demand control
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2022 ◽  
Ryota Takao ◽  
Kenta Ushiro ◽  
Hazuki Kusano ◽  
Ken-ichi Yuyama ◽  
Tatsuya Shoji ◽  

Ryota Takao ◽  
Kenta Ushiro ◽  
Hazuki Kusano ◽  
Ken-ichi Yuyama ◽  
Tatsuya Shoji ◽  

Eduardo Mendes Nascimento ◽  
Edgard Bruno Cornacchione Junior ◽  
Marcia Carvalho Garcia

Objetivo: Identificar e analisar a influência que os níveis de demanda, controle e suporte exercem sobre o estresse autorrelatado pelos docentes dos cursos de Ciências Contábeis das Instituições de Ensino Superior (IES) do Brasil.Método: Utilizou-se de um survey com questões relativas à condição biopsicossocial dos 614 professores participantes, sobre a percepção de estresse destes com o Teacher Stress Inventory, e de demanda, controle e suporte emocional com o Job Demand-Control-Support. Resultados: O suporte e o controle contribuem, de forma significativa (p<0,01), para diminuir o estresse percebido pelos professores. Contudo, as demandas presentes nas IES contribuem para majorar (p<0,01) o estresse. Foi apurado, também, que a idade, a percepção positiva sobre o estado de saúde mental e a satisfação geral com a profissão e com os próprios alunos são fatores capazes de modular, negativamente, o estresse do professor (p<0,01). Porém, ser mulher, lecionar pela manhã e ser professor em uma IES pública aumentam a percepção de estresse dos respondentes (p<0,01). Contribuições: Considerando que a capacidade de adaptação das pessoas é limitada, este trabalho permite descortinar as circunstâncias que podem agravar os efeitos causados pelo estresse, tendo em vista o acréscimo de demandas físicas e emocionais, resultando, inclusive, em doenças psicossomáticas. Palavras-chaves: Ensino superior; Estresse; Docência; Saúde mental; Ciências Contábeis.

2021 ◽  
Vol 29 (1) ◽  
pp. 53-76
Rayco H. González-Montesino ◽  
Lourdes Calle-Alberdi ◽  
Silvia Saavedra-Rodríguez

La profesionalización de la interpretación de lengua de signos española (LSE) es relativamente joven y, desde sus inicios, la ética y su regulación mediante códigos de actuación ha sido esencial (De los Santos y Lara Burgos, 2004). A nivel internacional, nuevos modelos de análisis del trabajo de los intérpretes como el Demand-Control Schema (Dean y Pollard, 2011, 2013) y el Role Space (Llewellyn-Jones y Lee, 2014) han tenido un importante impacto académico, replanteando el marco de análisis éticos y, por ende, la formación de estos profesionales está en plena transformación (efsli, 2013). Tales modelos adoptan una perspectiva teleológica de la ética profesional, cuestionando el tradicional enfoque deontológico (Calle-Alberdi, 2015). Este trabajo examina la formación recibida sobre ética profesional en el único programa universitario que forma a intérpretes de LSE en este país: el Grado en Lengua de Signos Española y Comunidad Sorda de la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos. Para ello, se han elaborado unos supuestos prácticos que propician un dilema ético, basado en los pilares fundamentales del código deontológico propuesto por la Federación Española de Intérpretes de Lengua de Signos y Guía-intérpretes (FILSE, 2002), y se han presentado a una muestra de alumnado del último curso de dicho grado. A través de entrevistas semiestructuradas y atendiendo a los patrones de razonamiento que usan en la aplicación de su ética profesional, se han extraído diversas conclusiones que nos indican cómo articulan la toma de decisiones para aplicar el código deontológico. Esta primera aproximación ha permitido concluir que, ante situaciones específicas, el alumnado genera ese dilema entre la deontología y la teleología por el que se aboga en los nuevos modelos de análisis, aunque queda patente la necesidad de ahondar más en los mismos durante el período formativo de los futuros intérpretes de LSE.

