information text
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2021 ◽  
pp. 30-33
N. Yu. Koroleva

The development of digital competencies of students is currently one of the main pedagogical tasks. The solution of this task is possible by paying attention to issues related to the skills of students to create their own digital content, for example, multimedia, combining various types of information (text, graphics, video and audio). The article provides a brief analysis of the content of teaching issues related to the study of digital sound processing technologies in a school informatics course. Taking into account the relevance of this issue, a thematic module "Digital Sound" is proposed, the content of which does not require binding to specific software. When  studying the module, the emphasis is on mastering specific technologies for processing sound information. The module can be implemented as an optional course for students in 7–9th grades and/or as an elective course for students in 10–11th grades. At the same time, particular blocks of the module can be used at various stages of teaching informatics at school

2021 ◽  
pp. 605-611
Xiaolei Wu ◽  
Yuntian Zhu

2021 ◽  
Vol 82 (1) ◽  
pp. 67-73
I. A. Gulova

The title is considered as a text category of a synthetic character, a result of author’s analytical reasoning and his way of compressing information. As a frame element it is characterized by features of effectiveness and procedurality and gains a specific inference, combining initial and excretory knowledge, explicit and implicit information, text and subtext. The aim of the article is to identify how the semantics of the title are expanding as the poetic text is being developed and numerous and diverse prospective and retrospective links of its elements are formed. The analysis of the poetical text explicated its metaphysical and ontological nature. The information in the text is gradually introduced via an ambivalent method with a combination of demonstration and implication. A totality of information transmission, formed by principles of exaggeration, antithesis, parallelism and veiling was identified. A list of various stylistic methods enhancing the title, explicating its’ cognitive characteristics and executing a constructive function was revealed. Additional meanings of the words ‘persistence’, ‘activity’, ‘power’, ‘optimism’, ‘vulnerability’, ‘communicativity’, ‘compassion’, ‘faith’, ‘assertivity’, that are being brought into the title as the text goes, including a connection with the concepts «Autumn» / «Spring», «Faith», which justified its’ metaphorization and symbolization, were discovered. All this determined the metaphorisation and symbolisation of the title and allowed the poem to be referred to as metaphysical lyrics.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 127-144
Ryan Dwi Puspita ◽  
Susanti Agustina ◽  
Asep Deni Gustiana ◽  
Duhita Savira Wardani

This study aims to examine the effect of using interactive compensatory model (ICM)-based integrated thematic learning tools to improve students’ reading comprehension of information text comprehension for fifth grade elementary school. This research was conducted in three stages. The first phase of the preliminary study included a literature study, field surveys and expert-validated initial product preparation. The second stage of development included limited trials and extensive trials through experimental methods. The third stage was product testing and socialization of the results to try out its efficacy. Data were obtained through observation, interviews, questionnaires and test (pre-test and post-test). This study used a sample of 504 grade fifth students in 12 elementary schools in Bandung Regency. The results of this study indicate that the use of ICM-based integrated thematic learning tools has a significant effect on students’ improvement for reading comprehension on information text for fifth grade elementary school. This is evidenced by the difference in students’ reading comprehension ability before and after learning using ICM-based integrated thematic learning tools. This research has implications for the ease with which teachers can achieve learning objectives with the support of teaching materials, media, worksheets and interesting and practical activities that can stimulate students to improve their reading comprehension skills.

2020 ◽  
Martina Bientzle ◽  
Marie Eggeling ◽  
Simone Korger ◽  
Joachim Kimmerle

BACKGROUND: Successful shared decision making (SDM) in clinical practice requires that future clinicians learn to appreciate the value of patient participation as early as in their medical training. Narratives, such as patient testimonials, have been successfully used to support patients’ decision-making process. Previous research suggests that narratives may also be used for increasing clinicians’ empathy and responsiveness in medical consultations. However, so far, no studies have investigated the benefits of narratives for conveying the relevance of SDM to medical students.METHODS: In this randomized controlled experiment, N = 167 medical students were put into a scenario where they prepared for medical consultation with a patient having Parkinson disease. After receiving general information, participants read either a narrative patient testimonial or a fact-based information text. We measured their perceptions of SDM, their control preferences (i.e., their priorities as to who should make the decision), and the time they intended to spend for the consultation.RESULTS: Participants in the narrative patient testimonial condition referred more strongly to the patient as the one who should make decisions than participants who read the information text. Participants who read the patient narrative also considered SDM in situations with more than one treatment option to be more important than participants in the information text condition. There were no group differences regarding their control preferences. Participants who read the patient testimonial indicated that they would schedule more time for the consultation.CONCLUSIONS: These findings show that narratives can potentially be useful for imparting the relevance of SDM and patient-centered values to medical students. We discuss possible causes of this effect and implications for training and future research.

