multiple events
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Juan A. Clemente ◽  
Mohammadreza Rezaei ◽  
Francisco J. Franco

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-15
Konstantinos Bromis ◽  
Petar P. Raykov ◽  
Leah Wickens ◽  
Warrick Roseboom ◽  
Chris M. Bird

Abstract An episodic memory is specific to an event that occurred at a particular time and place. However, the elements that comprise the event—the location, the people present, and their actions and goals—might be shared with numerous other similar events. Does the brain preferentially represent certain elements of a remembered event? If so, which elements dominate its neural representation: those that are shared across similar events, or the novel elements that define a specific event? We addressed these questions by using a novel experimental paradigm combined with fMRI. Multiple events were created involving conversations between two individuals using the format of a television chat show. Chat show “hosts” occurred repeatedly across multiple events, whereas the “guests” were unique to only one event. Before learning the conversations, participants were scanned while viewing images or names of the (famous) individuals to be used in the study to obtain person-specific activity patterns. After learning all the conversations over a week, participants were scanned for a second time while they recalled each event multiple times. We found that during recall, person-specific activity patterns within the posterior midline network were reinstated for the hosts of the shows but not the guests, and that reinstatement of the hosts was significantly stronger than the reinstatement of the guests. These findings demonstrate that it is the more generic, familiar, and predictable elements of an event that dominate its neural representation compared with the more idiosyncratic, event-defining, elements.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
M. Staszek ◽  
Ł. Rudziński ◽  
G. Kwiatek

AbstractMultiplet analysis is based on the identification of seismic events with very similar waveforms which are used then to enhance seismological analysis e.g. by precise relocation of sources. In underground fluid injection conditions, it is a tool frequently used for imaging of subsurface fracture system. We identify over 150 repeatedly activated seismic sources within seismicity cluster induced by fluid injection in NW part of The Geysers geothermal field (California). Majority of multiple events (ME) occur along N–S oriented planar structure which we interpret as a fault plane. Remaining ME are distributed along structures interpreted as fractures, forming together a system of interconnected cracks enabling fluid migration. Temporal analysis reveals that during periods of relatively low fluid injection the proportion of ME to non-multiple events is higher than during periods of high injection. Moreover, ME which occur within the fault differ in activity rate and source properties from ME designating the fractures and non-multiple events. In this study we utilize observed differences between ME occurring within various structures and non-multiple events to describe hydraulic conditions within the reservoir. We show that spatial and temporal analysis of multiplets can be used for identification and characterization of dominant fluid migration paths.

Andrea Marcellusi ◽  
Chiara Bini ◽  
Maria Assunta Rotundo ◽  
Emanuela Arcangeli ◽  
Laura Martinez ◽  

Objective: The aim of this work was to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of evolocumab in addition to standard statin therapy with or without ezetimibe in the treatment of patients with clinically evident atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD) with levels of LDL-C above 100 mg/dL. Method: A theoretical cohort of patients was forecast by a Markov model that includes 11 health states for a lifetime horizon. In the base-case, the standard therapy was characterized by statins with or without ezetimibe. Two sub-populations have been considered, Recent MI (Myocardial Infarction in the last year) and Multiple events (population with multiple MI). The results were also presented for a subset of the Multiple events populations consisting of patients who have experienced a myocardial infarction (MI) in the last year. Results: For the Recent MI and Multiple events populations, ICER values of € 39,547 and € 35,744 respectively were estimated. The value of ICER was lower for the Multiple events with MI < 1 year population (€ 29,949). Considering statins with ezetimibe as standard therapy, ICER values were found to be equal to € 39,781, € 35,986 and € 30,190 respectively for the populations Recent MI, Multiple events and Multiple events with MI < 1 year. Conclusions: The estimated ICER values for the Recent MI, Multiple events and Multiple events populations with MI < 1 year were below the cost-effectiveness threshold of € 40,000, suggesting therefore how the treatment with evolocumab in addition to the standard therapy can be a cost-effective treatment both compared to standard therapy with statins and standard therapy with statins + ezetimibe.

