team member exchange
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2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Hui Wang ◽  
Yuting Xiao ◽  
Xinwen Su ◽  
Xiangqing Li

Given that work teams have been widely used in a variety of organizations to complete critical tasks and that the use of social media in work teams has been growing, investigating whether and how team social media usage (TSMU) affects team creativity is imperative. However, little research has empirically explored how TSMU affects team creativity. This study divides TSMU into two categories, namely, work-related TSMU and relationship-related TSMU. Basing on communication visibility theory and social exchange theory, this study constructs a moderating mediation model to understand how TSMU affects team creativity. In this model, team knowledge sharing is used as mediating role and team-member exchange (TMX) is used as moderating role. Two-wave research data collected from 641 employees in 102 work teams in Chinese organizations are used for regression analysis. Results show that (1) Work-related TSMU and relationship-related TSMU are positively affect team creativity. (2) Team knowledge sharing plays a partly mediating effect on the relationship between work-related TSMU and team creativity and that between relationship-related TSMU and team creativity. (3) TMX not only positively moderates the indirect effect of work-related TSMU and relationship-related TSMU on team creativity through team knowledge sharing. Theoretical and practical implications are also discussed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 134 ◽  
pp. 661-674
Kyoung Yong Kim ◽  
Leanne Atwater ◽  
Phillip Jolly ◽  
Ijeoma Ugwuanyi ◽  
Kibok Baik ◽  

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-16
Shiou-Yu Chen ◽  
Chin-Shan Shang ◽  
Kung-Don Lu ◽  
Kuo-chung Ye ◽  
Jiunn-Liang Guo ◽  

2021 ◽  
pp. 154805182110348
Fong-Yi Lai ◽  
Cheng-Chen Lin ◽  
Szu-Chi Lu ◽  
Hsiao-Ling Chen

This study conceptualizes team–member exchange as a mediator and transformational leadership as a moderator to understand the role of proactive personality in two types of proactive behaviors (affiliative and challenging). Considering the issue of common method variance, data were collected following a multitemporal and multisource research design, and the hypotheses were tested on a sample of 210 participants. The results showed that after controlling leader–member exchange, team–member exchange mediated the relationship between proactive personality and employees’ proactive behaviors. In addition, transformational leadership strengthened the positive relationship between the team–member exchange and challenging proactive behavior. Moreover, transformational leadership had a stronger moderating effect on challenging proactive behavior than affiliative proactive behavior. Strengths, limitations, practical implications, and directions for future research are discussed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 36 (2) ◽  
pp. 156-183
Muhammad Farie Ath Thaariq ◽  
Indrayanti Indrayanti

This study aims to define the role of organizational climate on work stress of millennial employees and the moderating effect of team-member exchange in the relationship between organizational climate and work stress of millennial employees. Participants are employees born in the time range of 1980 to 2000 and have worked for at least six months. This study utilized survey method with the instruments Stress Diagnostic Survey, Organization Climate Questionnaire, and Team-Member Exchange (TME) instrument which is a fusion of Team-Member Exchange Contributions and Team-Member Exchange Receipts. The data were analyzed with simple linear regression and moderation analysis utilizing the PROCESS module by Hayes. The results of this study indicate that organizational climate contributed negatively on the work stress of millennial employees. The higher the score for organizational climate, the lower the score for work stress on millennial employees. Team-member exchange cannot moderate the relationship between organizational climate and work stress of millennial employees. High quality of team-member exchange cannot strengthen the relationship between organizational climate and work stress of millennial employees. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peran iklim organisasi terhadap stres kerja karyawan milenial dan efek moderator dari team-member exchange terhadap hubungan antara iklim organisasi dan stres kerja pada karyawan milenial. Partisipan adalah karyawan milenial dengan rentang tahun kelahiran 1980 hingga 2000 dan sudah bekerja minimal selama enam bulan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survei dengan instrumen Stress Diagnostic Survey, Organizational Climate Questionnaire, dan instrumen Team-Member Exchange (TME) yang merupakan gabungan dari Team-Member Exchange Contributions dan Team-Member Exchange Receipts. Analisis data menggunakan uji regresi linear sederhana dan uji moderasi dengan modul PROCESS dari Hayes. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa iklim organisasi berkontribusi negatif terhadap stres kerja karyawan mileneal. Semakin tinggi skor iklim organisasi, maka semakin rendah skor stres kerja karyawan milenial. Team-member exchange tidak dapat memoderasi hubungan antara iklim organisasi dan stres kerja karyawan milenial. Kualitas team-member exchange yang tinggi tidak dapat memperkuat hubungan iklim organisasi dengan stres kerja karyawan milenial.

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Aric J. Wilhau

Purpose This paper aims to examine the workplace team member self-reported social loafing (SL) in relation to the dark triad personality traits of Machiavellianism, narcissism and psychopathy. The moderating effect of team member exchange (TMX), a social contextual factor, on each proposed dark trait-SL relationship was also examined. A person X situation interactionist perspective was adopted. Design/methodology/approach American employees were recruited to complete surveys consisting of previously published, validated and reliable scales. Correlations and hierarchical regressions were used to test the study hypotheses. Findings As hypothesized, all positive dark trait-SL relationships were supported. TMX moderated the Machiavellianism-SL and psychopathy-SL relationships, as hypothesized. Unexpectedly, TMX was not found to moderate the narcissism-SL relationship. Originality/value Findings imply increased managerial monitoring costs when supervising employees with elevated levels of dark traits. This is especially so when workers are assigned to team tasks and SL is a concern. To alleviate loafing tendencies, the nurturing of high-quality TMX relations among employees with elevated levels of traits Machiavellianism and psychopathy likely moderates the positive Machiavellianism- and psychopathy-SL relations. The emerging SL literature that accounts for both personality and situation, the dark trait-deviant workplace behavior literature stream and research evidencing the ability of TMX to remedy problematic characteristic behaviors are all extended by the present research.

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