final assessment
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Jurnal Elemen ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 117-130
Atikah Atikah ◽  
Sudiyatno Sudiyatno ◽  
Abdul Rahim ◽  
Marlina Marlina

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (4) ◽  
pp. 480-483
Alina Atalyan ◽  
Eldar Sharifulin ◽  
Lyudmila Lazareva ◽  
Yana Nadelyaeva ◽  
Larisa Suturina

Currently, hyperprolactinemia is considered as a condition to be excluded during the diagnosis of polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), because it often demonstrates clinical signs similar to PCOS. However, some publications have reported “the prevalence of hyperprolactinemia in PCOS,” which does not agree with the statement above statement. The publications presented in this review demonstrate conflicting approaches to considering the association of hyperprolactinemia and PCOS. On the one hand, the current consensus on the diagnosis of PCOS assumes the exclusion of patients with hyperprolactinemia, and on the other hand, some authors consider hyperprolactinemia as an acceptable condition and estimate its prevalence in PCOS. Based on the analysis of the literature, we have demonstrated a contradictory attitude towards the association between hyperprolactinemia and PCOS. To overcome the contradiction, we consider it appropriate to use the term "potential PCOS" before the final assessment of the contribution of hyperprolactinemia to the development of symptoms similar to PCOS. The final diagnosis of PCOS in the presence of hyperprolactinemia is possible only after its correction and reassessment of all symptoms.

2021 ◽  
Vol 53 ◽  
pp. 129-144
Robert Zaborowski

The paper is a discussion of P. M. S. Hacker, The Passions: A Study of Human Nature (2018). After a general presentation of the book I mostly focus on its first part, which deals with categories and concepts essential to the philosophy of the emotions. Next I pass on to two subsequent parts of the book devoted to particular emotions. After a brief overview I say more, by way of exemplification, on the chapter on love. I end with a final assessment.

Jamie Bayliss

Rationale: A variety of clinical education (CE) exist. Models emphasizing full-time clinical experiences (FTCE) have higher number of full-time hours (high-hours) with less prior didactic preparation and integration with the curriculum. Models including integrated clinical experiences (ICE), part-time ICE (PTICE), and in-class patient experiences (IcPE) integrate experiences with didactic content but include a lower number of full-time hours (low-hours). The purpose of this study is to determine if a re-designed CE curricular model that emphasized IcPEs and ICE with low-hours better prepares students than a version that emphasized FTCEs with high-hours as measured by scores on the Clinical Performance Instrument (CPI). Methods: A retrospective cohort study was conducted on a data set of 183 Doctor of Physical Therapy students who participated in an initial and final terminal CE experience. Data included student pre-admission data, demographics, and evaluation type, period, and rating for all 18 CPI criteria for the initial and final terminal CE experiences. Data were analyzed using SPSS Statistics. Results: A statistically significant difference was found between cohorts for the initial terminal CE experience midterm assessment. One CPI factor was significant on the initial terminal CE experience final assessment and the final terminal CE experience midterm assessment (p < .05). Within cohort analysis for all three CPI factors at all assessment periods were statistically significant. Conclusion: All students significantly improved from midterm to final assessment periods of the initial and final terminal CE experiences. Therefore, IcPE, allowing faculty to mentor and provide feedback to students should be considered an alternative to FTCE prior to students’ initial terminal CE experience. MeSH Terms: curriculum, education, students

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (Sp.Issue) ◽  
Toni Mäkipää ◽  
Kaisa Hahl ◽  
Milla Luodonpää-Manni

In this paper, we examine how the Covid-19 pandemic affected the quality of teachers’ assessment and feedback in Finland’s foreign language classes during the remote teaching period in spring 2020. Multifaceted assessment and feedback practices are underscored in Finland’s core curricula, forming a focal aspect of learning. Therefore, we studied teachers’ perceptions of their assessment and feedback practices at different school levels during the remote teaching period and how they considered the remote teaching period in students’ final assessment at the end of basic education. Data were collected through an online questionnaire and analysed using both quantitative and qualitative methods. Most of the 176 respondents felt that assessment and feedback practices were implemented successfully, and the final assessment was realistic and reliable. However, teachers’ perceptions were mixed on several issues, and differences were found in the amount and form of feedback between respondents and school levels or what competence demonstration or assignments to count towards the final assessment. In addition, the remote teaching period usually had less influence on students’ final grades than the last few months of basic education. The results suggest that more attention should be paid to enhancing feedback practices and connecting with students during remote teaching periods.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 195-207
Liana Mutholiin ◽  
Bustanul Arifin

