COVID-19 telah menyebabkan krisis kesehatan global dengan meningkatnya jumlah orang yang terinfeksi dan meninggal setiap hari. Melihat banyaknya kasus dan gejala pasien covid-19 diatas memberi gambaran bahwa betapa banyaknya pasien dan resiko yang harus dihadapi oleh perawat, hal ini mempengarui psikologi perawat secara umum dan terkhusus mempengaruhi efficacy diri perawat tersebut. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis self efficacy perawat berdasarkan data demografi ditengah pandemi covid-19. Penelitian ini bersifat deskripsi analitik dengan menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif di RSUD Pare pada bulan april – september 2021. Populasi penelitian adalah semua perawat RS. Kabupaten Kediri. Jumlah sampel yang diambil 181 orang, Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan lembar kuesioner yang berisi tentang self efficay. Berdasarkan data tersebut diatas menunjukkan bahwa self efficacy sedang pada umur responden 26-35 tahun (35,4%), jenis kelamin terbanyak perempuan 73,5%, tingkat pendidikan D-3 Keperawatan 69,1%, lama kerja 2-10 tahun 38,7%. Sedangkan analisis self efficacy berdasarkan data demografi ditunjukkan dengan varibel umur memiliki nilai p = 0,001 r = 0,352, jenis kelamin nilai p = 0,045 r = 0,182, pendidikan nilai p=0,513 r =0,133, lama kerja nilai p = 0,007 r = 0,297. Umur, jenis kelamin,pendidikan, dan lama kerja memberikan dukungan yang baik pada self efficacay seseorang dalam melakukan kegiatan, termasuk kondisi perawat selama pandemi covid-19, mereka mengalami perubahan self efficacy selama merawat pasien dengan covid-19.
Kata kunci : Self Efficacy, Demografi, Perawat, Covid-19
COVID-19 has caused a global health crisis with the number of people getting infected and dying every day. Seeing the number of cases and symptoms of COVID-19 patients above illustrates how many patients and the risks nurses must face, this affects the psychology of nurses in general and in particular affects the nurse's self-efficacy. The purpose of this study was to analyze the self-efficacy of nurses based on demographic data amid the covid-19 pandemic. This research is an analytical description using a quantitative approach at Pare Hospital in April – September 2021. The research population is all hospital nurses. Kediri Regency. The number of samples taken was 181 people. Data was collected using a questionnaire sheet containing self-efficacy. Based on the data above, it shows that self-efficacy is moderate at the age of the respondent 26-35 years (35.4%), the most gender is female 73.5%, education level D-3 Nursing 69.1%, length of work 2-10 years 38,7%. While the self-efficacy analysis based on demographic data is indicated by the age variable having p-value = 0.001 r = 0.352, gender p = 0.045 r = 0.182, education p-value = 0.513 r = 0.133, length of work p = 0.007 r = 0.297. Age, gender, education, and length of work provide good support for a person's self-efficacy in carrying out activities, including the condition of nurses during the covid-19 pandemic, they experience changes in self-efficacy while caring for patients with covid-19.
Keywords : Self Efficacy, Demographics, Nurses, Covid-19