cyber intelligence
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Varun Chopra ◽  

In the embryonic stage, the usage of vehicle tracking systems were primarily restricted to getting the geographical location of the vehicular units. This scenario, however, was not perennial and with the escalation from a rudimentary stage to a highly complex archi- tecture for vehicular administration that we witness today, the standards for the vehicles security have also become monumental. With the development of V2X communications, the gamut of facilities provided by smart vehicle services has expanded prodigiously. These technological advancements, however have come at a cost. The gargantuan transition that has taken place over the recent years exacts a lot of security and safety mechanisms to be implemented, adjunct to the products and services it comes equipped with. In this paper, after a comprehensive study in the domain, we imply a security system model comprising of a Microcontroller Unit (MCU), as a part of the Vehicle Tracing Mechanism (VTM), well connected with a Management Hub. The communications be- tween the Vehicular Unit(s), Management Hub and the system Vehicle Tracing Mecha- nism (VTM) are made viable via V2X communications with conducive aid from technolo- gies like Global Positioning System, Radio Frequency Identifications and GPRS network. The paper aims to ameliorate the extant security protocols and improve the security and safety standards of smart vehicles by broaching cyber intelligence in smart vehicles.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 72-82
Faiz Iman Djufri ◽  
Charles Lim

Cyber Security is an interchange between attackers and defenders, a non-static balancing force. The increasing trend of novel security threats and security incidents, which does not seem to be stopping, prompts the need to add another line of security defences. This is because the risk management and risk detection has become virtually impossible due to the limited access towards user data and the variations of modern threat taxonomies. The traditional strategy of self-discovery and signature detection which has a static nature is now obsolete in facing threats of the new generation with a dynamic nature; threats which are resilient, complex, and evasive. Therefore, this thesis discusses the use of MISP and The Triad Investigation approach to share the Indicator of Compromise on Cyber Intelligence Sharing Platform to be able to address the newt threats.

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Mohamed Raessa ◽  
Weiwei Wan ◽  
Kensuke Harada

Purpose This paper aims to present a hierarchical motion planner for planning the manipulation motion to repose long and heavy objects considering external support surfaces. Design/methodology/approach The planner includes a task-level layer and a motion-level layer. This paper formulates the manipulation planning problem at the task level by considering grasp poses as nodes and object poses for edges. This paper considers regrasping and constrained in-hand slip (drooping) during building graphs and find mixed regrasping and drooping sequences by searching the graph. The generated sequences autonomously divide the object weight between the arm and the support surface and avoid configuration obstacles. Cartesian planning is used at the robot motion level to generate motions between adjacent critical grasp poses of the sequence found by the task-level layer. Findings Various experiments are carried out to examine the performance of the proposed planner. The results show improved capability of robot arms to manipulate long and heavy objects using the proposed planner. Originality/value The authors’ contribution is that they initially develop a graph-based planning system that reasons both in-hand and regrasp manipulation motion considering external supports. On one hand, the planner integrates regrasping and drooping to realize in-hand manipulation with external support. On the other hand, it switches states by releasing and regrasping objects when the object is in stably placed. The search graphs' nodes could be retrieved from remote cloud servers that provide a large amount of pre-annotated data to implement cyber intelligence.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 703
Dwi Rezki Sri Astarini ◽  
Muhammad Syaroni Rofii

Penelitian ini membahas tentang siber intelijen untuk keamanan nasional. Suatu negara dituntut untuk dapat menguasai teknologi informasi dan komunikasi secara baik dan benar serta tepat guna, karena dunia siber dapat menjadi potensi ancaman serta penyelenggaraan keamanan siber yang belum terintegrasi dapat berdampak terhadap kedaulatan negara dan ketahanan nasional. Intelijen dijadikan alat untuk mendeteksi dini ancaman – ancaman siber yang datang dari dalam atau luar negeri. Penelitian ini termasuk dalam jenis penelitian desktriptif dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif serta metode pengumpulan data melalui observasi, studi kepustakaan, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1) Mengetahui kedudukan siber intelijen didalam bidang intelijen; (2) Siber intelijen dalam tata kelola intelijen negara. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah peran siber intelijen sebagai bentuk “baru” dalam tata kelola intelijen negara dapat menjadi lebih jelas dan menghindari permasalahan yang mungkin dapat timbul. Dalam hal ini, perhatian terhadap isu-isu ini harus dibarengi dengan adanya solusi dalam menyiapkan sumber daya manusia, infrastruktur, dana dan teknologi yang mumpuni untuk dapat menjadikan siber intelijen sebagai aset bagi kepentingan keamanan nasional dan negaraKata Kunci: Cyber, Intelligence, Information, National Security

2021 ◽  
Jeppe T Jacobsen

Abstract As a response to the Russian invasion of Crimea, NATO returned to the core military concepts of deterrence and collective defence. This NATO adaption has recently come to include attempts to integrate offensive cyber effects into NATO force structure and response doctrine. The article argues—counter to what is publicly declared—that such an integration does little to strengthen NATO's deterrence posture and is unlikely to deter non-military, hybrid cyber activity below the threshold of collective defence. The article identifies several practical challenges to the current integration effort, which include the temporal dimension of developing exploits, battle damage assessment and deconfliction. With these challenges in mind, the article suggests that deploying minor and less resourceful cyber effects that cause persistent ‘cyber annoyances’ holds an unappreciated potential as they can drain opponent resources, disturb vital IT-systems and complicate decision-making. The article ends by arguing that NATO should not adapt its collective defence clause to cyberspace. A more active NATO in cyberspace risks undermining the cyber-intelligence norm that so far has prevented escalation and thereby increasing the likelihood that Russia misinterprets intelligence and active cyber defence activities as military preparation, armament or an attack in the making.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 132-135
John Ferris

On November 24th, 2020, Professor John Ferris presented Behind the Enigma: The Authorized History of GCHQ, Britain’s Secret Cyber-Intelligence Agency at the 2020 CASIS West Coast Security Conference.  The presentation was followed by a question and answer period

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