This research was conducted to find out how to compile and analyze the Odd End Semester Assessment questions at MI MHM Banjarsari, and to determine the quality of the multiple choice items of the Odd End Semester Assessment Grade VI Theme 1 MI MHM Banjarsari Academic Year 2019/2020. The research design used in the analysis of the quality of the multiple choice items Final Assessment of the odd semester class VI Theme 1 MI MHM Banjarsari Academic Year 2019/2020 is quantitative descriptive. Data collection in this study used document analysis method. The source of the data of this study was the question sheets and answer sheets of students participating in the Odd End Semester Assessment (PAS) of Class VI Theme 1 MI MHM Banjarsari. Calculation of the level of difficulty, different power, the effectiveness of deceit, the validity and reliability of the instrument in this study using the Anates V 0.4 program. The results of the research that have been done show that the quality of the final semester semester 1 question items in MI MHM Banjarsari in 2019/2020 from a total of 35 multiple choice questions viewed from the difficulty level obtained as many as 10 items (28.57%) with the difficulty level of questions in very easy category, 7 items (20%) in the easy category, 14 items (40%) in the medium category, 3 items (8.57%) in the difficult category, and 1 item (2.86%) in the very difficult category. Judging from the different power of the final semester assessment questions, theme 1 found 5 items (14.29%) in the very bad category, 13 items (37.14%) in the bad category, 6 items (17.14%) in the category enough, 10 items (28.57%) in the good category, and 1 item (2.86%) in the very good category. Judging from the deception of answers to the odd semester final assessment questions, there were 3 questions (8.57% in the very bad category, 6 questions (17.14%) in the bad category, 4 questions (11.48%) in the good category, and 22 questions (62.86%) in the very good category Judging from the validity of the odd semester final evaluation questions theme 1 obtained valid questions (significant / very significant) of 15 questions (42.86%) and for invalid questions a total of 20 questions (57.14%) In terms of reliability, it was obtained 0.81. Thus it can be concluded that the quality of the items can be said to be less good. [Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui cara menyusun dan menganalisis soal Penilaian Akhir Semester ganjil di MI MHM Banjarsari, dan untuk mengetahui kualitas butir soal pilihan ganda Penilaan Akhir Semester ganjil kelas VI Tema 1 MI MHM Banjarsari Tahun Ajaran 2019/2020. Desain penelitian yang digunakan dalam analisis kualitas butir soal pilihan ganda Penilaan Akhir Semester ganjil kelas VI Tema 1 MI MHM Banjarsari Tahun Ajaran 2019/2020 adalah deskriptif kuantitatif. Pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metodeanalisis dokumen. Sumber data penelitian ini adalah lembar soal dan lembarjawaban siswa peserta Penilaian Akhir Semester (PAS) ganjil Kelas VI Tema 1 MI MHM Banjarsari. Penghitungan tingkat kesulitan, daya beda, efektivitas pengecoh, validitas dan reliabilitas instrumen pada penelitian ini menggunakan program Anates V 0.4. Hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan menunjukan bahwa kualitas butir soal penilaian akhir semester ganjil tema 1 di MI MHM Banjarsari tahun 2019/2020 dari total 35 soal pilihan ganda ditinjau dari tingkat kesukaran didapatkan sebanyak 10 butir soal (28,57%) dengan tingkat kesukaran soal dalam kategori sangat mudah, 7 butir soal (20%) dalam kategori mudah, 14 butir soal (40%) dalam kategori sedang, 3 butir soal (8,57%) dalam kategori sukar, dan 1 butir soal (2,86%) dalam kategori sangat sukar. Ditinjau dari daya beda soal penilaian akhir semester ganjil tema 1 didapatkan 5 butir soal (14,29%) dalam kategori sangat jelek, 13 butir soal (37,14%) dalam kategori jelek, 6 butir soal (17,14%) dalam kategori cukup, 10 butir soal (28,57%) dalam kategori baik, dan 1 butir soal (2,86%) dalam kategori sangat baik. Ditinjau dari pengecoh jawaban soal penilaian akhir semester ganjil tema 1 terdapat sebanyak 3 soal (8,57% dalam kategori sangat buruk, 6 soal (17,14%) dalam kategori buruk, 4 soal (11,48%) dalam kategori baik, dan 22 soal (62,86%) dalam kategori sangat baik. Ditinjau dari validitas soal penilaian akhir semester ganjil tema 1 didapatkan soal valid (signifikan/sangat signifikan) sejumlah 15 soal (42,86%) dan untuk soal yang tidak valid sejumlah 20 soal (57,14 %). Ditinjau dari reabilitas didapatkan sebesar 0.81. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa kualitas butir soal bisa dikatakan kurang baik]

