spin system that has q stable equilibria. Focusing on grid graphs with periodic boundary conditions, we study the tunneling between two stable states and from one stable state to the set of all other stable states. In both cases we identify the set of gates for the transition and prove that this set has to be crossed with high probability during the transition. Moreover, we identify the tube of typical paths and prove that the probability to deviate from it during the transition is exponentially small.

Mathematics ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (17) ◽  
pp. 2107
Nuttanon Songsuwan ◽  
Thiradet Jiarasuksakun ◽  
Anuwat Tangthanawatsakul ◽  
Pawaton Kaemawichanurat

A Cop and Drunken Robber (CDR) game is one variation of a famous combinatorial game, called Cops and Robbers, which has been extensively studied and applied in the area of theoretical and computer science as demonstrated by several conferences and publications. In this paper, for a natural number n, we present two strategies for a single cop to chase a drunken robber on n-dimensional infinite-grid graphs. Both strategies show that if the initial distance between the cop and the drunken robber is s, then the expected capture time is s+o(s).

Johannes Blum ◽  
Stefan Funke ◽  
Sabine Storandt

AbstractShortest path planning is a fundamental building block in many applications. Hence developing efficient methods for computing shortest paths in, e.g., road or grid networks is an important challenge. The most successful techniques for fast query answering rely on preprocessing. However, for many of these techniques it is not fully understood why they perform so remarkably well, and theoretical justification for the empirical results is missing. An attempt to explain the excellent practical performance of preprocessing based techniques on road networks (as transit nodes, hub labels, or contraction hierarchies) in a sound theoretical way are parametrized analyses, e.g., considering the highway dimension or skeleton dimension of a graph. Still, these parameters may be large in case the network contains grid-like substructures—which inarguably is the case for real-world road networks around the globe. In this paper, we use the very intuitive notion of bounded growth graphs to describe road networks and also grid graphs. We show that this model suffices to prove sublinear search spaces for the three above mentioned state-of-the-art shortest path planning techniques. Furthermore, our preprocessing methods are close to the ones used in practice and only require expected polynomial time.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (3) ◽  
pp. 1-42
Karl Bringmann ◽  
Marvin KüNnemann ◽  
André Nusser

The discrete Fréchet distance is a popular measure for comparing polygonal curves. An important variant is the discrete Fréchet distance under translation, which enables detection of similar movement patterns in different spatial domains. For polygonal curves of length n in the plane, the fastest known algorithm runs in time Õ( n 5 ) [12]. This is achieved by constructing an arrangement of disks of size Õ( n 4 ), and then traversing its faces while updating reachability in a directed grid graph of size N := Õ( n 5 ), which can be done in time Õ(√ N ) per update [27]. The contribution of this article is two-fold. First, although it is an open problem to solve dynamic reachability in directed grid graphs faster than Õ(√ N ), we improve this part of the algorithm: We observe that an offline variant of dynamic s - t -reachability in directed grid graphs suffices, and we solve this variant in amortized time Õ( N 1/3 ) per update, resulting in an improved running time of Õ( N 4.66 ) for the discrete Fréchet distance under translation. Second, we provide evidence that constructing the arrangement of size Õ( N 4 ) is necessary in the worst case by proving a conditional lower bound of n 4 - o(1) on the running time for the discrete Fréchet distance under translation, assuming the Strong Exponential Time Hypothesis.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
V. R. Girish ◽  
P. Usha

<p>A set <em>D</em> - <em>V</em> is a dominating set of <em>G</em> if every vertex in <em>V - D</em> is adjacent to some vertex in <em>D</em>. The dominating number γ(<em>G</em>) of <em>G</em> is the minimum cardinality of a dominating set <em>D</em>. A dominating set <em>D</em> of a graph <em>G</em> = (<em>V;E</em>) is a split dominating set if the induced graph (<em>V</em> - <em>D</em>) is disconnected. The split domination number γ<em><sub>s</sub></em>(<em>G</em>) is the minimum cardinality of a split domination set. In this paper we have introduced a new method to obtain the split domination number of grid graphs by partitioning the vertex set in terms of star graphs and also we have<br />obtained the exact values of γ<em>s</em>(<em>G<sub>m;n</sub></em>); <em>m</em> ≤ <em>n</em>; <em>m,n</em> ≤ 24:</p>

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