2021 ◽  
pp. 203759
Nancy Jo Pokrywka ◽  
Setse Bush ◽  
Sophie E. Nick

Ghada Sobhy Ibrahim ◽  
Buthaina M. Alkandari ◽  
Islam Ahmed Abo Shady ◽  
Vikash K. Gupta ◽  
Mohsen Ahmed Abdelmohsen

Abstract Background Since late 2019, COVID-19 infection has quickly spread substantially in all countries, forcing the appropriation of noteworthy lockdown and social separating measures. It has been considered as a pandemic by the World Health Organization. Positive pressure ventilation is a non-physiological and invasive intervention that can be lifesaving in COVID-19 patients. Similar to any other interventions, it can cause its own danger and complications as it can prompt ventilator-induced lung injury and barotrauma. The aim of the work was to identify the incidence of invasive mechanical ventilation complication in COVID-19 pneumonias, and to describe patient characteristics and patterns of barotrauma in COVID-19 patients. Results This retrospective study included 103 patients with COVID-19 pneumonia, 76 males and 27 females are on invasive mechanical ventilation. Their mean age was 56.6, ranged from 21 to 85 years old. Barotraumas event type in the studied patients, (NB: one or multiple barotrauma events occurring on the same day were considered as single event (95/103 patients-92.23%), while separate multiple events (8/103 patients-7.77%) were recorded when occurring separated by at least 24 h). Single barotrauma events were subdivided into: one event (67/95 patients—70.53%), & multiple events (28/95 patients—29.47%). The mean interval between invasive mechanical ventilation and developing barotraumas was 3–7 days included 41 patients (39.98%). We revealed a strong prevalence of COVID-19 IMV complication with worsening prognosis and subsequent higher death rates in elderly smoker or obese males, as well as those suffering from ARDS. Past medical history (hypertension, DM, chronic renal or cardiac disease) or surgical history of CABG was more liable for these types of complications. Conclusion Patients with COVID-19 pneumonia were more liable to the higher incidence of barotraumas with presence of predisposition and high risk factors. In general, an outstanding bad prognostic outcome and a significantly high mortality rate prevailed in COVID-19 patients associated with mechanically ventilated patients.

Geology ◽  
2021 ◽  
B.A. Peak ◽  
R.M. Flowers ◽  
F.A. Macdonald ◽  
J.M. Cottle

The Great Unconformity is an iconic geologic feature that coincides with an enigmatic period of Earth’s history that spans the assembly and breakup of the supercontinent Rodinia and the Snowball Earth glaciations. We use zircon (U-Th)/He thermochronology (ZHe) to explore the erosion history below the Great Unconformity at its classic Grand Canyon locality in Arizona, United States. ZHe dates are as old as 809 ± 25 Ma with data patterns that differ across both long (~100 km) and short (tens of kilometers) spatial wavelengths. The spatially variable thermal histories implied by these data are best explained by Proterozoic syndepositional normal faulting that induced differences in exhumation and burial across the region. The data, geologic relationships, and thermal history models suggest Neoproterozoic rock exhumation and the presence of a basement paleo high at the present-day Lower Granite Gorge synchronous with Grand Canyon Supergroup deposition at the present-day Upper Granite Gorge. The paleo high created a topographic barrier that may have limited deposition to restricted marine or nonmarine conditions. This paleotopographic evolution reflects protracted, multiphase tectonic activity during Rodinia assembly and breakup that induced multiple events that formed unconformities over hundreds of millions of years, all with claim to the title of a “Great Unconformity.”

Sigrid Beck

This chapter discusses structures like ‘Sandy wrote book after book’, in which a central preposition is combined with two identical nouns. The interpretation is a plurality of events, in the example a plurality of writing books. The semantic properties of the construction are discussed. An analysis is offered in terms of event pluralization, with ‘N-Preposition-N’ a pluractional modifier. This is embedded in a general theory of plural predication.

Patricia Cabredo Hofherr

This chapter gives a general overview of verbal plurality phenomena cross-linguistically, with verbal plurality understood as a descriptive label for instances of verbal morphology marking multiple events. Verbal plurality markers form a heterogeneous class cross-linguistically and many verbal plurality markers have readings that go beyond event plurality such as duratives and intensives. Part of this variation can be related to the fact that multiplicity readings arise from different sources such as plurality markers, collective markers, additive expressions, and degree expressions. Another factor of variation is contributed by the different event-identification conditions imposed by the verbal plurality marker. In particular, the event pluralities introduced by verbal plurality markers are often limited in their interaction with other elements in the clause and in many languages the availability of distributive dependencies between the event plurality and plural arguments depends on the syntactic type of the plurality denoting expression.

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