Ульяна Александровна Ульянова

Введение. Рассматриваются композиционные особенности электронных военно-информационных текстов. Необходимость описания данных текстов обусловлена переходом коммуникации в электронную плоскость, что оказало существенное влияние на их композицию. Цель – описать композиционные особенности электронных военно-информационных текстов. Материал и методы. Материалом исследования послужили военно-информационные тексты, извлеченные методом сплошной выборки, представленные на сайтах (30 текстов) и (35 текстов). В качестве методов были выбраны метод композиционного анализа, описательно-аналитический и сравнительно-сопоставительный методы. Результаты и обсуждение. Установлены отличительные особенности электронного военно-информационного текста, к которым относятся мультимедийность, гипертекстовость, интерсемиотичность и интерактивность. Предложена классификация электронных военно-информационных текстов исходя из способа создания. В соответствии с этим параметром были выделены онлайн- и офлайн-электронные тексты. Установлено, что в военно-информационных текстах используются несколько типов ссылок: интратекстуальные ссылки, содержащие отсылку к материалам, опубликованным на других сайтах; внетекстовые автоссылки, содержащие информацию с контактными данными автора статьи; внетекстовые ссылки, переход по которым ведет к статье на схожую тематику. Была определена двойственная природа интерактивности как одного из элементов композиции электронного военно-информационного текста. С одной стороны, интерактивность обеспечивает непосредственное взаимодействие между адресатом и адресантом, с другой – реализуется через интерсемиотические элементы, которые позволяют распространить и поделиться информацией на разных интернет-площадках (социальных сетях, форумах, электронной почте). Гипертекстовость, интерсемиотичность, интерактивность относятся к обязательным характеристикам электронного текста. Мультимедийность рассматривается как факультативная характеристика электронного военно-информационного текста, так как видеофрагменты как один из коммуникативных блоков текста присутствуют не во всех текстах, несмотря на обязательное присутствие креолизованного компонента в форме статичной фотографии. Проведен сравнительно-сопоставительный анализ коммуникативных блоков в электронных текстах. На основе анализа результатов были выделены электронные военно-информационные тексты с жесткой и нежесткой структурой. Заключение. Доказано, что обязательными структурными признаками электронного военно-информационного текста являются интертекстовость, интерактивность и интерсемиотичность. Результаты анализа структурных особенностей свидетельствуют о перспективности исследования прагмастилистических характеристик электронных военно-информационных текстов. Introduction. The structural features of electronic military information texts have been analyzed. The necessity to describe the electronic texts is caused by the transition of communication to the electronic mode, which has had a significant impact on the composition of military information texts. The aim is to describe the compositional features of electronic military information texts. Material and methods. The research methods include compositional analysis, descriptive-analytical and comparative method. The material of the research is military information texts extracted by the random sampling method from the websites (30 texts) and (35 texts). Results and discussion. Distinctive features of the electronic military information texts include multimedia, hypertext, intersemioticity and interactivity. The classification of electronic military-information texts on the basis of the means of communication has been presented. Online and offline electronic texts are distinguished in accordance with this parameter. Several types of hypertext links are used in military information texts: intratextual links containing reference to the materials published on other sites; non-textual auto hypertext links with contact information of the author of the article; non-textual hypertext links which lead to the article on similar subjects. The main types of hypertext links are also defined in terms of their language representation. The dual nature of interactivity as one of the elements of the composition of the electronic military information text was established. On the one hand, it provides the direct interaction between the addresser and the addressee. On the other hand, interactivity is realized through intersemiotic elements (cross-posting), which allow spreading and sharing information on different Internet sites (social networks, forums, e-mail). Hypertext, intersemioticity, interactivity are considered as obligatory characteristics of the electronic military information texts. Multimedia is regarded as an optional characteristic of the electronic military information text, because video fragments as one of the communication blocks of the text are not present in all texts, although a creolized component in the form of a photo is an obligatory part of text composition. A comparative analysis of the communication blocks in electronic texts has been carried out. Electronic military information texts with strict and free composition have been singled out. Conclusion. It has been proved that the obligatory compositional features of the electronic military information text are intertextuality, interactivity and intersemioticity. The results of the peculiarities of compositional analysis show the promising nature of the investigation of pragmastylistic features of electronic military information texts.

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