foreign language classrooms
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2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (12) ◽  
pp. 96-104
Samar Alharbi

English language considers a global language spoken by a majority of people around the world. It is a language used mainly for communication, trades and study purposes. This widespread of English language being wildly spoken lead to different varieties of English as a lingua franca (ELF) means that non native speakers of English still be able to communicate with each other. Using ELF as a legitimate variety of English in language classrooms is questioned by some researchers. This paper will provide an overview of the concept of ELF. It will also present implications and limitations of using ELF in Saudi English as foreign language classrooms.

2021 ◽  
Tamador Khalaf Abu-Snoubar ◽  
Bandar Khlil Mukattash

Modern graduates face major challenges in the international job market where knowledge of English and other foreign languages became one of the most important requirements of a well-trained professional. Even though the demands of such candidates increase, the methodology of teaching English remains the same. Modern educators and students demand the inclusion of the first language in their English as a Foreign Language classrooms, yet still, this method is considered controversial. Previous research generated ambiguous and inconclusive findings that the current study tries to re-explore. This study aims to find out the a) students’ attitude towards implementing their first language in English as a Foreign Language classes; b) how these attitudes can be related to their proficiency levels; c) the potential purposes of using the first language in the English language classrooms; and d) if teachers support using a bilingual approach in their classrooms. The current research uses a mixed-method design by applying a survey filled in by 400 students studying at Al-Balqa Applied University and semi-structured interviews with 5 instructors from the same institute to collect the data needed. The findings recognized that both students and teachers support the situational application of Arabic in the English as a Foreign Language classrooms, especially when it comes to the reading comprehension activities and introducing a new grammar topic or new vocabulary items. The use of the first language has to be proportionate to the level of students’ target language proficiency, as basic English speakers require the inclusion of their first language more often than their advanced counterparts.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 251-267
Tamador Khalaf Abu-Snoubar ◽  
Bandar Khlil Mukattash

Modern graduates face major challenges in the international job market where knowledge of English and other foreign languages became one of the most important requirements of a well-trained professional. Even though the demands of such candidates increase, the methodology of teaching English remains the same. Modern educators and students demand the inclusion of the first language in their English as a Foreign Language classrooms, yet still, this method is considered controversial. Previous research generated ambiguous and inconclusive findings that the current study tries to re-explore. This study aims to find out the a) students’ attitude towards implementing their first language in English as a Foreign Language classes; b) how these attitudes can be related to their proficiency levels; c) the potential purposes of using the first language in the English language classrooms; and d) if teachers support using a bilingual approach in their classrooms. The current research uses a mixed-method design by applying a survey filled in by 400 students studying at Al-Balqa Applied University and semi-structured interviews with 5 instructors from the same institute to collect the data needed. The findings recognized that both students and teachers support the situational application of Arabic in the English as a Foreign Language classrooms, especially when it comes to the reading comprehension activities and introducing a new grammar topic or new vocabulary items. The use of the first language has to be proportionate to the level of students’ target language proficiency, as basic English speakers require the inclusion of their first language more often than their advanced counterparts.

Peng Zilian

This review aims to provide a comprehensive perspective on the use of first language (L1) in foreign language classrooms by reviewing 15 empirical studies. This review found that the focuses of those studies can be categorized from five aspects: (1) extent of L1 use, (2) the purpose of L1 use, (3) factors influencing teachers’ use of L1, (4) attitudes and identities related to L1 use, and (5) the effectiveness of L1 use on second language (L2) learning. Methods for research on this area and directions for future research are suggested. 本文旨在通过对15篇实证研究的回顾,对外语课堂中母语的使用提供一个全面的视角。本文主要发现, 这些研究的主题可以分为五类: (1)使用母语的程度, (2) 使用母语的目的, (3) 影响教师使用母语的因素, (4) 关于母语使用的态度和身份转变, 以及 (5) 母语使用对外语学习的影响。基于以上发现本文总结了该领域的研究方法,指明了未来的研究方向。 <p> </p><p><strong> Article visualizations:</strong></p><p><img src="/-counters-/edu_01/0789/a.php" alt="Hit counter" /></p>

В.М. Литвинова ◽  
Т.В. Сарафанова

В статье рассматривается проблема формирования коммуникативных навыков и умений на основе мультимедийной презентации как формы работы со студентами сельскохозяйственного вуза. Иноязычная проектная деятельность в процессе формирования и совершенствования коммуникативных навыков и умений студентов является на сегодняшний день актуальной. Использование мультимедийной презентации как интегративной технологии дает возможность активизировать познавательную деятельность студентов в процессе изучения иностранных языков. Данная технология позволяет сформировать у будущего специалиста понятийный аппарат в определенной сфере знаний на иностранном языке, а также улучшить навыки самостоятельной работы с разными источниками на иностранном языке и общения в процессе представления презентации. В статье анализируется опыт работы кафедры иностранных языков Ижевской госу­дарственной сельскохозяйственной академии. Приведены примеры презентаций студентов разных факультетов сельскохозяйственной академии, проходящих переподготовку по программе «Переводчик в сфере профессиональной коммуникации». Определены достоинства мультимедийных презентаций, которые способствуют формированию двух образовательных парадигм — профессиональной и лингвистической. The article treats the issue of communicative skills formation on the basis of multimedia presentations as a teaching tool for agricultural universities. The issue of using project activities in foreign language classrooms to develop and improve students’ communication skills is highly relevant. Integrative technologies, such as multimedia presentations, enable teachers to optimize students’ involvement and learning in foreign language classrooms. Multimedia technologies enhance students’ acquisition of foreign language knowledge and skills, improve students’ self-directed learning skills, enhance their foreign language communicative competencies. The article analyzes the work of the Department of Foreign Languages at Izhevsk State Agricultural Academy. It provides examples of presentations prepared by students of different faculties of the Academy who acquire additional career-related skills in the sphere of translation. The article highlights the advantages of multimedia presentations, which promote the development of two educational paradigms, i. e. professional paradigm and linguistic paradigm.

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