fund accounting
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Wenni Wahyuandari ◽  
Tri Ratnawati ◽  
Slamet Riyadi

Research to prove, analyze and interpret the Effect of Regulation, Accountability System, Accounting Principles, Priority Programs on Performance Accountability, and Performance Reports in Village Fund Management with Moderate Variables Good Financial Governance (GFG) Village. This study uses a quantitative approach by collecting data through a survey of village heads who receive village funds. This study uses an explanatory approach by testing some hypotheses. The study population was in all villages receiving village funds in Tulungagung Regency in 2021. The number of samples was determined using the Slovin formula with a tolerance of 5% as many as 156 respondents. Sampling was done using Random Sampling, while the data analysis technique used Partial Least Square. Regulation, work accountability, accounting principles partially have a significant effect on performance Reports. Priority Programs have a significant effect on Performance AccountabilityandGFG can strengthen the relationship between the Village Fund Accounting Principles and the performance report.

2020 ◽  
Vol 32 (3) ◽  
pp. 339-358
Christopher Enyioma Alozie

PurposeThis paper assessed accuracy level in accounting for government funds in Nigeria's federal treasury and their faithful presentation in government financial reporting. It aimed to determine whether the reported annual balances in Nigeria's financial reporting were reliable or otherwise. Data used in analysis were obtained from secondary sources from federal treasury.Design/methodology/approachEx-post “facto” analysis method was adopted in the study involving the use of statistical techniques of absolute or aggregate mean percentage error derived from differences between recomputed and published fund balances and was employed. This was augmented with interactive review meetings of the initial case research report with the management of Nigeria's audit agency.FindingsResults distilled from the consolidated revenue fund (CRF), development fund and public debt show that recomputed values were greater than the fund balances in the gazetted financial statements. Results for contingency fund (CTF), federation account fund (FAF), special trust fund (STF) and sundry deposit fund yield equal figures and accurate. The paper concludes that there were serial understatements of the core public fund balances in the financial statements over the years. This trend of reporting incorrect in three core public funds in financial statements rendered Nigeria's financial position unreliable in the affected years for decisions. It also facilitated frauds, mismanagement of funds and corrupt practices.Research limitations/implicationsThe scope of the research is restricted to assessment of degree of accuracy in fund accounting, faithful representation of the respective fund balance in the liabilities side of FGN balance sheet and the reliability of the financial position. But, it did not consider or cover the implementation of International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSASs) in federal treasury since FGN had not issued any full IPSAS–oriented financial statements as on 2015.Practical implicationsIdentification of deficiencies in fund account balances, structural defects in fund accounting and acts of understatement of carrying balances in CRF and capital development fund (CDF) implies that the aggregate core fund liabilities reported in financial statement of government entities without corresponding assets do not actually reflect a true and fair financial position in some countries. It reveals remarkable degree of financial information asymmetry in government financial reporting. Illusionary fund accounting has direct linkage to poor fiscal governance in many sovereign with associated sub-optimal delivery of public goods and service level distress syndrome in many economies; lead to poverty, unemployment, crisis and macroeconomic disturbances.Social implicationsThe study contributes to the development of fund accounting system; strengthening government financial reporting architecture and practices. It provides framework for tracking financial information asymmetry in government financial reporting and mismanagement of public funds. It provides platform to effect necessary adjustment (correction) during the “first time 3-year adoption” adjustment window in Nigeria. Flowing from the findings, it advocates for institutionalization of government fund accounting standards and provides evidence for migration to accrual accounting system in countries that have not already implemented it. Evaluation system developed herein will improve fund management in federal treasury and contribute to efficient public financial management, good governance and enhance development of public accounting practice.Originality/valueThis exploratory empirical research is the one to ever evaluate accuracy level of fund accounting in sovereign entities and faithful representation in government's financial position prior to implementation of accrual accounting and financial reporting. The study established substantial level of illusionary accounting for public funds and information asymmetry in published government's financial reporting. It is necessary to rectify these discrepancies in fund accounting and financial reporting prior to and or during the first three years of the IPSAS transition implementation programme. These research deliverables provide adopters with relevant data for adjustment accounting during the transition period in strengthening public financial reporting in order to realize the benefit of full IPSAS accrual accounting.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 219-228
Edy Sudaryanto

