cystic ovarian disease
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Joao Henrique Moreira Viana ◽  
Nathalia Ellen Sousa Pereira ◽  
Otavio Augusto Costa Faria ◽  
Luzia Renata Oliveira Dias ◽  
Eduardo Ramos Oliveira ◽  

2020 ◽  
Vol p5 (01) ◽  
pp. 2625-2631
Shruti R. Tarapure ◽  
Tushar Anil Annadate ◽  
Hinaben Harshadkumar Shah

Poly Cystic Ovarian Disease is a heterogeneous multisystem endocrinopathy in women of reproductive age with the ovarian expression of various metabolic disturbances and clinical features like hyperandrogenism, chronic anovulation, and obesity, resulting from insulin resistance and the compensatory hyperinsulinemia. Poly Cystic Ovarian Disease is a condition where cysts on the ovaries are present that prevent the ovaries from performing normally. On the basis of ultrasound evaluation there will be presence of peripherally tiny follicles. Clinically the PCOS can be understood based on assessment for Granthibhuta Aartava Dushti. (PCOS) can be correlated with Aartava Kshaya, Arajaska Yonivyapad, Lohitakshaya Yonivyapad, Shushka Yonivyapad and Shandhi Yonivyapad. PCOD affects 5-6 % women in childbearing age and is increasing due to change in lifestyle and stress. It is also becoming the common problem in adolescents. So, the man-agement of PCOD is very helpful when it is done by the way which doesn’t affect other hormonal levels and without any further complications. In Ayurveda there are some medications and treatment protocols which are very helpful to manage the PCOS in such a way that doesn’t affect the health of woman. Also, Ayurvedic management of PCOS gives relief in other features of disease like Obesity. So, here attempt has been made for the management of Granthibhuta Aartava Dushti w.s.r. to PCOD.

2020 ◽  
Vol 63 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-8 ◽  
Naoki Yamamoto ◽  
Ryo Nishimura ◽  
Yosuke Gunji ◽  
Mitsugu Hishinuma

Abstract. The relationship between endometritis and cystic ovarian disease (COD) is still unclear in Japanese Black cattle. Endometritis is classified into clinical endometritis (CE) and subclinical endometritis (SE). The objective of this study was to clarify the interaction between postpartum endometritis (CE and SE) and COD in Japanese Black cattle. Twenty-six suckled cows with COD (COD group) and 16 suckled cows with cyclical ovarian activity (CA group) were submitted for the experiment. Uterine conditions of cows were classified into three groups (normal, CE, and SE) with vaginal mucus test and endometrial cytology. The combined data of CE and SE were represented as data for total endometritis (EMT total). The prevalence of EMT total in the COD group (42.3 %, 11∕26) was significantly higher than that of the CA group (12.5 %, 2∕16). The mean percentage of polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMN %) in the COD group was significantly higher than that of the CA group at 40–60 DPP (days postpartum). Compared to 61–295 DPP, the mean PMN % at 40–60 DPP was significantly higher in the COD group. The diameters of uterine horn and cervix did not differ among normal uterine condition, CE and SE in the COD group, and they did not differ between normal uterine condition and SE in the CA group. However, endometrial thickness during both 40–60 and 61–295 DPP were greater in the COD group than in the CA group. In conclusion, Japanese Black cattle with COD have a potential implication on endometritis at 40–60 DPP compared to the normal ovarian cycle. As a specific symptom was not observed by transrectal ultrasonography, endometrial cytology is effective for diagnosis of SE in Japanese Black cattle.