Buildings ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 15
Pei Zhou ◽  
Songjie Wang ◽  
Zhao Jin ◽  
Gongsheng Huang ◽  
Jian Zhu ◽  

An indoor high and open space is characterized by high mobility of people and uneven temperature distribution, so the conventional design and operation of air conditioning systems makes it difficult to regulate the air conditioning system precisely and efficiently. Thus, a Wireless Sensor Network was constructed in an indoor space located in Hong Kong to monitor the indoor environmental parameters of the space and improve the temperature control effectively. To ensure the continuity of the measurement data, three algorithms for reconstructing temperature, relative humidity and carbon dioxide data were implemented and compared. The results demonstrate the accuracy of support vector regression model and multiple linear regression model is higher than Back Propagation neural network model for reconstructing temperature data. Multiple linear regression is the most convenient from the perspective of program complexity, computing speed and difficulty in obtaining input conditions. Based on the data we collected, the traditional single-input-single-output control, zonal temperature control and the proposed zonal demand control methods were modeled on a Transient System Simulation Program (TRNSYS) control platform, the thermal coupling between the subzones without physical partition was taken into account, and the mass transfer between the virtual boundaries was calculated by an external CONTAM program. The simulation results showed the proposed zonal demand control can alleviate the over-cooling or over-heating phenomenon in conventional temperature control, thermal comfort and energy reduction is enhanced as well.

Rui Wang ◽  
Victoria Blom ◽  
Carla F. J. Nooijen ◽  
Lena V. Kallings ◽  
Örjan Ekblom ◽  

A knowledge gap remains in understanding how to improve the intervention effectiveness in office workers targeting physically active (PA) behavior. We aim to identify the modifying effect of executive function (EF) on the intervention effectiveness targeting PA-behaviors, and to verify whether the observed effect varies by Job Demand Control (JDC) categories. This workplace-based intervention study included 245 participants who were randomized into a control group and two intervention arms—promoting physical activity (iPA) group or reducing sedentary behavior (iSED) group. The interventions were conducted through counselling-based cognitive behavioral therapy and team activities over 6 months. PA-behaviors were measured by an accelerometer. EF was assessed by the Trail Making Test-B, Stroop, and n-back test. The JDC categories were measured by the demand control questionnaire. Higher EF level at baseline was significantly associated with the intervention effect on increased sleep time (β-coefficient: 3.33, p = 0.003) and decreased sedentary time (−2.76, p = 0.049) in the iSED-group. Participants with active jobs (high job demands, high control) presented significantly increased light-intensity PA in the iSED-group in comparison to the control group. Among participants with a high level of EF and active jobs, relative to the control group, the iPA-group showed a substantial increase in light-intensity PA (1.58, p = 0.036) and the iSED-group showed a tendency of reducing sedentary behavior (−5.35, p = 0.054). The findings suggest that office workers with a high EF and active jobs may benefit most from an intervention study targeting PA-behaviors.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2143 (1) ◽  
pp. 012005
Haixiang Jiang ◽  
Yanhua Tang ◽  
Quanxin Jiang

Abstract The mechanical design amelioration of automatic production line can intelligently adjust the production rhythm of the production line on demand, control the rhythm of production scheduling according to the production process requirements, and establish a modular design mode, so it has important research value. Based on this, this paper first analyses the mechanical design principle of the automatic production line, then studies the computer control system of the automatic production line, and finally gives the amelioration measures of the mechanical design of the automatic production line.

2021 ◽  
Vol 118 (48) ◽  
pp. e2114345118
Tianjiao Ma ◽  
Jing Bai ◽  
Tiantian Li ◽  
Shuai Chen ◽  
Xiaodong Ma ◽  

Camouflage is widespread in nature, engineering, and the military. Dynamic surface wrinkles enable a material the on-demand control of the reflected optical signal and may provide an alternative to achieve adaptive camouflage. Here, we demonstrate a feasible strategy for adaptive visible camouflage based on light-driven dynamic surface wrinkles using a bilayer system comprising an anthracene-containing copolymer (PAN) and pigment-containing poly (dimethylsiloxane) (pigment-PDMS). In this system, the photothermal effect–induced thermal expansion of pigment-PDMS could eliminate the wrinkles. The multiwavelength light–driven dynamic surface wrinkles could tune the scattering of light and the visibility of the PAN film interference color. Consequently, the color captured by the observer could switch between the exposure state that is distinguished from the background and the camouflage state that is similar to the surroundings. The bilayer wrinkling system toward adaptive visible camouflage is simple to configure, easy to operate, versatile, and exhibits in situ dynamic characteristics without any external sensors and extra stimuli.

Nano Letters ◽  
2021 ◽  
Yixiao Dong ◽  
J. Dale Combs ◽  
Cong Cao ◽  
Eric R. Weeks ◽  
Alisina Bazrafshan ◽  

Work & Stress ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 1-22
Sascha Abdel Hadi ◽  
Andreas Mojzisch ◽  
Stefan Krumm ◽  
Jan A. Häusser

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