school of nursing
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2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (2) ◽  
Vistolina Nuuyoma ◽  
Emelia Josef

Human anatomy is perceived by health science students and educators to be a burdensome, challenging and labour-intense course. In order to enhance understanding of human anatomy, the use of student-centred approaches is encouraged, of which drawing is included. However, it is not explicitly known how nursing students in Kavango east region experience the use of drawing. This research was conducted to explore and describe the experiences of first-year nursing students from a resource-constraint setting on the use of drawing as a learning activity in a human anatomy course. A qualitative descriptive, explorative, and contextual study was conducted in Kavango east region, Namibia. Data were collected via focus-group interviews with 28 participants who were conveniently selected. A qualitative content analysis was followed, while trustworthiness was ensured according to the four principles of Lincoln and Guba. Ethical clearance and permission were granted by the School of Nursing Research Committee. The ethical principles of autonomy, non-maleficence, beneficence, and justice were adhered to. The experienced beneficial aspects of drawing are enhancement of course understanding, boosting creativity, and integration of theory into practice. Challenging aspects were related to lacking artistical skills, time constraints, complex and complicated drawings as well as a shortage of materials and learning resources. In order to improve drawing as a learning activity in human anatomy, recommendations were made for nursing students, educators and future researchers.

2021 ◽  
Vol Publish Ahead of Print ◽  
L. Kathleen Sekula ◽  
Alison M. Colbert ◽  
Meghan Currie

Daniel H. Jarvis ◽  
Karey D. McCullough ◽  
Tammie R. McParland

Mathematical competency in the profession of nursing has increasingly become a central focus as more nursing students appear to struggle with basic concepts of arithmetic, mental estimation, and critical reasoning. This paper highlights how one School of Nursing in Ontario, Canada implemented a Dosage Calculation Competency Test model which involved an online, self-directed, prerequisite approach to improve student mathematical competency and confidence. The purpose of this research case study was to document, through shared participant perceptions, the creation, implementation, and subsequent modifications to a Dosage Calculation Competency Test model in light of student needs and advances in online learning and assessment. The research design combined a quantitative survey of Year 1–4 nursing students, followed by a series of qualitative, semi-structured interviews with nursing students and program instructors. The study took place within a School of Nursing undergraduate program in Ontario, Canada. Forty-four participants, including students from all four years of the nursing program, completed the survey, followed by individual interviews with nine students and six faculty instructors. Survey (the open-response items) and interview data were analyzed thematically using ATLAS.ti (ATLAS.ti, Berlin, Germany). The authors recount the new DCCT model’s development, implementation, and subsequent modifications and further discuss student/instructor perceptions of learning types, math confidence, and competency. The paper concludes with a series of seven key recommendations for nursing programs.

Usha N S ◽  
Sushmitha H S ◽  
Vinay Kumar G

Background: The world is in the midst of a COVID-19 Pandemic. While countries, including India, have taken strong measures to control the spread of COVID-19 through better diagnostics and treatment. Vaccines will provide a lasting solution by enhancing Immunity and containing the disease spread. COVID-19 vaccine has been rolled out recently in several parts of the world. Although the protective efficiency is frequently discussed, little is known about the real-world post-vaccination experience outside of clinical trial conditions. Knowledge about what to expect after vaccination will help educate the public, dispel misinformation and reduce vaccine hesitancy. Objectives: To assess the immediate response to the first dose of Covid- 19 vaccine and to study the side effects of Covid- 19 vaccination. Results: Results of the study revealed that 143(95.3%) participants are not developed any side effects, only 7 (4.66%) participants reported mild side effects within 30 minutes after vaccination, 104 (69.33%) participants are developed mild side effects like fever, body pain after 30 minutes to 24 hours, 14 (9.33%) participants are developed side effects in mild form after 24 hours, only 2(1.33%) participants are developed side effects like mild fever and fatigue after 1 week of vaccination, majority of the participants 149 (99.33%) didn't required any hospitalization and only 1 participant (0.66% ) admitted to hospital due to fever for one day, majority of participants 63 (42%) are recovered from side effects within 24 hours, 28 (18.66%) participants are recovered within 2 to 8 hours, 14 (9.3%) participants are recovered within 2 hours, 4 (2.66%)participants are recovered within 8 to 24hours and 41 (27.3%) participants are recovered after 24 hours. All the participants are willing to take 2nd dose and recommend for their family members and friends to get vaccination.

