direct limit
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2021 ◽  
pp. 1-14

Abstract Let G be a group and A a set equipped with a collection of finitary operations. We study cellular automata $$\tau :{A^G} \to {A^G}$$ that preserve the operations AG of induced componentwise from the operations of A. We show τ that is an endomorphism of AG if and only if its local function is a homomorphism. When A is entropic (i.e. all finitary operations are homomorphisms), we establish that the set EndCA(G;A), consisting of all such endomorphic cellular automata, is isomorphic to the direct limit of Hom(AS, A), where S runs among all finite subsets of G. In particular, when A is an R-module, we show that EndCA(G;A) is isomorphic to the group algebra $${\rm{End}}(A)[G]$$ . Moreover, when A is a finite Boolean algebra, we establish that the number of endomorphic cellular automata over AG admitting a memory set S is precisely $${(k|S|)^k}$$ , where k is the number of atoms of A.

Thomas Creutzig ◽  
Robert McRae ◽  
Jinwei Yang

2021 ◽  
pp. 2150030
Marouane Rabaoui

In this paper, we study the first-order cohomology space of countable direct limit groups related to Olshanski spherical pairs, relatively to unitary representations which do not have almost invariant vectors. In particular, we prove a variant of Delorme’s vanishing result of the first-order cohomology space for spherical representations of Olshanski spherical pairs.

Mathematics ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 88
Elchin I. Jafarov ◽  
Aygun M. Mammadova ◽  
Joris Van der Jeugt

In this short communication, we present a new limit relation that reduces pseudo-Jacobi polynomials directly to Hermite polynomials. The proof of this limit relation is based upon 2F1-type hypergeometric transformation formulas, which are applicable to even and odd polynomials separately. This limit opens the way to studying new exactly solvable harmonic oscillator models in quantum mechanics in terms of pseudo-Jacobi polynomials.

Amal Elsisi ◽  
Winston Y. W. Lee ◽  
Pushpendra Tomar ◽  
Dan Williams

Abstract Gas transmission pipeline operators increasingly rely on Electro-Magnetic Acoustic Transducer (EMAT) technology to reliably detect, identify and size stress corrosion cracking (SCC) anomalies in their pipeline system. However, scheduling EMAT in-line inspection (ILI) on every pipeline in the system is not always practicable or achievable in an expeditious manner. A means of conducting a preliminary assessment of the SCC threat on pipelines without EMAT ILI data in an objective and quantifiable manner is useful for understanding the threat level and for prioritizing or deciding on outstanding EMAT inspections. A wealth of system-specific SCC field data from historical integrity excavations across the pipeline system typically exists in a pipeline operator’s dataset and can be readily leveraged for quantitatively estimating the SCC threat reliability in other, similar (“like-in-kind”) parts of the pipeline system. This system-specific data, based on actual SCC findings from integrity excavations, is an improved and more granular alternative to applying industry-wide SCC statistics to estimates of SCC reliability levels on pipelines without EMAT ILI data. This paper presents a robust and direct limit state approach for estimating the SCC reliability level in pipelines that have not yet had an EMAT ILI completed by leveraging system-wide SCC field findings from historical integrity excavations.

In the paper, a venture has been made to develop a stock presentation for interminable planning horizon with exponentially growing interest value. It might be seen that debilitating doesn't depend on time as it were. It can impact as a result of climate conditions, clamminess, and capacity conditions, etc in this way it is progressively reasonable to consider rot rate as two-parameter Weibull spread work. Inadequacy is allowed and totally multiplied. The holding cost contemplated a direct limit of time. The ideal solution of the proposed stock show is construed and pondered same cases.

Theoretical Energy imperative in remote sensor systems has gotten an expanding research enthusiasm for late years. Radio abnormality, channel blurring and obstruction brings about bigger vitality utilization and inertness for packets transmission over remote channel. One late innovation that can possibly drastically increment the channel limit and lessen transmission vitality utilization in blurring channels is helpful correspondence. The expansion in the direct limit brings about diminished blunder rate. In this paper, one agreeable correspondence method is proposed by developing vitality effective sending and getting bunches for each jump. It comprises of two stages to be specific routing stage, selecting and-transmitting stage. In the routing stage, the underlying way between the source and the sink hubs is found. In the second stage, the hubs on the underlying way progress toward becoming group heads, which select extra contiguous hubs with most minimal vitality cost from their neighborhood then the bundle is transmitted from the sending bunch to the recently settled accepting bunch. The recreation comes about demonstrate that the decrease in mistake rate and the vitality funds convert into expanded lifetime of helpful systems.

Mathematics ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (4) ◽  
pp. 472 ◽  
Ruslan V. Skuratovskii

The structure of the commutator subgroup of Sylow 2-subgroups of an alternating group A 2 k is determined. This work continues the previous investigations of me, where minimal generating sets for Sylow 2-subgroups of alternating groups were constructed. Here we study the commutator subgroup of these groups. The minimal generating set of the commutator subgroup of A 2 k is constructed. It is shown that ( S y l 2 A 2 k ) 2 = S y l 2 ′ A 2 k , k > 2 . It serves to solve quadratic equations in this group, as were solved by Lysenok I. in the Grigorchuk group. It is proved that the commutator length of an arbitrary element of the iterated wreath product of cyclic groups C p i , p i ∈ N equals to 1. The commutator width of direct limit of wreath product of cyclic groups is found. Upper bounds for the commutator width ( c w ( G ) ) of a wreath product of groups are presented in this paper. A presentation in form of wreath recursion of Sylow 2-subgroups S y l 2 ( A 2 k ) of A 2 k is introduced. As a result, a short proof that the commutator width is equal to 1 for Sylow 2-subgroups of alternating group A 2 k , where k > 2 , the permutation group S 2 k , as well as Sylow p-subgroups of S y l 2 A p k as well as S y l 2 S p k ) are equal to 1 was obtained. A commutator width of permutational wreath product B ≀ C n is investigated. An upper bound of the commutator width of permutational wreath product B ≀ C n for an arbitrary group B is found. The size of a minimal generating set for the commutator subgroup of Sylow 2-subgroup of the alternating group is found. The proofs were assisted by the computer algebra system GAP.

Filomat ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 34 (14) ◽  
pp. 4589-4595
Hassan Mouadi ◽  
Driss Karim

Let R be a ring and {Ri}i?I a family of zero-dimensional rings. We define the Zariski topology on Z(R,?Ri) and study their basic properties. Moreover, we define a topology on Z(R,?Ri) by using ultrafilters; it is called the ultrafilter topology and we demonstrate that this topology is finer than the Zariski topology. We show that the ultrafilter limit point of a collections of subrings of Z(R,?Ri) is a zero-dimensional ring. Its relationship with F-lim and the direct limit of a family of rings are studied.

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