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2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 93
Pim Cuijpers ◽  
Marketa Ciharova ◽  
Soledad Quero ◽  
Clara Miguel ◽  
Ellen Driessen ◽  

While randomized trials typically lack sufficient statistical power to identify predictors and moderators of outcome, “individual participant data” (IPD) meta-analyses, which combine primary data of multiple randomized trials, can increase the statistical power to identify predictors and moderators of outcome. We conducted a systematic review of IPD meta-analyses on psychological treatments of depression to provide an overview of predictors and moderators identified. We included 10 (eight pairwise and two network) IPD meta-analyses. Six meta-analyses showed that higher baseline depression severity was associated with better outcomes, and two found that older age was associated with better outcomes. Because power was high in most IPD meta-analyses, non-significant findings are also of interest because they indicate that these variables are probably not relevant as predictors and moderators. We did not find in any IPD meta-analysis that gender, education level, or relationship status were significant predictors or moderators. This review shows that IPD meta-analyses on psychological treatments can identify predictors and moderators of treatment effects and thereby contribute considerably to the development of personalized treatments of depression.

2022 ◽  
Sarah Salih ◽  
Sumarni Ismail ◽  
Nor Atiah Ismail ◽  
Norsidah Ujang ◽  
Nayeem Asif

Abstract Nearby pockets on campus grounds have become necessary learning sustainable settings to improve the academic experience by promoting outdoor social and learning activities. However, many universities still focus mainly on formal indoor learning and lack outdoor education that meets modern academic outcomes. Therefore, the current study aimed to identify the factors affecting students' social-learning experience in nearby pocket parks on campus ground, focusing on the tropical regions. The current study employed a questionnaire survey conducted in three Malaysian universities to collect data from 408 participants. The results showed various types of influencing factors that affect the social-learning experience in nearby pockets on campus ground, including landscape elements and activities, environmental factors, and access to these spaces. The results also indicated that students' demographics, including gender, education status, and university, influenced the outdoor social-learning experience. The current study contributed information to the development of on-campus sustainable settings for integrating nearby pockets in social interaction and learning activities in order to improve the academic social-learning experience.

2022 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 14-18
Desi Ilona ◽  
Z Zaitul ◽  
Neva Novianti

Many studies have been documented that tourism economic impact is a determinant of community support toward tourism development. However, there is a lack of study investigating tourism economic impact on village-based tourism. This study investigates the relative important index of the item offered by previous literature. Besides, this study also examines different means from different respondents: gender, education, and age. Forty-seven respondents have participated in this study. The validity and reliability test is run before the items are ranked using the relative important index (RII). Mann-Whitney U test has applied any difference of means value between woman and man. Moreover, the Kruskal-Wallis test is employed to determine any difference of means value among different levels of respondent education. The result shows that all items are valid and reliable. This study concludes that the first rank is variable 1 (village-based tourism increased job opportunities for village communities) with a relative important index of 0.898. Besides, six items have no mean value difference between man and woman, except for variable 5 (village-based tourism given economic benefit to village people). Its asym significance of Mann-Whitney U asym significance is lesser than 0.05. Further, respondent education and age category also have no difference in mean value using the Kruskal Wallis test. This study implies that the tourism economics impact for village-based tourism can be used for further studies.       

M. D. Boonstra ◽  
F. I. Abma ◽  
L. Wilming ◽  
C. Ståhl ◽  
E. Karlsson ◽  

AbstractPurpose This study explores the concept social insurance literacy (SIL) and corresponding questionnaire (SILQ) among workers receiving disability benefits and the comprehensibility of the social security institute (SSI), and examines associations with socio-economic characteristics. Methods 1753 panel members of the Dutch SSI were approached to complete the SILQ-NL37. This measure was based on the original SILQ. The SILQ-NL37 contains domains for obtaining, understanding and acting upon information for both individual SIL and system comprehensibility. A higher score means better SIL or comprehensibility. Data on age, gender, education, living situation, Dutch skills and time receiving disability benefits were also collected. With k-means clustering, groups with adequate and limited SIL were created. Associations with socio-economic characteristics were examined with independent t-tests and linear regression analyses for both the total scores and within domain scores. Cronbach α and Spearman rho’s indicated measurement properties were good to acceptable for the SILQ-NL37. Results Thirty-five percent of the 567 participants were in the group with limited SIL. Higher individual SILQ-NL37 scores were associated with having a partner (p = 0.018) and northeastern living region (p = 0.031). Higher scores for obtaining (p = 0.041) and understanding (p = 0.049) information were associated with female sex, and for acting on information with younger age (p = 0.020). People with limited Dutch skills (p = 0.063) and a partner (p = 0.085) rated system comprehensibility higher. Conclusions According to the SILQ-NL37 scores, about 35% of the panel members have limited ability to obtain, understand and act upon social insurance systems information. Limited SIL is associated with several socio-economic factors. Future researches should study the concept in a more representative sample, and in different countries and social insurance contexts.

