individual work
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2022 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
Reni Herawati

Best Practice dilakukan berdasarkan urgensi penguatan pembelajaran literasi dan numerasi dengan melibatkan enam sekolah binaan pada SMA di Kota Yogyakarta. Model Gradual Release of Responsibility mengaktualisasikan pelepasan tanggung jawab secara bertahap, meliputi langkah: 1) focused lesson, 2) Guided Instruction, 3) Collaborative Learning, dan 4) Individual Work untuk meningkatkan pemahaman dan keterampilan guru dalam pembelajaran literasi dan numerasi. Analisis data menunjukkan peningkatan pemahaman guru tentang literasi dalam pembelajaran dari 56% menjadi 69%, atau meningkat 13%.  Sementara itu, pemahahaman guru tentang numerasi dalam pembelajaran merangkak dari 36% menjadi 61%, meningkat 25%. Keterampilan guru dalam menyusun perencanaan pembelajaran literasi mengalami peningkatan sebesar 15%, dari 70% menjadi 85%.  Keterampilan guru dalam perencanaan pembelajaran numerasi mengalami peningkatan tajam sebesar 35%, dari 38% menjadi 75%. Data ini menunjukkan pembimbingan dengan model Gradual Release of Responsibility berdampak signifikan walaupun belum mencapai hasil optimal. Kendala dalam pelaksanaan pembimbingan ditemukan berkaitan dengan terbatasnya waktu akibat bersamaan dengan kegiatan penuntasan vaksin bagi guru dan siswa serta persiapan pembelajaran tatap muka terbatas. Terbatasnya literatur tentang implementasi model Gradual Release of Responsibility dalam kepengawasan sekolah menjadikan hasil dan temuan best practice ini sebagai wawasan baru dan merupakan kebaruan yang sangat bermanfaat baik dalam tataran praktek maupun teori. Selanjutnya direkomendasikan bagi pengawas dan sekolah untuk mengadopsi model Gradual Release of Responsibility baik untuk pembimbingan guru maupun siswa dalam meningkatkan kemampuan literasi dan numerasi.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (3) ◽  
pp. 208
Hidayah Turachma ◽  
Hidajat Hendarsjah

This study aims at examining the effect of training results perceptions on individual work performance of employee, and intrinsic and extrinsic motivation serving as moderation strengthening that effect. T his study was quantitative research selecting 453 samples out of 1.311 population from PT KAI’s employees in which they are executive officer. The data collection was done using a close questionnaire with Likert scale 1-5. All valid and reliable instruments were assessed through Factor Analysis and Cronbach's Alpha Analysis. Hypothesis testing is carried out using Hierarchical Regression Analysis by including the Multicollinearity test as a prerequisite for analysis. The study results showed that training result perceptions and extrinsic motivation simultaneously or partially have a positive and significant effect on individual work performance of employee, but intrinsic motivation have no significant effect. Intrinsic or extrinsic motivation does not moderate or strengthen the relationship between training result perceptions and individual work performance of employee. The three independent variables are not related to each other. PT KAI’s employees, especially those in executive position, are more oriented towards extrinsic results than intrinsic ones. The implication for PT KAI is that to improve the individual work performance of its employees, the organization can focus on improving training, external motivation or both. It depends on the vision, long-term goals, and resources of PT KAI.

E. Chubina

The textbook "Sociolinguistics. Reading-book", intended for students studying in the direction of "Forensic expertise", is being prepared for publication. The book includes fragments from the works of famous domestic and foreign linguists devoted to the main sociolinguistics problems (subject area, conceptual apparatus, social and communicative system, social marking of language units, research methods, language policy, etc.). Each text is accompanied by control questions and tasks. The textbook provides students with additional material for individual work. The book can be useful to teachers in preparation for lectures and seminars, and is also of interest to a wide range of readers.