М. І. Марущак ◽  
Л. П. Мазур ◽  
І. Я. Криницька ◽  
І. М. Кліщ

Резюме. З метою підготовки висококваліфікованих, конкурентоспроможних, інтегрованих у європейський та світовий науково-освітній простір фахівців у галузі охорони здоров’я, здатних генерувати нові ідеї, розв’язувати комплексні проблеми та проводити оригінальні самостійні наукові дослідження в медсестринстві, спроможні забезпечувати трансфер сучасного знання, здійснювати науково-педагогічну діяльність у Тернопільському національному медичному університеті імені І. Я. Горбачевського МОЗ України, розроблено і затверджено освітньо-наукову програму підготовки доктора філософії в галузі знань 22 «Охорона здоров’я» за спеціальністю 223 «Медсестринство». Мета дослідження – проаналізувати освітні програми закладів вищої освіти Америки та Канади, де реалізуються освітньо-наукові програми за спеціальністю «Медсестринство» та виокремити кращі наукові практики. Матеріали і методи. Проаналізовано освітньо-наукові програми за спеціальністю «Медсестринство» в The Johns Hopkins School of Nursing, Emory University's Nell Hodgson Woodruff School of Nursing, Pace University College of Health Professions, Hahn School of Nursing and Health Science University of San Diego, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Результати. При розробці освітньо-наукової програми підготовки доктора філософії в галузі знань  22 «Охорона здоров’я» за спеціальністю 223 «Медсестринство» вивчено досвід запровадження програм підготовки аспірантів-медсестер у закладах вищої освіти США та Канади. В рамках співпраці із закордонними університетами-партнерами проведено стажування та онлайн-курси з вивчення особливостей проведення наукових досліджень медсестрами, при цьому основну увагу приділено якісним методам дослідження. При формуванні складових програми навчання внесено ряд нових предметів, специфічних для підготовки медсестер-аспірантів. Висновки. Безсумнівно, освіта – це шлях підвищення медичною сестрою своєї кваліфікації. Разом з тим національний дефіцит викладачів медсестринських дисциплін, де відбувається штучна їх заміна викладачами-лікарями чи педагогами, досягає критичних значень, що має значний вплив на освітні програми та на здатність виховувати майбутні покоління студентів – медсестер. В Україні критичний рівень (або повна відсутність) фахових викладачів-медсестер з науковим ступенем, що створює необхідність підтримки і сприяння для існування освітньо-наукової програми «Медсестринство» підготовки доктора філософії в галузі знань 22 «Охорона здоров’я» за спеціальністю 223 «Медсестринство», яка поєднує в собі кращі наукові практики.

A Hosseini ◽  
F Keshmiri ◽  
Z Rooddehghan ◽  
Z Mokhtari ◽  
E Salamat Gaznag ◽  

Introduction: Educating students in a safe environment such as simulated centers can be effective in providing educational services and preparation for clinical work. Accordingly, the present study was conducted with the aim of designing, implementing and evaluating clinical pharmacology simulation training method for nursing students. Methods: This study was performed in 2019-2021 in three main phases of design, implementation and evaluation of Pharmaceutical Skills Center in Clinical Skills Center of Tehran School of Nursing and Midwifery. First, the design phase was accomplished by preparing the space and the desired drugs. Due to the prevalence of Covid-19 disease, part of the implementation and evaluation phase was carried out in the virtual context. Before and after the internship, students' knowledge, skills, satisfaction and clinical reasoning were measured using relevant questionnaires and analyzed using descriptive and analytical statistics. Result: The mean scores of the three variables in terms of pharmacology knowledge, drug calculation skills and clinical reasoning of pharmacology of nursing students before and after the internship were examined. The results demonstrated that all three means were significantly improved compared to that of before the intervention (P <0.001 and P = 0.001). The mean of total students' satisfaction with pharmacology internship course turned out to be 30.57 (3.2), which indicated the relative satisfaction with the training course. Conclusion: In general, the results of the study indicated an improvement at the level of pharmacological knowledge, clinical reasoning of pharmacology and a significant improvement in pharmacological skills. Despite the limitations of Covid 19, this training method seems to augment the performance of nursing students in pharmacology.

Ms. Blessy Mathew

Abstract: In pursuing the aim of abating health problems and enhancing the quality of care, healthcare facilities inevitably create waste that may itself be hazardous to health. Proper management of such waste is not only a legal, but also a social responsibility of the hospitals. Segregation at the site of waste generation is the first and foremost important step in healthcare waste management. It is emphasized as a means of ensuring that hazardous healthcare risk waste and healthcare general waste are separated and stored in appropriate containers. The importance of segregation is highlighted by the mere fact that only 10% to 25% of waste generated in health facilities is hazardous. Failure of this vital step turns non-hazardous waste into hazardous. Segregation also enables those who handle the containers outside the hospital wards to identify and treat them appropriately. There has been a sharp increase in the amount of waste generated from both health facilities and households. It is estimated that 0.5 to 2.0 kg per bed per day hospital waste is generated in India. Therefore, Biomedical waste must be properly managed and disposed of to protect the environment, general public and workers, especially healthcare and sanitation workers who are at risk of exposure to biomedical waste as an occupational hazard. Objectives 1-To assess the level of knowledge among the GNM students regarding Biomedical waste in selected hospital of Vrindavan. 2- To correlate the knowledge of GNM students regarding Biomedical waste with selected demographic variables Methodology: This study was conducted to assess knowledge among the GNM students regarding Biomedical waste in selected Hospital in Vrindavan, Mathura and the descriptive study design was selected. Population selected was GNM students and sample size were 70. The consent was taken from samples. The subjects were selected by convenient sampling technique. The structured questionnaires were distributed to the students to assess their level of knowledge regarding Biomedical waste management after obtaining an informed consent. Data was collected by using Structured Knowledge Questionnaire. Results: The study revealed that the level of knowledge among the students who has inadequate knowledge was 12.85% those who have moderate knowledge is 67.15% and adequate 20%. The chi-square test revealed that there was significant association with age, and training attended by students on Biomedical waste management and there is no significant association with year, source of information, area of working. Keywords: Biomedical waste, Management, knowledge

2021 ◽  
Vol Publish Ahead of Print ◽  
R. Oscar Bernard ◽  
Ashley Sanford ◽  
Allyson Duffy ◽  
Kaitlyn Rechenberg ◽  
Maikelyn Lopez ◽  

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