interactive education
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2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 424
Revinel Revinel ◽  
Aning Subiyatin

ABSTRAKMasa pandemi  Covid-19 di Indonesia sangat berdampak di berbagai sektor layanan publik, terutama sektor layanan kesehatan khususnya pemanfaatan layanan Antenatal Care (ANC). Pemerintah merekomendasikan  menunda pemeriksaan kehamilan ke tenaga kesehatan kecuali ibu mengalami tanda – tanda bahaya kehamilan. Terkait dengan kondisi ibu hamil tetap harus mendapatkan informasi yang adekuat dan terpantau kesehatannya maka diperlukan kelas ibu hamil guna meningkatkan pengetahuan tentang kehamilan, persalinan, nifas dan parenting. Pengabdian kepada masyarakat  bertujuan untuk memberdayakan kelompok ibu hamil dalam meningkatkan pengetahuan dan merubah sikap dan perilaku ibu hamil agar  memahami tentang kehamilan yang sehat tanpa anemia agar dapat  mencegah komplikasi secara dini selama masa kehamilan  dan dapat mempersiapkan  persalinan normal,  mengikuti protokol kesehatan secara optimal. Metode yang diberikan melalui edukasi  interaktif, dengan pendekatan secara langsung, curah pendapat, ceramah, tanya jawab tentang pencegahan  anemia pada kehamilan, diikuti 19 ibu hamil dibagi 2 kelompok di Puskesmas kecamatan Tanah Abang. Hasilnya  menunjukkan bahwa terjadi peningkatan rata-rata skor pengetahuan sebesar dari 70,53±26,34 SD menjadi 88,94±14,48 SD. Kata kunci: anemia; ibu hamil; kelas ibu hamil.  ABSTRACTThe Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia has greatly impacted various public service sectors, especially the health service sector, especially the use of Antenatal Care (ANC). The government recommends postponing Antenatal Care to health workers unless the mother experiences danger signs of pregnancy. Regarding the condition of pregnant women, they still have to get adequate information and their health is monitored, so a class for pregnant women is needed to increase knowledge about pregnancy, childbirth, postpartum and parenting. Community service aims to empower groups of pregnant women in increasing knowledge and changing attitudes and behavior of pregnant women in order to understand about a healthy pregnancy without of anemia in order to prevent complications early during pregnancy and be able to prepare for normal delivery, following health protocols optimally. The method provided was through interactive education, with a direct approach, brainstorming, lectures, questions and answers about preventing anemia in pregnancy, followed by 19 pregnant women divided into 2 groups at the Tanah Abang sub-district health center. The results showed that there was an increase in the average knowledge score from 70.53±26.34 SD to 88.94±14.48 SD. Keywords: anemia; pregnant women; class of pregnant women. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (15) ◽  
pp. 01-13
Mohd Firdaus Mohd Herrow ◽  
Nur Zaidi Azraai

Culture and heritage play a major role in the Malay community in terms of linguistic, art craft, traditional ceremonies, music, activities, and performing arts. The Malay folk dances are most frequently described as a way of human expression through movement and traditional elements in storytelling, ritual, feeling manifestation, and conveying the Malay manner and customs as pillars of the Malay ethnic. Joget was created based on Branyo, a famous Portuguese folk dance. It is a hybrid of culture between the West and the East, reflecting heavily the Malay identity and characteristics as the core philosophy of choreography in the routine. The new creation of Malay dance has positively impacted Malay cultural activities. It has also threatened the original dance form which is being forgotten further from the philosophy. This paper was executed using a qualitative descriptive approach. Interviews and literature reviews were used to expose the rich diversity of two-element; joget and motion capture technology. Data verification, data compilation, data comparison, and triangulation are used as a form of data analysis. The results of the study found that the practice of motion capture has been massively used in digitising intangible assets for 3D application in the form of gaming, video interactive, education entertainment, and learning animation as a platform of education and training as a preservation and protection strategy. But motion capture technology has the potential to be explored as a medium in discovering a quality of trajectory micro visualization of joget dance movement and analyse the symbols or signs that can benefit to the young generation that provides a local sense of unity and belongingness that can help develop a new interest in enhancing cultural values and appreciation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 29
Anindi Lupita Nasyanka ◽  
Janatun Na'imah ◽  
Diah Ratnasari

Covid-19 is still a health problem for the past two years. Various prevention strategies have begun to be implemented in Indonesia in fighting the COVID-19 pandemic, namely from Work From Home (WFH), 3M's motto, and vaccination. Immunization coverage in Indonesia is still relatively small, which is below 50% until the second stage of vaccination. Therefore, an effort is needed to increase the coverage of COVID-19 vaccination in the third stage, which is targeting students. Students are the millennial generation who like creativity and get bored easily in learning something. This service activity aims to increase student knowledge about Covid-19 vaccination so as to increase vaccination coverage. The method used in this activity werw interactive education for 59 students from two different universities through zoom and distributing comic strip media related to three materials, including an introduction to the immune system, the covid-19 vaccine in Indonesia, and facts and hoaxes about the Covid-19 vaccine. The increase in knowledge was measured using a googleform questionnaire in the form of post-test and pre-test. The results of the activity was showed an increase in knowledge up to 70.82%. In addition, participants who have not vaccinated were willing to immunize after this activity with a percentage of 80%. The distribution of comic strip media was expected to help students remember the information and transmit it to the surrounding community groups.

