character study
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Andrew Kahn

The Short Story: A Very Short Introduction charts the rise of the short story from its original appearance in magazines and newspapers. For much of the 19th century, tales were written for the press, and the form’s history is marked by engagement with popular fiction. The short story then earned a reputation for its skilful use of plot design and character study distinct from the novel. This VSI considers the continuity and variation in key structures and techniques such as the beginning, the creation of voice, the ironic turn or plot twist, and how writers manage endings. Throughout, it draws on examples from an international and flourishing corpus of work.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 420-427
Satria Wiguna ◽  
Ahmad Darlis ◽  
Tsamrah Adawiah

Az-Zarnuji's educational concept in the book Ta'limul Muta'allim uses an Islamic education curriculum, Az-Zarnuji provides a simple but meaningful concept, that one must first achieve intellectual intelligence. The results of the study found that Az-Zarnuji's thoughts in the book Ta'limul muta'allim emphasized that in studying, he prioritized morals in learning and respected science, teachers, books, and society. Az-Zarnuji prioritizes morals in education to achieve goals, so as to achieve that goal, namely the success of the world and the hereafter. The type of research used is a qualitative research with a character study approach. The method of data collection is through literature study. Data analysis techniques by means of Descriptive Analysis and Content Analysis. Data analysis seeks to try to provide meaning that explains the form of explanation in the conclusion.

Sudhagar M ◽  
Kannan TK ◽  
Benjamin Lazarus S ◽  
Rajasekar R ◽  
Sachin S Raj

Recent years, Polymer matrix hybrid composites have a greater attention in industry and research due to growing demand for versatile applications. The present work focused on the development of epoxy based hybrid nanocomposites. Nanoclay is another novel material that is widely used in the research. In this investigation, nanoclay dispersed hybrid composite materials has been studied for mechanical and wear behavior. Glass fiber and banana fiber combined epoxy laminates (EGB) were reinforced with nanoclay at different weight fractions of 2%, 4%, 6%, and 8% using compression moulding. The enhanced properties of the nanoclay hybrid composites were analyzed with other specimens. Water absorption character study was also conducted. Morphological study was performed using Scanning Electron Microscope. It was observed that an optimum result attained with 4 wt% nanoclay reinforced composite with an increase in tensile strength of 8.62%, flexural strength of 30.19%, and impact strength of 48.15% when compared to EGB. Further the wear resistance of 4 wt% nanoclay hybrid composite showed an increase of 19.4% than the EGB composite.

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
pp. 115-141
Devi Pramitha

KH. Achmad Zamachsyari or Gus Mad became one of the initiators to make changes by establishing a modern Islamic boarding school in Malang. He leads, provides a vision to move toward improvement and change. He chose an area in Ketawang, Gondanglegi, Malang to begin his struggle to build a modern Islamic boarding school. This study aims at obtaining a complete description of Gus Mad's leadership behavior; his interaction patterns; and modernization concept of Islamic boarding school education. The research design is qualitative and it uses the character study method. Gus Mad was chosen as the object of research because he was one of the Kiais in Malang who made a change, namely from the leader of the Al-Fattah Singosari Salafiyah then founded the Al-Rifa'ie Modern Islamic boarding school. Data obtained by interviews, documents, and observation. Data analysis used the Spradley model, consisting domain, taxonomic, component and theme analyses. Three findings are (1) Gus Mad's behavior at Al-Rifa'ie leads to transformational leadership; (2) his interaction pattern at Al-Rifa'ie led to traditional leadership; and (3) hisconcept of modernization of Islamic boarding school education is based on the principles of al-Muḥâfaẓat ‘alâ al-qadîm al-ṣâliḥ wa al-akhdhu bi al-jadîd al-aṣlaḥ. Gus Mad’s leadership style at Al-Rifa'ie Modern Islamic Boarding School Malang is a neo-transformationalism leadership style, a combination of transformationalism and traditionalism leadership style based on the principles of al-muḥâfaẓat ‘alâ al-qadîm al-ṣâliḥ wa al-akhdhu bi al-jadîd al-aṣlaḥ.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 34-45
Arrasyid Arrasyid

This study aims to explain and analyze the concept of thuma'ninah Ibnu Qayyim al-Jauziyah as an effort to manage the anxiety that occurs in the Covid-19 pandemic. This research is qualitative research with a character study approach and uses exploratory, interpretation, and analysis methods. This study found data that the implementation of the thuma'ninah concept of Ibnu Qayyim al-Jauziyah as an effort to manage the anxiety that occurred during the Covid-19 pandemic, namely; first, implementing his understanding of the book of Allah Allah. Second, implementing the asthma of Allah regarding asy-Syukur. Third, implementing an understanding of the test is a form of Allah's love for His servants. By implementing these 3 (three) understandings, the anxiety felt by humans in the Covid-19 pandemic will be managed properly.

2021 ◽  
Vol 32 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Agus Riyadi ◽  
Zulfikar Ganna Priyangga ◽  
Mustolehudin Mustolehudin

This article aims to find out the national da'wah carried out by A.R. Baswedan. This research uses a character study approach with a literature study method. The results showed that the national da'wah carried out by A.R. Baswedan broadly fits the indicators of the national mission. The indicators of national preaching carried out by A.R. Baswedan can be seen from the aspects used in da'wah, namely; based on Pancasila, UUD 1945, Bhineka Tunggal Ika, and adherence to the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia. In addition, da'wah also accommodates differences in background, gender, ethnicity and class. This paper suggests the need for inclusive preaching carried out massively by preachers throughout the archipelago, so that the cultivation of a strong ideology, especially related to the preaching of rahmatan lil 'alaimin and soothing the Indonesian nation and not clashing with political interests. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
Syamsuri Syamsuri

There are at least two approaches taken by the government to deal with the problem of poverty or create prosperity, namely through fiscal policy and monetary policy. In this article, the author will examine the fiscal policies that should be carried out by the government using the reallocation method of state revenue and expenditure funds or the so-called APBN. Several Muslim figures have studied the problem solving, such as, As-Syaibani and Umar bin Abdul Aziz. However, the author focuses on the contribution of Muslim scholar who was born from Byzantine descent in 154/1858, namely Abu Ubaid, his brilliant idea as outlined in the book Al-Amwal in order to create the mashlahat of society in a country. By using a qualitative method with the library research approach and assisted by the final character study approach, it can be concluded that some strategies according to Abu Ubaid are a solution in creating social welfare, namely Zakat, fa'I, khumus, kharja, and jizyah. As well as regarding the import and export of goods, Abu Ubaid uses a strategy of not having zero tariffs in international trade, excise on staples is cheaper, and there are certain limitations to be subject to excise. This means that when goods enter into a country, there is a cut or excise that enters zakat.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-23
Kevin D. Dougherty ◽  
Perry L. Glanzer ◽  
Jessica A. Robinson ◽  
Juliette L. Ratchford ◽  
Sarah A. Schnitker

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