2019 ◽  
pp. 16
K.D. Betty

Background: India has a population of 1.2 billion, nearly 30 million couples in the country suffer from infertility, in which female infertility is caused mainly by PCOD (40%). In Kerala, adolescent girls’ population comprises 7% and the prevalence is 15% (Annual vital report of statistics report 2015). The unhealthy eating habits and lack of exercise leads to PCOD. Therefore, as a nurse, the investigator has a pivotal role in creating awareness about the modification of lifestyle and prevention of future complications. The investigator observed that many students are diagnosed with PCOD during their physical training screening. Materials and methods: Quantitative research approach, using quasi-experimental one group pre-test – post- test design was adopted to collect data by non-probability convenient sampling from 48 adolescent girls between 17-20 years those who were studying first year B.Sc. nursing in a private nursing college, Kerala. Demographic characteristics were age, religion, weight, family history, previous knowledge and knowledge questionnaire consisted of 30 questions with 4 options regarding poly cystic ovarian disease. Results: Out of 48 subjects, majority (79.2%) were in the age group of 19-20 years, 47.9% were in the group of weight from 50-60 kg and 33.3% had menstrual problems. Majority 89.6% were not having family history and only 38.3% had previous knowledge. Pre- test  showed that majority (97.91%) had average level of score, whereas in the post test majority (91.6%) adolescents had good knowledge regarding poly cystic ovarian disease. The calculated t value 19.79 at 0.05 level of significance indicated that the structured teaching programme was effective. The chi- square value was lower than the table value at 0.05 level showed that there was no significant association between knowledge and their selected demographic variables. Conclusion: Structured teaching programme regarding had improved the knowledge level of adolescent girls about poly cystic ovarian disease.

2019 ◽  
Vol 209 ◽  
pp. 106164
P.U. Díaz ◽  
E.M. Belotti ◽  
U.S. Notaro ◽  
N.R. Salvetti ◽  
C.J.M. Leiva ◽  

Zygote ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 27 (05) ◽  
pp. 285-298 ◽  
Antonela F. Stassi ◽  
Natalia C. Gareis ◽  
Belkis E. Marelli ◽  
Valentina Matiller ◽  
Cristian J.M. Leiva ◽  

SummaryOvulation is considered an inflammatory, cytokine-mediated event. Cytokines, which are recognized as growth factors with immunoregulatory properties, are involved in many cellular processes at the ovarian level. In this sense, cytokines affect fertility and are involved in the development of different ovarian disorders such as bovine cystic ovarian disease (COD). Because it has been previously demonstrated that ovarian cells represent both sources and targets of cytokines, the aim of this study was to examine the expression of several cytokines, including IL-1β, IL-1RA, IL-1RI, IL-1RII, IL-4 and IL-8, in ovarian follicular structures from cows with spontaneous COD. The protein expression of these cytokines was evaluated by immunohistochemistry. Additionally, IL-1β, IL-4 and IL-8 concentrations in follicular fluid (FF) and serum were determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). In granulosa and theca cells, IL-1RI, IL-1RII, IL-1RA and IL-4 expression levels were higher in cystic follicles than in the control dominant follicles. The serum and FF concentrations of IL-1β and IL-4 showed no differences between groups, whereas IL-8 concentration was detected only in FF of cysts from cows with COD. The FF and serum concentrations of IL-1β and IL-8 showed no significant differences, whereas IL-4 concentration was higher in FF than in serum in both the control and COD groups. These results evidenced an altered expression of cytokines in ovaries of cows with COD that could contribute to the pathogenesis of this disease.

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (6) ◽  
pp. 318-322
Rachel Sibbald

This article will look at cystic ovaries in female guinea pigs. Cystic ovaries can be functional or non-functional fluid filled cysts that usually develop spontaneously in the older sow. The presence of cysts usually reduces fertility and potentially causes serious uterine disease. Identifying common symptoms related to this condition can aid the veterinary nurse when performing clinical examinations. Species specific care is vital to securing optimum patient care and the chance of a good outcome.

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 2317-2321
Harini Hombalegowda ◽  
Nagaraja Ramakrishnappa ◽  
Naveen Kumar Siddaraju ◽  
Nagaraja Chikkalure Sringeshwaraiah ◽  
Sudha Guelal

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