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Webology ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
pp. 308-316
Dr. Santosh Dnyanobarao Kadam ◽  
Shankar Chandrakant Bhusawar

Efforts were made to analyze 5807 citations of Webology published during 2004 to 2019. The citations were classified on the basis of type of material which clearly indicates that periodicals and web resources were the most popular type of resources used by the authors for writing research papers. The study found that out of 5807 citations 2580 citations were authored by the single author and single authorship pattern was found as the most popular authorship pattern among the authors. The study founds the two oldest citations were from the books which were published before 1900. The findings of the study show the notable change in the use of type of resources being used for writing the research papers. The results of the study shoes that use the of periodicals and web resources for writing research papers was increased from 1951 and onward. The study also presented the list of the twenty five highly cited journals, ten highly cited authors, fifteen highly cited web links and five highly cited books.

Significance However, there has been a notable change in the EU’s tone. In July, the European Commission unexpectedly paused legal action against the United Kingdom for an alleged breach of the NIP, and when London announced on September 6 that it was suspending key elements indefinitely, the EU’s response was muted. Impacts France is so deeply aggrieved over AUKUS that any further UK breaches of the Withdrawal Agreement could prompt a bad-tempered response. The possibility of an early assembly election in Northern Ireland would complicate EU-UK attempts to resolve the NIP issue. The exclusion of high profile, pro-EU politicians in the UK cabinet reshuffle shows how important the Brexit agenda remains for London.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Jana K. Schniete ◽  
Peter W. Tinning ◽  
Ross C. Scrimgeour ◽  
Gillian Robb ◽  
Lisa S. Kölln ◽  

AbstractConventional standing-wave (SW) fluorescence microscopy uses a single wavelength to excite fluorescence from the specimen, which is normally placed in contact with a first surface reflector. The resulting excitation SW creates a pattern of illumination with anti-nodal maxima at multiple evenly-spaced planes perpendicular to the optical axis of the microscope. These maxima are approximately 90 nm thick and spaced 180 nm apart. Where the planes intersect fluorescent structures, emission occurs, but between the planes are non-illuminated regions which are not sampled for fluorescence. We evaluate a multi-excitation-wavelength SW fluorescence microscopy (which we call TartanSW) as a method for increasing the density of sampling by using SWs with different axial periodicities, to resolve more of the overall cell structure. The TartanSW method increased the sampling density from 50 to 98% over seven anti-nodal planes, with no notable change in axial or lateral resolution compared to single-excitation-wavelength SW microscopy. We demonstrate the method with images of the membrane and cytoskeleton of living and fixed cells.

2020 ◽  
Jana K. Schniete ◽  
Peter W. Tinning ◽  
Ross C. Scrimgeour ◽  
Gillian Robb ◽  
Lisa S. Kölln ◽  

AbstractConventional standing-wave (SW) fluorescence microscopy uses a single wavelength to excite fluorescence from the specimen, which is normally placed in contact with a first surface reflector. The resulting excitation SW creates a pattern of illumination with anti-nodal maxima at multiple evenly-spaced planes perpendicular to the optical axis of the microscope. These maxima are approximately 90 nm thick and spaced 180 nm apart. Where the planes intersect fluorescent structures, emission occurs, but between the planes are non-illuminated regions which are not sampled for fluorescence. We evaluate a multi-excitation-wavelength SW fluorescence microscopy (which we call TartanSW) as a method for increasing the density of sampling by using SWs with different axial periodicities, to resolve more of the overall cell structure. The TartanSW method increased the sampling density from 50% to 98% over seven anti-nodal planes, with no notable change in axial or lateral resolution compared to single-excitation-wavelength SW microscopy. We demonstrate the method with images of the membrane and cytoskeleton of living and fixed cells.

