inclusion education
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2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 331
Yuli Salis Hijriyani ◽  
Fenty Andriani ◽  
Rosidin Rosidin

As part of inclusion education, Education for All (EfA) or Pendidikan untuk Semua (PuS) has six main programs, including the inclusion program of Early Childhood Education (Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini or PAUD). This article is compiled based on a qualitative approach, which is a type of field research and presented descriptively. This article highlights the role of Shadow Teacher as one of the main keys to the success of inclusion education in PAUD Terpadu Inklusi Bina Insan Kreatif (BIK) in Tasikmalaya city. The findings of the article show that Shadow Teacher has a variety of relatively different roles and responsibilities than class teachers. But it plays a big role in helping the success of learning carried out by class teachers, especially related to Children with Special Needs (Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus or ABK). In undergoing its roles and responsibilities, Shadow Teacher applies various strategies to assist the development of ABK students, in the academic, non-academic and self-developed fields. Furthermore, the PAUD Terpadu Inklusi BIK institute has such a crucial policy related to improving the quality, qualifications and competency of Shadow Teacher that it can provide better inclusion education services for ABK students in particular, and for other stakeholders in general.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 53
Digna Dionisia Pérez Bravo ◽  
Mónica Cleotilde Herrera Solórzano ◽  
María Del Rosario Requena Vivanco ◽  
Eddy Betancourt Escobar

La inclusión educativa es una situación que se ve limitada -sin ser absoluto- a una insuficiente cobertura sobre el conocimiento del tema y a la carencia de aspectos históricos o filosóficos, sociológicos y psicológicos desde la diversidad del ser humano y el contexto actual; aspectos relevantes en la formación integral del profesional de la docencia del sistema educativo adaptado a la realidad objetiva global. Dentro de la metodología utilizada, se destaca el método científico dialéctico, a modo de interrelación de la necesidad de una educación de calidad para todos, considerando las diferentes etapas en las que ha transitado la atención a la inclusión educativa sin la intención de ofrecer una periodización, asimismo, el uso de los métodos teóricos y empíricos como: histórico-lógico, análisis-síntesis, y estudio documental, respectivamente. Los resultados presentados en esta investigación están dirigidos a la preparación teórico, histórico, social-metodológica de los docentes y familias, así como, motivarlos hacia la búsqueda de información, fomentar en ellos la sensibilidad al respeto por las diferencias individuales y atención a las diversas necesidades de todos los estudiantes. También, se promueve un cambio de pensamiento y forma de actuar en la sociedad, a favor, de la inclusión y la accesibilidad que garantice un aprendizaje eficiente y eficaz para todos, a través, de una enseñanza significativa por parte de los docentes y el logro de un aprendizaje perdurable para todos los educandos. Esta situación nos conlleva al objetivo general: revelar aspectos: teórico, filosófico, socio-psicológico-metodológicos para la inclusión educativa, en especial en tiempos de pandemia.  PALABRAS CLAVE: Inclusión educativa; diversificación de la educación; aprendizaje sostenible; pandemia. Educational inclusion: learning opportunities for all in times of pandemic ABSTRACT Educational inclusion is a situation that is limited - without being absolute - to insufficient coverage on the knowledge of the subject and to the lack of historical or philosophical, sociological and psychological aspects from the diversity of the human being and the current context; Relevant aspects in the integral formation of the professional teaching of the educational system adapted to the global objective reality. Within the methodology used, the dialectical scientific method stands out, as an interrelation of the need for quality education for all, considering the different stages in which attention to educational inclusion has passed without the intention of offering a periodization, likewise, the use of theoretical and empirical methods such as: historical-logical, analysis-synthesis, and documentary study, respectively. The results presented in this research are aimed at the theoretical, historical, social-methodological preparation of teachers and families, as well as motivating them towards the search for information, fostering in them sensitivity to respect for individual differences and attention to the various needs of all students. Also, a change of thought and way of acting in society is promoted, in favor of inclusion and accessibility that guarantees efficient and effective learning for all, through meaningful teaching by teachers and achievement of lasting learning for all learners. This situation leads us to the general objective: to reveal aspects: theoretical, philosophical, socio-psychological-methodological for educational inclusion, especially in times of pandemic. KEYWORDS: Educational inclusion; education diversification; sustainable learning; pandemic.