2021 ◽  
Vol 0 (0) ◽  
pp. 1-18
Kolja Oswald ◽  
Xiaokang Zhao

Coworking spaces are becoming increasingly popular. Throughout literature, coworking spaces are commonly known as collaborative environments. Yet, there is a lack of research on the mechanisms of the collaborative practices within coworking spaces. This research identifies collaborative learning as a major collaborative practice within coworking spaces, and develops a conceptual framework including two other variables: individual motivation to learn and individual work performance. Exploratory factor analysis to establish the reliability and validity of this framework. Next, a survey study was conducted of 169 coworking space members and PLS-SEM was used to do a factor analysis and evaluate the structural model created. It is found that individual motivation to learn positively impacts collaborative learning, collaborative learning positively impacts individual work performance, and that collaborative learning acts as a full mediator between individual motivation to learn and individual work performance. These findings demonstrate how collaborative learning can be key in improving individual work performance in coworking spaces. Furthermore, these findings position collaborative learning as a theory that deserves further attention in coworking space research. These findings also suggest that coworking space operators may want to further encourage collaboration and incentivize learning in their space.

Gemma Fajardo García

The celebration of the 100th anniversary of the ILO’s Cooperatives Unit sparked interest in reviewing the progress made by this institution in relation to the recognition and promotion of worker cooperatives. To this end, the Promotion of Cooperatives Recommendation (2002) and the Guidelines concerning statistics of Cooperatives (2018) were taken as the focus of study. From the analysis of both documents, the conclusion was drawn that although the former calls for the recognition of cooperatives in the terms established by the ICA, and for their promotion by States, establishing a legal framework favourable to them and compatible with their nature as self-managed enterprises, the fact is that associated work is still not recognised as a mode of work distinct from dependent work (wage-based) and self-employed(individual) work. This lack of recognition does not correspond to the recommendations of the ICA (2005) claiming that “the relationship of the worker-member with their cooperative should be considered as distinct from that of conventional wage-based dependent work and self-employed work”. The lack of recognition is often attributed to the modest size of these cooperatives and their possible use to circumvent the application of labour law. However, as we have shown, the former cannot be proven, and the latter is not sufficient reason to ignore or prohibit them, since there are other means to combat fake cooperatives. The lack of a contractual relationship between the worker-member and the cooperative is not a weakness but a strength and is the result of having a specific legal type for the cooperative, as opposed to other countries such as France or Italy which, because they lack such a type, are incorporated as Public Limited Companies or Limited Liability Companies, and subsequently hire their members so that they can work in their company.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1006-1012
Magomet Sosuranovich Bostanov ◽  
Raia Mazhitovna Dereva ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (6) ◽  
pp. 12249-12259

La presente investigación, tuvo como objetivo principal, determinar el nivel de percepción del desempeño laboral de los trabajadores de la municipalidad Provincial de Moyobamba, San Martín - Perú. El estudio realizado fue descriptivo, de diseño no experimental. Para medir la percepción del desempeño laboral, en una muestra de 60 trabajadores, se utilizó el instrument individual Work Performance (IWP), adaptado por Widyastuti & Hidayat, que consta de las dimensiones: Rendimiento en la tarea; comportamientos contraproducentes y rendimiento en el contexto; asimismo, para obtener los resultados, se utilizó la estadística básica. Tanto el desempeño laboral, como sus dimensiones, fueron percibidas en un nivel moderado, esto implica que, los trabajadores ven como necesario una catividad planificada que permita el conocimiento previo de los ciudadanos; además el trabajador se siente con rendimiento y dedicación a su centro laboral

2021 ◽  
Надежда Васильевна Чернова

Показана структура комплекса заданий для самостоятельной работы, представлены качественные и количественные результаты эксперимента, подчеркнуто, что изменения коснулись социальной и творческой составляющих мотивационной структуры. The structure of the complex of tasks for independent work is shown, qualitative and quantitative results of the experiment are presented, it is emphasized that the changes affected the social and creative components of the motivational structure.

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