2022 ◽  
Marco Delmastro ◽  
Marinella Paciello

Abstract Beliefs about misinformation and conspiracy theories are often associated with a state of mind. With the spread of the pandemic there has been an outbreak of depression cases among the population. In this paper, we attempt to test the relationship between affective states and beliefs in misinformation about COVID-19 during the early phase of the pandemic. We do this through a survey carried out on a random and representative sample of the Italian population that allows us to go and verify the co-evolution of many factors: i.e., beliefs in misinformation, symptoms of depression, perceptions and misperceptions about COVID-19, ways in which citizens got informed about the pandemic, and sociodemographic characteristics (e.g., age, gender, education). The results show that the relationship between affective state and beliefs in misinformation exists but is more complex than hypothesized.

2022 ◽  
Vol 52 (3) ◽  
Martinson Ankrah Twumasi ◽  
Yuansheng Jiang ◽  
Pengcheng Wang ◽  
Zhao ding ◽  
Lady Nadia Frempong ◽  

ABSTRACT: This study examined the determinants of financial literacy (FL) and its impact on access to financial services (AFS), using data collected from rural Ghana. A two-stage residual inclusion model is utilized to address the selection bias issue. The results showed that FL is affected by household heads’ age, gender, education, asset ownership, homeownership, and economics education. The results revealed that FL is significant and positively related to AFS, but its square shows an inverse relation with saving mobilization. This indicated a non-linear relationship between FL and AFS. Moreover, we find that FL has a larger AFS impact for households with high-income and male household heads relative to their counterparts. The study recommended that the government can initiate the creation of a rural committee to educate rural residents on financial issues through radio broadcasting and meetings. Our findings highlighted the importance of FL on AFS in enhancing the welfare of rural households.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 43-49
Christianto Nugroho ◽  
Ikhwan Kosasih

Abstrak   COVID-19 telah menyebabkan krisis kesehatan global dengan meningkatnya jumlah orang yang terinfeksi dan meninggal setiap hari. Melihat banyaknya kasus dan gejala pasien covid-19 diatas memberi gambaran bahwa betapa banyaknya pasien dan resiko yang harus dihadapi oleh perawat, hal ini mempengarui psikologi perawat secara umum dan terkhusus mempengaruhi efficacy diri perawat tersebut. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis self efficacy perawat berdasarkan data demografi ditengah pandemi covid-19. Penelitian ini bersifat deskripsi analitik dengan menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif di RSUD Pare pada bulan april – september 2021. Populasi penelitian adalah semua perawat RS. Kabupaten Kediri. Jumlah sampel yang diambil 181 orang, Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan lembar kuesioner yang berisi tentang self efficay. Berdasarkan data tersebut diatas menunjukkan bahwa self efficacy sedang pada umur responden 26-35 tahun (35,4%), jenis kelamin terbanyak perempuan 73,5%, tingkat pendidikan D-3 Keperawatan 69,1%, lama kerja 2-10 tahun 38,7%. Sedangkan analisis self efficacy berdasarkan data demografi ditunjukkan dengan varibel umur memiliki nilai p = 0,001 r = 0,352, jenis kelamin nilai p = 0,045 r = 0,182, pendidikan nilai p=0,513 r =0,133, lama kerja nilai p = 0,007 r = 0,297. Umur, jenis kelamin,pendidikan, dan lama kerja memberikan dukungan yang baik pada self efficacay seseorang dalam melakukan kegiatan, termasuk kondisi perawat selama pandemi covid-19, mereka mengalami perubahan self efficacy selama merawat pasien dengan covid-19. Kata kunci : Self Efficacy, Demografi, Perawat, Covid-19 Abstract   COVID-19 has caused a global health crisis with the number of people getting infected and dying every day. Seeing the number of cases and symptoms of COVID-19 patients above illustrates how many patients and the risks nurses must face, this affects the psychology of nurses in general and in particular affects the nurse's self-efficacy. The purpose of this study was to analyze the self-efficacy of nurses based on demographic data amid the covid-19 pandemic. This research is an analytical description using a quantitative approach at Pare Hospital in April – September 2021. The research population is all hospital nurses. Kediri Regency. The number of samples taken was 181 people. Data was collected using a questionnaire sheet containing self-efficacy. Based on the data above, it shows that self-efficacy is moderate at the age of the respondent 26-35 years (35.4%), the most gender is female 73.5%, education level D-3 Nursing 69.1%, length of work 2-10 years 38,7%. While the self-efficacy analysis based on demographic data is indicated by the age variable having p-value = 0.001 r = 0.352, gender p = 0.045 r = 0.182, education p-value = 0.513 r = 0.133, length of work p = 0.007 r = 0.297. Age, gender, education, and length of work provide good support for a person's self-efficacy in carrying out activities, including the condition of nurses during the covid-19 pandemic, they experience changes in self-efficacy while caring for patients with covid-19. Keywords : Self Efficacy, Demographics, Nurses, Covid-19  