2020 ◽  
Vol 51 (2) ◽  
pp. 200-221
Jon L. Weller

In Alberta, Canada during the 1960s and early 1970s the popularity of recreational paddling expanded considerably. The reasons for this were varied, including wider demographic and economic shifts that produced a population that was both able, with time and the means, and eager to engage in these activities. But at the same time there was a notable change in the material reality of the sport brought on by the development of new construction techniques and materials. The goal of this article is to investigate the changing nature of recreational paddling in the 1960s and 70s with a focus on the influence that changing materials and construction methods had on these processes. Developed for other commercial purposes, fiberglass provided paddlers in Alberta with a means of constructing more robust canoes cheaply, quickly, and with a great deal of customization. To facilitate this construction, paddlers came together to share knowledge, materials, designs, and labor. In turn, these boatbuilding workshops became the nucleus of a budding and ultimately vibrant paddling community in the province. Moreover, the increased durability and design adaptability allowed paddlers to push the limits of the sport and successively redesign and further specialize the boats allowing for even greater skill development.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. p42
Conrado Ruiz-Hernandez ◽  
Alma Delia Lupercio-Lozano ◽  
Thalia Ameyatzin Bernal-Gonzalez ◽  
Francisco Jose Torner-Morales ◽  
Jose Luis Munoz-Lopez

This study is an extension of a micro-assessment on educational advances that has developed in 2010, for valuate numerical and environmental skills. After ten years, it observe, in terminal biology students of UNAM-Iztacala, a very notable change in the recognition of terms in the sum of a polynomial, but for the fine skills -of the same students- in separation of two assembled materials present in the common waste, we don’t observe a change or an improvement. This comparative study was carried out with forty participants. The effectiveness of formal and informal educational interventions, in the quest to seek a learning improvement, is evident.

Significance The most notable change institutionalises the control by the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF) over officers’ participation in elections; another extends the military’s reach into local government. These represent a further step in the construction of a parallel state run by the armed forces, and the reduction of civilian authority in all areas. Impacts Elections to the reinstated Senate scheduled for August will result in a major win for pro-Sisi candidates. Local governance and education at all levels will experience greater interference from the armed forces. Activities of international organisations and businesses across Egypt will be increasingly subject to monitoring by military authorities.

Hawwa ◽  
2020 ◽  
pp. 1-31
Fatemeh Salarvandian ◽  
Seyed Ali Hosseini ◽  
Muhammad Jafar Ashkevari ◽  
Seyed Mohammad Hosseini ◽  
Ahmand Pourahmad

Abstract In Islamic cities, the shariʿa determines to what extent women are allowed to attend public spaces. This article addresses women’s public attendance in Tehran, in both the classical and modern periods, and compares this with the prescriptions of the shariʿa. Our exploration of the Qurʾan, hadiths, the practices of religious scholars, and the descriptions of women’s status in travelogues suggests two distinct views, the first of which prohibits any kind of public appearance and considers home to be the best place for women. The second view holds that women can enter public spaces, but with some preconditions. Amidst the complexity of religion, society, culture, and politics, two shariʿa tenets have not changed significantly over time: veiling and sex segregation. Some female spheres outside the home have vanished as others have emerged. As a result of these shifts, the one notable change has been that women appear more frequently in public.

2020 ◽  
Vol 492 (4) ◽  
pp. 4819-4824
E V Polyachenko ◽  
P Berczik ◽  
A Just ◽  
I G Shukhman

ABSTRACT According to our previous theoretical findings, physical processes in centres of galaxies, star clusters, and the Oort comet cloud can be significantly altered by a new so-called ‘gravitational loss-cone instability’. Using N-body simulations of a spherical stellar model in the dominating Keplerian potential, we confirm the possibility of the instability and go beyond the linear theory. Unlike most other instabilities, the new one shows no notable change in spherical geometry of the cluster, but it significantly accelerates the speed of diffusion of particles in phase space leading to a repopulation of the loss cone and early instability saturation.

2019 ◽  
Vol 34 (2) ◽  
pp. 481-482
Brian J. Squitieri ◽  
William A. Gallus

Abstract An error was discovered in the code used to calculate neighborhood equitable threat scores (nETSs) in Squitieri and Gallus. Replicating results with the error corrected revealed that most of the conclusions from Squitieri and Gallus remained the same, but with one significant new finding and one notable change in results. In the original manuscript, very few correlations between MCS QPF skill and LLJ forecast accuracy could be denoted among weakly forced cases, with none of them being statistically significant. Applying the aforementioned correction, it was found that QPF skill during the mature stage of MCSs significantly correlated with moisture forecast accuracy within developing LLJs for weakly forced events. It was also found that correlations between MCS QPF skill and LLJ potential temperature forecast accuracy occurred earlier in the evening.

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