This study aims to identify and analyze opportunities, challenges, constraints and efforts of vocational high school or Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK) to create graduates especially accounting programs that are able to manage village funds. The object of the study are accounting program students of SMK PGRI 2 Cibinong. Data used in this study are primary data and secondary data. Data is collected using interviews, observation, and documentation. Data analysis methods use data reduction, data display and conclusion drawing/verification. The results of this study show that the SMK PGRI 2 Cibinong Bogor aware of the opportunities for SMK graduates of the accounting program to fill the scarcity of skilled human resources to manage village funds. But teachers have less experience in the practice of village fund accounting so that they do not have confidence in  teaching. Other constraints are less discussion of government accounting in the accounting syllabus and the absence of a standard handbook/module for teachers to teach accounting subjects.

2020 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
Bakhtiar Abbas ◽  
Mahmudin A.S ◽  
Jusbair Jusbair ◽  
Miswar Rohansyah

Village fund management has a noble mandate, which is helping the government to realize economic and social justice, but has not been able to run optimally. In addition, the education management of village fund management, especially regarding village financial accounting, is very minimal. Therefore, technical guidance is needed in solving financial management problems in village funds. Targets to be achieved from the technical guidance of village financial accounting, are: (1) Providing knowledge of village fund accounting to village officials to manage village finances. (2) Practicing village fund accounting so that village officials can do it themselves. 3) Prepare the administration of village fund financial reports according to the standard procedures for accountability of village funds. (4) Provides a way to account for village finance funds that are carried out quickly, precisely, accurately and efficiently. (5) Transferring knowledge and accounting knowledge of village funds to village officials so that they can be applied to the reporting of accountability of village funds accurately and accountably. The results that have been achieved are that the apparatus is able to arrange the financial funds of the village through the Siskeudes application system, namely: able to input the realization of village revenue, input the data on the implementation of village finances, input the data disbursement of the Work Implementation Letter to the village treasurer, make SPJ advances in advance payments for activities, input the rest of the remaining downpayments activities, input tax deposit data, input money withdrawal data from the village bank account. Besides being able to print village draft RPJM reports, APBDes, Cash General Cash Books, Village Bank Books and be able to print Reports on Realization of Village Budget and Realization Execution

2020 ◽  
Vol 17 (1_suppl) ◽  
pp. S55-S60
Junaid Ashraf ◽  
Abdul Rauf

The case focusses on the issues faced by Waseela Foundation in its accounting system, specifically in recording the receipt of zakat donations and utilization thereof. The existing accounting system is simple and puts all types of donations into one pool. Expenses are paid out of that pool indiscriminately. It is not acceptable to some zakat donors who have different interpretations regarding the use of zakat funds. Mr Mustafa was given the task of redesigning the accounting system which would assure the donors that their zakat was being managed and disposed of as per their instructions. Accounting for donations in non-profits requires an elaborate system of recording and reporting that can distinguish between different sources of donations and their utilization. This is important because some donations have to be spent on specific purposes. Hence, unlike for-profit organizations, non-profit organizations have to keep different sources of funds separate for recording and reporting purposes. Zakat poses special accounting challenges because there are variations in interpretations of different schools of thought with regard to avenues of spending the zakat. The case thus provides students with an excellent opportunity to understand the intricacies of fund accounting for non-profits.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-6
Hari Sugiyanto

The Indonesian government has applied the accrual basis in preparing its financial statements. However, it is possible to implement fund accounting. In the PP Conceptual Framework Number 71 Year 2010 it is stated that the Indonesian government can apply fund accounting for control purposes. Fund Accounting is an accounting system that is often used by non-profit organizations and public sector institutions, including government. The system is a method of recording and displaying entities in accounting such as assets and liabilities which are grouped according to their respective uses.This study aims to determine the relevance of the application of fund accounting in Indonesia and conduct a literature study on fund accounting practices in the United States government.Although the Indonesian government has applied accrual-based accounting, it does not rule out the possibility that fund accounting will be applied. Of course the authorized entity needs to draw up relevant regulations so that the accounting of funds is relevant to the implementation of accrual-based government accounting.

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