Multilingual ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 149-165
Siti Fatinah ◽  
NFN Tamrin

This research is aimed to describe the pattern of language shifts of Muna Language (BM) in the education domain in the Banggai Regency and explain the factors that caused those shifts. The research data was obtained using the speaking and listening method through questionnaire, interview, note-taking, and participating observation techniques. Quantitative data were processed using descriptive statistics (calculated the mean). There are four categories used to interpret the BM shift patterns, namely not yet shifted; begins to shift, but tends to persist; begins to shift; has shifted. The result of the study indicated that the shift in BM in the education aspect in the Banggai Regency, both based on age, gender, education, and occupation, showed a varied pattern of language shift. Based on age group, age 11-15 years old, BM has shifted (always use BI); 16-27 and 28-49 years, BM starts to shift (uses BI more often), and 50 years and over, BM has not shifted persists. Based on gender, both male and female, the pattern of shifting in BM are almost the same, namely starting to shift. Based on the education category, the pattern of BM shift varies: SD/TTSD BM begins to shift, but tends to persist; in SMP, SMA, and PT, BM began to shift (using BI more often). Varied patterns of BM shifts are also seen in the job category. Muna people, who are also a student, BM has shifted (always using BI); Civil servants/TNI/Polri and private employees, BM began to shift (using BI more often); self-employment, trading, and other occupations, BM began to shift, but tended to persist; farmers, have not shifted persist (using BM and BI in a balanced way). The shift in BM in the domain of education is caused by several factors, including social factors, where the Muna people live, ethnic diversity, ethnic minorities, and bilingualism. Among these factors, social factors, bilingualism, ethnic minorities, and where the Muna people live are very dominant in influencing the shift in BM in the education domain in the Banggai Regency.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (4) ◽  
pp. 907-934
Ladislav Mura ◽  
Tibor Zsigmond ◽  
Renáta Machová

Research background: The research examines the impact of emotional intelligence and ethics on knowledge sharing within organizations. It examines the impact of emotional intelligence (EQ) on the ethical behavior of the individual. The focus is on the individuals working in the SME sector. A questionnaire survey was considered the most appropriate technique to conduct the research. The study is based on 1162 responses, collected from three countries (the Czech Republic, Hungary and Slovakia). Purpose of the article: The aim of this article is to examine the relationship between knowledge sharing, ethics and emotional intelligence. Furthermore, nationality, gender, education, and the age of the respondents influencing EQ are also examined. The additional goal is to explore the factors that influence employee behavior. Methods: We identified four hypotheses. To test these hypotheses, we used variance analysis and logistic regression. The AES scale was chosen to assess EQ, which consisted of 33 items. The results obtained are compared with the opinion of SME owners resulting from structured interviews. Findings & value added: About 20% of enterprises are not using any motivation tool to initiate knowledge sharing of their employees. The most common (47.2%) reason for silencing knowledge ? the lack of appreciation ? did not appear among the answer of company owners. According to the employee perceptions, gender has impact on the level of emotional intelligence, while nationality, education and age group have no impact on the EQ. SME owners do not address much attention to gender. The occurrence of unethical behavior does not depend on the size of the enterprise. According to employee opinion, the EQ has positive impact on knowledge sharing, while it is not affected by ethics. The majority of owners also agreed with the positive impact of EQ. The attitude of employees and owners differ in different aspects. The results have shown that gender plays an influential role in EQ. The research of this complex problem laid down the empirical foundations for the V4 countries.

John Mordecaih Patrick ◽  
Ganiyu Adekola

The aged is one of the most vulnerable cohorts of the COVID-19 pandemic; consequently to curb the spread of the virus public health knowledge is central. This study examines the sources of learning about COVID-19 pandemic, level of knowledge/awareness on the pandemic, and to ascertain if there is variation in the level of knowledge among older adults in South-South Nigeria on the basis of income, gender, education and marital status. The study was carried out in Port Harcourt Metropolis, Nigeria. Using analytical descriptive survey research design, older adults from 60 years and above were randomly selected. The instrument used was a structure questionnaire and an assessment test on Knowledge of COVID-19. Percentage, Mean, range, Standard deviation and ANOVA were used in analyzing the data collected.  The study reveals that radio and television were the major sources of learning about Covid-19 among older adults, that their level of awareness of the symptoms of the disease is poor, moderate in prevention of community spread and basic management of patients with the virus. The study also reveals that there is variation in the level of awareness on the basis of income, while no variation was found in terms of gender, education and marital status. From the findings, it was concluded that radio and television were the dominant source of information on health literacy among the older adults and there is an association between level of level of awareness of COVID-19 and level of income of older adults.

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