aviation transportation
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2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-15
Tianxi Dong ◽  
Qiwei Yang ◽  
Nima Ebadi ◽  
Xin Robert Luo ◽  
Paul Rad

Aviation is a complicated transportation system, and safety is of paramount importance because aircraft failure often involves casualties. Prevention is clearly the best strategy for aviation transportation safety. Learning from past incident data to prevent potential accidents from happening has proved to be a successful approach. To prevent potential safety hazards and make effective prevention plans, aviation safety experts identify primary and contributing factors from incident reports. However, safety experts’ review processes have become prohibitively expensive nowadays. The number of incident reports is increasing rapidly due to the acceleration of advances in information technologies and the growth of the commercial and private aviation transportation industries. Consequently, advanced text mining algorithms should be applied to help aviation safety experts facilitate the process of incident data extraction. This paper focuses on constructing deep-learning-based models to identify causal factors from incident reports. First, we prepare the data sets used for training, validation, and testing with approximately 200,000 qualified incident reports from the Aviation Safety Reporting System (ASRS). Then, we take an open-source natural language model, which is well trained with a large corpus of Wikipedia texts, as the baseline and fine-tune it with the texts in incident reports to make it more suited to our specific research task. Finally, we build and train an attention-based long short-term memory (LSTM) model to identify primary and contributing factors in each incident report. The solution we propose has multilabel capability and is automated and customizable, and it is more accurate and adaptable than traditional machine learning methods in extant research. This novel application of deep learning algorithms to the incident reporting system can efficiently improve aviation safety.

Dmytro Bugayko ◽  
Olha Shevchenko

World leaders gathered at the United Nations (UN) and adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. It is a plan of action aimed at achieving global sustainable development in economic, social and environmental areas, which ensures that no UN member state is left behind. The 17 sustainable development goals on the 2030 Agenda can be used as benchmarks for the coordinated development of UN member states. Aviation safety is an important component of the concept of general national security, the system of personal security, ecological and public safety and transport safety from external and internal threats. Maintaining an acceptable level of national aviation safety is a priority for the industry. The aviation transport is a part of the transport complex of Ukraine, which is an important component in the structure of the national economy and a link between all components of economic security to ensure the basic conditions of life and development of the state and society. The assessment of economic, technological, safety, social and ecological hazards is an integral part of all the logical blocks of the structural and functional scheme of strategic management of aviation safety in terms of sustainable development of the national economy. The task of the article is to determine and substantiate the main indicators of economic and technological development, safety, social and environmental components of air transport and assess their level. In the article the authors propose and present the dynamics in the period from 2010 to 2020 of 29 indicators of sustainable development of air transport of Ukraine, such us share of aviation transport in the gross value added (transport and communications); level of investment in aviation transport; level of export services of air transport; level of import services of aviation transport; level of shadowing of aviation transport; coefficient of manufacturability of aviation transport; capital utilization coefficient; level of shadow capital load; level of use of passenger capacity of aircraft and helicopters; level of renewal of fixed assets; cargo transport capacity of GDP by aviation transport; passenger transport capacity of GDP by aviation transport; average distance of cargo aviation transportation; average distance of passenger aviation transportation; ratio of domestic and international aviation transportation; catastrophes, accidents, serious coefficients for regular commercial/irregular commercial/non-commercial flights and execution of aviation works/training flights; level of wages in the production of aviation transport; level of employment in air transport; coefficient of population mobility; level of official GVA created by shadow wages; level of shadow employment; level of CO2 emissions of aviation transport of Ukraine to GDP; level of emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere; level of environmental costs of aviation transport. Authors determine their threshold and optimal values. Indicators are given in groups in the above areas. Indicators are divided into stimulants (indicators that contribute to the sustainable development of air transport and the national economy) and disincentives (indicators that hinder the sustainable development of air transport and the national economy). The solution of this problem will make it possible to conduct a comprehensive assessment of the current state of air transport in Ukraine on the basis of a systematic approach

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (10) ◽  
pp. 1540
Desak Putu Dian Sucitawati ◽  
Ida Bagus Putra Atmadja

Tujuan dari penulisan artikel dalam jurnal ini untuk mengkaji mengenai hubungan hukum antara perusahaan penerbangan dengan penumpang, serta untuk mengetahui tanggungjawab perusahaan penerbangan terhadap penumpang apabila terjadi penundaan penerbangan. Tulisan ini menggunakan metode penelitian yuridis empiris dengan dengan sifat penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil studi menunjukkan bahwa hubungan hukum antara Perusahaan Angkutan Penerbangan dengan penumpang adalah hubungan hukum yang sifatnya perjanjian berkala yaitu perjanjian dengan syarat dilakukan hanya untuk waktu tertentu dan perbuatan tertentu. Sesuai dengan Peraturan Menteri Nomor 77 tahun 2011 tentang Tanggung Jawab Pengangkut Angkutan Udara di Pasal 10, yaitu keterlambatan lebih dari 4 (empat) jam akan mengakibatkan pembayaran kompensasi sebesarRp.300.000,00 (tiga ratus ribu Rupiah) untuk masing-masing penumpang. The purpose of articles in this journal is to examine the legal relationship between airline companies and passengers, as well as to find out the responsibility of airlines to passengers in the event of flight delays. This paper uses an empirical juridical research method with qualitative descriptive research characteristics. The results of the study show that the legal relationship between the Aviation Transportation Company and passengers is a legal relationship which is a periodic agreement, namely an agreement with the condition that it is carried out only for a certain time and for certain actions. In accordance with Ministerial Regulation Number 77 of 2011 concerning the Responsibility of Air Transport Carriers in Article 10, namely a delay of more than 4 (four) hours will result in the payment of compensation of Rp. 300,000.00 (three hundred thousand Rupiah) for each passenger.

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