flexible ac transmission
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Vidhyavati Suryawanshi ◽  
Dr. Surbhi Gupta

Power quality became one of the most critical challenges in today’s modern power system. Utmost primary factors of power quality issues are non-linear fluctuating loads, system interruption, load variances, infrequent loads, and arc furnaces. As a matter of fact, there is occurrence of various electrical distortions, along with voltage spikes, voltage sags, and so forth. Several innovative techniques were employed for the development of circuits which resulted in minimised voltage stability as well as reliability.  Utility companies which are electrical are receiving a large quantity of complaints because of these challenges.  An approach is required now to explore the power quality challenges in industrial sector, corporate sector, municipal, or domestic sites. Therefore, a few techniques known as Flexible AC transmission system (FACTs) are used to enhance power quality. It is divided into two categories: namely series-FACTs and shunt-FACTS. As name itself define its architecture that in series-FACTS comprised of transmission line which is connected in series with module and connected in parallel in shun-FACTs.   We can alleviate the problems related to power quality with the help of these FACTS devices. D-STATCOM is one of the better devices available. D-STATCOM is a shunt-connected solid-state device employed at the distribution network to maintain load-side disturbances. It has exceeded the traditional capacitor being used improve power quality with it's lower upfront investment, outstanding dynamics, absence of static, and lower operational expenses. The sorts, architectural style, operating, control systems, and AI are all described in this article.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2065 (1) ◽  
pp. 012023
Víctor Manuel Maridueña ◽  
Edwin Arnaldo Castro ◽  
Nelson Layedra

Abstract The reliability of electrical power systems has led to the implementation of new equipment with reliable technology to solve transient failures, in recent decades flexible AC transmission systems (FACTS) have been implemented in power grids, resulting in high levels of stability and control. One of the elements used is static VAR compensators (SVC), however there is very little information about the dynamic response of the device to network instability and electrical failures, for which Simulink analyses the response of the SVC. The device consists of a 47.1 MVar reactive power compensator and a 97.6 MVar inductive reactivator compensator, implemented in a three-phase 500 kV system. The results indicate the effectiveness of response against network instability while maintaining the stable voltage of the network, but against electrical failures the type and time of failure must be considered. In the case of phase-phase faults, the response of the SVC is limited with drops of 0.52 pu.

B. Srinivasa Rao ◽  
D. Vijaya Kumar ◽  
K. Kiran Kumar ◽  

Nowadays, the improvement of power quality is the major concern in power system scenario. These problems mainly caused due to utilization of different load conditions to the power system. To mitigate these problems different methods are implemented in literature. As per literature analysis the one of the Flexible AC Transmission System called as unified power quality conditioner (UPQC) plays a key role. The series and shunt controllers of UPQC designed with 9-level inverters to reduce the harmonic distortions. An instantaneous PQ theory is used to generate the reference signals required for series and shunt controllers along with dq-transformation analysis. A Cuckoo optimization technique is used to tune the parameters of PI controller in shunt controller to achieve better harmonic distortions and improve power quality. This proposed system is to be tested and verified in MATLAB/SIMULINK.

Energies ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (15) ◽  
pp. 4463
Jerzy Szczepanik ◽  
Tomasz Sieńko

The article presents the concept of application of a multiphase matrix converter (MMC)-based device working as a phase-shifting control device in a power system. A matrix M × M multiphase converter is a simple structure incorporating M × M bidirectional switches, connecting M input phases to M output phases (a square structure is used). The device, in this research and under proposed control, is able to build M output sinusoidal-shape phases (desired output) from parts of input voltages. The proposed MMC-based device can be considered as a new flexible AC transmission system (FACTS) apparatus. Three basic control systems that enabled the creation of output waveforms as the combination of input ones were presented. Both 6 × 6 and 12 × 12 matrix structures were introduced, since 3 × 6 and 3 × 12 transformers are already in use. The mathematical, Simulink, and laboratory models were built to extract characteristic features of the MMC. The chosen “area-based” control procedure was based on finding a common point of area representing a certain switch (connecting a certain input and a certain output) and a time-dependent trajectory. Practical application of the MMC in a power system involves not only MMC analysis, but also the study of application requirements, possible converter topologies, and the development of new, reliable control algorithms. Particular consideration was given to the simplicity of the control and the analysis of the converter properties. The proposed control procedure did not use the PWM technique, but created output in similar way to a multilevel converter.

