verbal immediacy
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2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 53
Thomas S. Jeffery

This study investigates key cultural differences in teaching between Korean and “western” teachers, and analyses these via questionnaires given to 35 Korean teachers and 36 non-Korean teachers followed by selected interviews. A significant finding was the emphasis Korean teachers place on testing compared to the “Western” teachers. The relevant literature explains this through Korea’s socio-cultural Confucian context. This study also shows that verbal immediacy, power-distance, uncertainty avoidance and face saving are key elements in Korea’s educational culture compared with western approaches to education.  Finally, qualitative data shows a strong preference by Korean teachers to move away from more traditional aspects of the classroom environment toward an approach where creative and critical thinking can be enabled.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Ping Yan

The correlation between students' perceptions of three dimensions of classroom justice, teacher immediacy, and teacher caring has been found important since it can provide a learning ambiance for students in which they can enthusiastically learn a new language. To find out this relationship, the present study has strived to probe into the interplay between the aforementioned variables and to see whether teacher caring and teacher immediacy can predict students' perception of justice. In so doing, the participants of this study were 1,178 Chinese EFL students of various ages and education levels. Three instruments were utilized in this study to perceive the students' perception of classroom justice, teacher immediacy, and teacher caring. To collect the data, these instruments were distributed through an online survey software called Wenjuanxing (Questionnaire Star). Results demonstrated that there was a positive association among these three variables, and utilizing SEM analyses, it was found that both teacher immediacy and teacher caring predict students' perception of classroom justice that implies teachers who are found to be more caring and give appropriate verbal and non-verbal immediacy where needed, are perceived to change the students' understanding of the classroom justice to a positive attitude. Finally, the results of this study were discussed regarding previous findings, and accordingly, some implications were put forward in the EFL context.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
Natabhona M. Mabachi ◽  
Melinda Brown ◽  
Catherine Wexler ◽  
Kathy Goggin ◽  
May Maloba ◽  

Abstract Background Prevention of mother-to-child HIV transmission (PMTCT) services in Kenya can be strengthened through the delivery of relevant and culturally appropriate SMS messages. Methods This study reports on the results of focus groups conducted with pre and postnatal women living with HIV (5 groups, n = 40) and their male partners (3 groups, n = 33) to elicit feedback and develop messages to support HIV+ women’s adherence to ART medication, ANC appointments and a facility-based birth. The principles of message design informed message development. Results Respondents wanted ART adherence messages that were low in verbal immediacy (ambiguous), came from an anonymous source, and were customized in timing and frequency. Unlike other studies, low message immediacy was prioritized over customization of message content. For retention, participants preferred messages with high verbal immediacy—direct appointment reminders and references to the baby—sent infrequently from a clinical source. Conclusion Overall, participants favored content that was brief, cheerful, and emotionally appealing.

2021 ◽  
pp. 026540752110330
Oleksandra Romaniuk ◽  
Larissa Terán

The current study investigates sexual scripts in reality dating shows—in particular, how the gender of the communicator affects the choice of verbal and nonverbal immediacy behaviors aimed at making a first impression. Data were drawn from 331 couples of opposite-sex heterosexual strangers interacting for approximately 30 seconds on two reality dating shows: The Bachelor and The Bachelorette (2012–2019). As a result, a codebook of verbal immediacy cues ( N = 1623) and nonverbal immediacy cues ( N = 3021) was derived. The findings showed that verbal behavior encompassed 11 categories of verbal immediacy cues, while nonverbal behavior included 32 categories of nonverbal immediacy cues. Results also showed gender-related preferences for verbal immediacy behavior; for instance, men were more likely to outline the probability of relationship development and pay compliments; conversely, women were prone to intriguing men to arouse curiosity and interest. As for nonverbal immediacy behavior, men were predisposed to use clothes straightening, while women tended to communicate immediacy through head tilt, shoulder shrug, gaze down, gaze side(s), eyebrow flashes, hand-in-hand, hug, pat, holding hands in front of their bodies, and hair grooming. Nonetheless, the similarities between men and women were found to be greater than the differences. These findings could have wide-reaching implications for theorizing on social and cultural norms, gender stereotypes, and traditional gender roles in intimate relationships in the form of sexual scripts, along with contributing to the study of reality television.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Wei Liu

In instructional-learning contexts, the relationship between teacher verbal and non-verbal immediacy and student motivation has gained increasing attention. However, no systematic research has been done to review the empirical studies conducted on the impact of teacher immediacy on students' motivation. Hence, the aim of the present study was to systematically review the available literature on different types of teacher immediacy and student motivation. Some common databases were searched and 30 eligible manuscripts were identified. With regard to the key features of the included studies, the review's findings were categorized into different sections, namely “the measures of teacher immediacy employed,” “the measures of student motivation employed,” “designs,” and “educational contexts”. The main findings of the studies were also discussed. The reviewed studies pointed to positive associations between teacher immediacy and student motivation. Finally, limitations of the included studies are discussed and some practical directions for further research are offered, accordingly.

2021 ◽  
Vol 58 (1) ◽  
pp. 5809-5820
Dr. Tariq Hussain, Dr. Asmaa Azeem, Nisar Abid

This descriptive correlational study was intended to explore the relationship between university students’ perceived teacher immediacy and their motivation. 800 students were selected from eight different universities of district Lahore through a multi-stage stratified random sampling method. Out of the selected, 726 participants responded on adapted Verbal Immediacy Behaviors (VIB), Revised Nonverbal Immediacy Measures (RNIM), and Students Motivation Scale (SMS). Independent sample t-tests’ results exhibited no significant gender-based or sector-wise difference in perceived teacher immediacy and motivation level of students. However, the correlational evidence showed a strong correlation between verbal, nonverbal, overall teacher immediacy, and student motivation. Results suggest that teacher immediacy functions as a means of enhancing the motivation of a student, based on this fact, the researchers suggest that content to promote teacher immediacy should be added in teacher education curricula.  

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 ◽  
Eric Mayor

While belongingness is a predictor of mental and physical health, the lack of social bonds is an issue for many people in occidental countries. This issue calls for global and affordable solutions. In this study, we notably investigated (a) the presumed positive relationships between agentic and communal interactional motives and belongingness, and (b) the mediating role of self-reported non-verbal immediacy—an indicator of availability to interact—in these relationships. Cross-sectional and longitudinal data were collected by means of questionnaires to test these hypotheses (NCrossectional = 344; NLongitudinal = 126) using the General Belongingness Scale, the Non-verbal Immediacy Scale, and the Bem Sex Role Inventory. Results supported the hypotheses: Interpersonal motives and non-verbal immediacy are associated cross-sectionally to belongingness, non-verbal immediacy mediates the interpersonal motives—belongingness relationship and positive changes in non-verbal immediacy are also related to increased belongingness. Practical and research implications are discussed.

2020 ◽  
pp. 393-396
Rebecca B. Rubin ◽  
Philip Palmgreen ◽  
Howard E. Sypher

2018 ◽  
Vol 85 (11) ◽  
pp. 1025-1027
Somashekhar Marutirao Nimbalkar ◽  
Himalaya Raval ◽  
Satvik Chaitanya Bansal ◽  
Utkarsh Pandya ◽  
Ajay Pathak

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