2021 ◽  

Abstract Objective To compare the cortical auditory evoked potential responses pre-and post-Auditory Musical Training associated with hearing aid adaptation in elderly people with presbycusis. Design: this is a prospective, randomized, single-blind study. Study Sample: eight presbiacusis elderly people between 65 and 80 years, new hearing aid users, divided into two groups participated in the study: Hearing Aid Group: use of hearing aid; and Auditory Training Group: use of hearing aid in addition to musical auditory training for 16 sessions. All participants were submitted to cortical auditory evoked potential tests with verbal stimulation in two different moments: Initial assessment, carried out before hearing aid adaptation and auditory training, and after three months, final assessment at the end of the auditory training sessions. All participants were adapted bilaterally with digital mini hearing aids. Results: There was a decrease in the P3a latency component for the Auditory Training Group when initial and final assessment were compared. Conclusion: There was a change in the CAEP in elderly people with presbycusis in response to the Musical Auditory Training associated with the use of hearing aids in elderly people with presbycusis.

2021 ◽  
pp. 129-138
Suzanne Capek Tingley

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
pp. 6-9
S. G. Christian ◽  
B. W. Moore-Igwe ◽  
R. B. Jacob ◽  
T. Odinga ◽  
E. M. Eze

  Background: Turnaround Time (TAT) is an important Quality Indicator in the medical laboratory. The Rivers State University Teaching Hospital (RSUTH) Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) laboratory was enrolled in the process of World Health Organisation (WHO) - Regional Office for Africa (AFRO) accreditation by FHi360 in preparation for the ISO 15189 accreditation in 2016. One of the services rendered in the laboratory is Early Infant Diagnosis (EID)/Dried Blood Spots (DBS) in Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) exposed infants. Clinicians depend on these results to determine the next step for the management of HIV exposed Infants. This study is aimed at assessing the rate of sample rejection (SR), determine the effect of specific intervention on this rate and the effect of SR on TAT. Method: It involves the assessment of samples delivered to the RSUTH PCR Laboratory from January 2019 to March 2020. A baseline rate of sample rejection was established from January to July 2019. Interventional measures were put in place such as introducing the national algorithm for rejection and acceptance of samples, training was also done for EID sample collectors and a final assessment of changes in the rate of sample rejection was determined at the final period of January to March 2020.Results: During the baseline period, sample rejection rate started at 5% in February and went back to 0% in March. In April however, the rate of rejection increased to 9%. There was a decline in rejection rate to 5% and 7% in May and June respectively. A sudden spike in rejection occurred in July at a rate of 19%. The major reasons for sample rejection were DBS cards with insufficient blood spots, DBS cards with clots present in spots, DBS cards that have serum rings and grossly haemolysed DBS. After baseline data was collected and interventions put in place. Sample rejection rate drastically reduced to 1%, 0% and 0% respectively from January to March which is way below the maximum threshold of 2% as advocated by WHO. At baseline EID, TAT was longer than a month, however; with SR, the TAT increased to about seven weeks. The final assessment in March from this study showed a significant reduction in sample rejection to 0%.Conclusion and recommendations: This study has shown that quality improvement is achievable if interventional tools are utilized promptly. This will result in shorter TAT; fewer samples rejected and therefore prompt treatment of exposed infants thus reducing morbidity and mortality due to HIV.

2021 ◽  
pp. 680-692
Lisa Webley ◽  
Harriet Samuels

Titles in the Complete series combine extracts from a wide range of primary materials with clear explanatory text to provide readers with a complete introductory resource. This chapter ties together the loose strands of judicial review to provide a checklist of issues that must be considered in order to diagnose a judicial review problem and to provide a legal opinion for clients. The following questions are addressed: What are judicial review problem questions designed to test? How does one approach a judicial review problem question? How does one approach whether the body may be judicially reviewed? How does one approach whether the client has standing or may intervene in an action? How does one approach whether the other preconditions are met? How does one approach the grounds for review? How does one deal with issues of remedy? How does one provide a final assessment to the client?

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