Ni Nyoman Suhermi ◽  
Muh. Nur Ali ◽  
Achmad Herman

The aim of this is to uncover and analyze the responses of relevant stakeholders regarding the implementation of inclusive education in Palu City; participatory communication models regarding the implementation of inclusive education in Palu City through a concentrated perspective; and exploring the embodiment of a participatory communication model in the implementation of inclusive education in Palu City which involves related stakeholders. This study uses naturalistic research methods because of the research is carried out in natural setting. Data collection technique was carried out through observation, interviews, documentation, and FGD. The data analysis technique includes four stages, namely: data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions or data verification. The results of this study indicate that: (1) The stakeholders involved in participatory communication provided suggestions regarding efforts which related to the implementation of inclusive education in Palu City; (2) The model of conscientization communication for the implementation of inclusive education in Palu City must involve various stakeholders consisting of local governments, schools, parents, NGOs, and local mass media; (3) The realization of the participatory communication model regarding the implementation of inclusive education in Palu City based on the involvement and participation of stakeholders which refers to their real participation in educational activities. Limitations and suggestions for further research are revealed in this study.

SPLASH Magz ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 56-59
Sadono Irawan ◽  
Abdul Malik

This study examines technology inclusion, education investment, health investment and economic growth in Indonesia using secondary data from world banks processed quantitatively using the moving average autoregression method. We find that investment in health, investment in education, and technology inclusion are positively related to economic growth. This shows that in Indonesia it is in accordance with the solow growth theory where technology in Indonesia has a positive impact along with Indonesia's human capital.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 155
Rina Rahmi ◽  
Aswatun Hasanah ◽  
Septika Laily Anti

This article aims to examine character education in primary age inclusion schools. Focus the discussion on research on the basic concepts of character education in inclusion schools, the process of character education planning in inclusion schools, how character education is implemented in inclusion schools, and how to monitor character education in inclusion schools. The approach used is a qualitative approach to library research. Data sources are obtained from books or journals relevant to this study. The data collection technique is to analyze character education in elementary age inclusion schools to obtain data from literature sources. Data analysis was conducted by examining the concept of character education in basic age inclusion schools using reference materials. The results of this study show that (1) character education planning in inclusion schools is carried out by meeting teacher work, socialization of all parties related to the school, and the preparation of a Learning Implementation Plan (RPP), (2) in the application of character education in inclusion schools through integrating in learning, self-development through school culture as habituation, as well as inclusion education (3) character education monitoring in inclusion schools including observation and direct mentoring , identify the obstacles that occur, make improvements from the constraints that occur, as well as measure the success of the implementation of character education programs. Inclusion education is done well because of the intertwining of cooperation and support from various parties to change the way of thinking in doing social tolerance and humanizing people

Desy Eka Citra Dewi ◽  
Zubaidah Zubaidah ◽  
Elfahmi Lubis ◽  
Een Syaputra

This study was aimed at investigating the implementation, obstacles, and solution to inclusive education at the primary school level in Bengkulu City. This study used a qualitative approach with the analysis of the Miles and Huberman flow model. Data was collected through observation, in-depth interview and study document. The findings of the study were; firstly, most of schools have not implemented inclusive education during the teaching and learning activities yet. Secondly, four obstacles in implementing inclusive education were; the unavailability of Human Resources and the teacher’s understanding of inclusive education, the lack of curriculum and learning tools, supporting facilities and infrastructure, and school policies. Thirdly, Solutions to the obstacles were; the availability of Human Resources and the teacher’s understanding of inclusive education, the availability of facilities and infrastructure to support learning activities, the availability of curriculum and learning tools in schools with special needs, starting from the recruitment system, learning methods and models, to the evaluation system.

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