Ankit Kumar Singh

it's proposed to use highly complex grid controllers to include power grids into one super- grid that may acquire large penetration of inexhaustible powers, without compromising power quality, active and reactive power flow, and voltage and facility stability. The super-grid constructed with ultra- high voltage DC (UHVDC) and flexible ac transmission systems (FACTS) together with dedicated ac and dc interconnectors with intelligent systems applications to supply a wise Integrated Super-Grid. DC interconnectors will segment the whole continent's power systems into five large asynchronous segments (regions). Noncontemporary divisions will prevent ac fault propagation between sections while allowing power exchange between different parts of the super-grid, with minimum difficulty for grid code unification or harmonization of regulatory regimes across the mainland as each segment maintains its accord . a sensible Integrated wattage Super-Grid powered by these technologies is critical in supporting sustained economic process and development; established on the keystone of renewable energy and utilizing over 600GW immeasurable potential of Africa's clean and renewable hydroelectric, photovoltaic and alternative energy as a little of a extensive energy comingle of traditional and complementary energy resources.

Mohamed Hamdy ◽  
Almoataz Y. Abdelaziz ◽  
Papia Ray ◽  
Mahmoud A. Attia

Abstract Renewable energy growing is considered one of the main sources of the system harmonics. Thus, in this paper, Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) is reduced by using flexible AC transmission systems (FACTs). Static Compensator (STATCOM) and Static Synchronous Series Compensator (SSSC) are used and compared against basic harmonics filter. Cases studied are as follows: First, the system is studied without any harmonic limitation. Then each type of the chosen two types of (FACTs) is connected to the system. Finally, the harmonics filter is used as a reference to verify the (FACTs) effectiveness. MATLAB/SIMULINK is the tool to examine and simulate the system.

Energy ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 120781
Ahmad Nikoobakht ◽  
Jamshid Aghaei ◽  
Mohammad Jafar Mokarram ◽  
Miadreza Shafie-khah ◽  
João P.S. Catalão

2021 ◽  
Vol 65 (1) ◽  
pp. 108-112
Soufiane Lemdani ◽  
Habib Benbouhenni

In the present work, a new approach for improving voltage stability by optimal location of the Flexible AC Transmission Systems (FACTS) devices has been discussed. We used Genetic Algorithm (GA) as an optimization technique to search the good placements of different FACTS systems in great electrical networks and its contribution to enhance voltage stability. Various FACTS devices were used in our study such as SVC, TCSC, SSSC, STATCOM, TCVR, TCPST and UPFC. The search of optimal parameters of those devices has been also investigated. The method presented in the paper was tested by using Matlab/environment. In addition, the proposed method has been implemented and tested on various IEEE power systems; 14Bus, 57Bus, and 118Bus. The obtained results show the validity of the proposed method.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
Ramesh Devarapalli ◽  
Biplab Bhattacharyya

AbstractPower system oscillations are the primary threat to the stability of a modern power system which is interconnected and operates near to their transient and steady-state stability limits. Power system stabilizer (PSS) is the traditional controller to damp such oscillations, and flexible AC transmission system (FACTS) devices are advised for the improved damping performance. This paper suggests a technique for controller parameters tuning of PSS and a shunt connected FACTS device to be operated in coordination. A static synchronous compensator (STATCOM) connected in a two-machine system is considered as a test power system for the system studies. A recent meta-heuristic algorithm, Multi-Verse optimizer (MVO) has been suggested and compared with the other state-of-the-art algorithms. Improvement in system damping has been achieved by minimizing the oscillating nature of the system states by framing the objective function as a function of damping ratio and location of poles of the system. The Phillips-Heffron model of the test system has been designed by considering the system dynamics. The coordinated system behavior under the perturbation in system parameters has been observed satisfactory with the tuned controller parameters obtained from the suggested algorithm.

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