2021 ◽  
Flor Alvarado ◽  
C. Elena Cervantes ◽  
Sean Tackett ◽  
Bernard G. Jaar ◽  
Michael J. Choi ◽  

Zhang Yingli

Background: Diabetic foot is one of the main reasons that seriously affect the quality of life and disability. Good foot care can prevent 85% amputation of diabetic foot patients. The purpose of this study is to explore the effects of interactive education with conversation map on foot care behaviors among elderly diabetic patients with high-risk diabetic foot.Methods: 96 elderly diabetic patients in Endocrinology Department of the Second Affiliated Hospital of Shandong First Medical University from January to December in 2020 were selected as the research objects. According to the parity of the last two digits of the hospitalization number, the odd number was divided into the control group and the even number was divided into the experimental group. The control group was given traditional health education and interactive education with conversation map for diabetic foot launched by the international diabetes federation was added to the experimental group. After 3 months of intervention, fasting blood glucose, 2 hours postprandial blood glucose, glycosylated hemoglobin and foot care behaviors of the two groups were observed.Results: The fasting blood glucose, 2 hours postprandial blood glucose, glycosylated hemoglobin and foot care behaviors of the experimental group were significantly better than those of the control group and the difference was statistically significant (p<0.05).Conclusions: The interactive education with conversation map can effectively improve the foot care behaviors of elderly diabetic patients with high-risk diabetic foot, and then prevent the occurrence of diabetic foot.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (9) ◽  
pp. 487
Monserrath Yangari ◽  
Esteban Inga

Nowadays, several institutions and universities have employed Flipped and Blended Learning models in the educational context. Consequently, these models advance correctly in the classrooms; students become more able to build their knowledge and develop their skills with technological innovation that could be compared with studies based on technological achievements and accessible data Tics. Therefore, this article proposes educational innovation in the evaluation processes within the FL and BL learning models to ensure active and interactive education. In this work, a bibliometric analysis of 2000 scientific articles from the Web of Science and Scopus databases has been carried out, thus making it possible to identify countries and universities with constant and relevant use of these learning models, as well as a comparison with these databases of articles, citations and their global impact. On the other hand, a survey was conducted with 41 teachers of different subjects and 385 students from elementary school to high school using the Likert scale. The questions were represented in perception values with their respective analysis of results and evaluations about these learning models, technological resources, flexible curriculum, learning before class, autonomous learning, and future professional competencies, which will help us know the existing motivation between them.

2021 ◽  
Xiaobing Yu

Abstract A smart classroom is a technology-based learning approach that helps to improve students ' skills in vocational colleges. It allows educators to create an interactive experience during teaching, which makes the system even more appealing and collaborative in learning strategies.In this paper, Advanced Artificial Intelligence assisted Learning model (AAILM)is used to design a smart interactive education system for vocational education.A qualitative approach is used on 40 vocational colleges around Chinato analyze thefindings, interviews, and focus group dialogue based on the learning strategies followed by students and teachers. Furthermore, the results of this analysis showed many improvements in the positions of teachers and students in the smart learning program.The study consisted of 102 students, and the results have been checkedbased on F-Test and T-Test. The result findings revealed that the academic successes of students in traditional and vocational colleges vary significantly and computed with graphical illustration as well as case study. The use of smart instruction has dramatically increased the success of teachers and students has been firmly researched in this paper. The simulation results illustrate that the suggestedmodelhas a high student's performance ratio of 98.6%, a prediction ratio of 95.7%, a student engagement ratio of 94.6%, a task analysis ratio of 96.8%, an efficiency ratio of 97.8% when compared to other existing methods.

Chao-Ming Wang ◽  
Yu-Hui Lin

A somatosensory interactive system based on computer vision and augmented reality (AR) techniques using the Kinect device is proposed, on which a game of harvesting three kinds of fruit can be played for food and agricultural education. The Kinect is used to capture users’ motion images, the Unity3D is used as the game engine, and the Kinect SDK is used for developing programs, to implement the tasks of face detection and tracking, hand-gesture recognition, and body-model matching and tracking involved in fruit-harvesting activities. AR-based photos of the harvest result can be taken and downloaded as souvenirs. The system was exhibited and observations of the users’ performances as well as interviews with experts and the users were conducted. The collected opinions were used to evaluate the effectiveness of the system, reaching the following conclusions: 1) the interactive experience of using this system is simple and intuitive; 2) the use of body movements for man-machine interaction is given positive reviews; 3) the introduction of somatosensory interactive education can arouse participants’ interest, achieving the effect of edutainment; and 4) the experience of taking commemorative photos can achieve the publicity and promotion effect of food and agricultural education through sharing on social media.

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