edwards personal preference schedule
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Gerontology ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 63 (1) ◽  
pp. 45-54 ◽  
Eva Billstedt ◽  
Margda Waern ◽  
Hanna Falk ◽  
Paul Duberstein ◽  
Svante Östling ◽  

Background: While time trends in personality traits have been suggested in younger cohorts, little is known regarding this issue in older adults. Objective: To test for birth cohort changes in psychogenic needs according to Murray's theory of personality in two birth cohorts of 75-year-olds born 1901-1902 and 1930. Methods: Two population-based birth cohorts were examined at the age of 75 years in 1976-1977 and in 2005-2006. Psychogenic needs according to Murray were measured with the Cesarec-Marke Personality Schedule (CMPS), a Swedish version of the Edwards Personal Preference Schedule. Scores on the CMPS subscales (achievement, affiliation, aggression, defence of status, guilt feelings, dominance, exhibition, autonomy, nurturance, order, succorance, and acquiescence) were compared between cohorts. Results:Achievement, exhibition, dominance, aggression, affiliation, and succorance scores were higher, and order and acquiescence scores lower, in the more recent birth cohort of 75-year-olds. Women scored lower than men on exhibition and dominance, and higher on defence of status, guilt feelings, affiliation, nurturance, and succorance. Interaction effects between cohort and sex were found for achievement (women scored lower than men in 1976-1977 but not in 2005-2006), order (the lower scores in 2005-2006 were more accentuated among men), and acquiescence (increased in men and decreased in women). Conclusion: The later-born birth cohort scored higher on self-centred traits, such as more dominant, competitive, and exhibitive traits as well as the need to be taken care of and have friends around, but it scored lower on the need for order. The gap between men and women regarding achievement decreased, possibly reflecting women's more prominent role in society.

2016 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 98-110
Wasidi Wasidi ◽  
Djemari Mardapi

Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengembangkan instrumen bakat keguruan yang valid dan reliabel. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tiga tahap yaitu: pra-pengembangan, pengembangan konseptual, dan uji coba instrumen. Data dianalisis dengan item response theory partial credit model, analisis faktor konfirmatori, validitas konkuren, validitas konvergen, dan koefisien reliabilitas. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa instrumen bakat keguruan terdiri atas tiga dimensi yaitu kreativitas pedagogi, komitmen pedagogi, dan kecerdasan emosi. Ketiga dimensi instrumen bakat keguruan memenuhi syarat IRT PCM. Hasil confirmatory factor analysis menunjukkan bahwa instrumen bakat keguruan fit. Koefisien reliabilitas gabungan tinggi. Analisis multitrait multimethod menunjukkan bahwa korelasi antara skor kreativitas pedagogi dengan skor IQ rendah. Korelasi antara skor komitmen pedagogi dengan skor Edwards Personal Preference Schedule adalah cukup. Korelasi antara skor kecerdasan emosi dengan skor EPPS adalah cukup. Validitas konvergen dimensi komitmen pedagogi termasuk tinggi, dan validitas konvergen kecerdasan emosi termasuk tinggi. Dengan demikian instrumen bakat keguruan mempunyai validitas isi, validitas konstruk, dan validitas konvergen yang baik, sedangkan dimensi komitmen pedagogi dan kecerdasan emosi mempunyai validitas konkuren yang termasuk kategori cukup. Koefisien reliabilitas gabungan instrumen bakat keguruan memenuhi persyaratan minimal. Dengan demikian instrumen bakat keguruan dapat digunakan oleh LPTK sebagai tes bakat calon mahasiswa.Kata kunci: bakat keguruan, validitas isi, validitas konstruk, validitas konkuren, validitas konvergen, koefisien reliabilitas gabungan DEVELOPING A TEACHER APTITUDE INSTRUMENTAbstractThe purpose of this study is to develop an instrument of teacher aptitude which is valid and reliable. This research was carried out in three phases: pre-development, conceptual development, and instrument try out. The data were analyzed using the item response theory partial credit model, confirmatory factor analysis, concurrent validity, convergent validity, and reliability coefficient. The result of this research is a teacher aptitude instrument that consists of three dimensions: pedagogical creativity, pedagogical commitment, and emotional intelligence. The three dimensions of the instrument have IRT PCM qualification. The result of CFA shows that the teacher aptitude instrument is fit. The coefficient of the reliability is high. The correlation between pedagogical creativity score and intelligence quotient score is low. The correlation between pedagogical commitment and Edwards Personal Preference Schedule score is sufficient. The correlation between emotional intelligence score and EPPS score is sufficient. The convergent validity of pedagogical commitment is high, while the convergent validity of emotional intelligence is high. Therefore the teacher aptitude instrument has a good content validity, construct validity, and convergent validity, while dimension of pedagogical commitment and emotional intelligence has sufficient concurrent validity. The coefficient of composite reliability of the instrument meets the minimum requirements. Therefore the teacher aptitude instrument could be used by LPTK as an aptitude test for student candidates.Keywords: teacher aptitude, content validity, construct validity, convergent validity, coefficient of composite reliability

2013 ◽  
Vol 38 ◽  
pp. 97-107
Sabina Sultana ◽  
Laila Latif

In the present study an attempt was made to find out whether aggressive behaviour is related to gender and birth order of the adolescence. A Bengali version of the aggression scale of Edwards Personal Preference Schedule (EPPS) was administered to one hundred students from different colleges in Rajshahi city. In order to investigate the relationship between aggressive behaviour and gender, they were divided into two groups, male and female and comparisons were made between them, on the basis of the scores obtained on the aggression scale employing‘t’ test. Secondly, in order to study the relationship between aggressive behaviour and birth order, the respondents were divided into two groups- first born and last born and comparisons were made between the two groups. The results of the study suggest that males are more aggressive than females and the last born children are more aggressive than the first born children. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3329/rujs.v38i0.16552 Rajshahi University J. of Sci. 38, 97-107 (2010)

2007 ◽  
Vol 32 (1) ◽  
pp. 45-54
Anu Singh Lather ◽  
Shilpa Jain

Research has recognized the important role of personality in developing and selecting employees and in determining behaviour at workplace. Personality is believed to affect decisionmaking, problem-solving, conflict management, and stress management. This stems from the assumption that role conflicts and organizational stress are also manifestations of the underlying turbulence of one�s personality predispositions. This paper reports the results of the threephase study conducted in Maruti Udyog Limited to understand the different behaviour patterns in workplace. In phase I, secondary data were collected through organizational stress and work motivation questionnaires, and job satisfaction and role conflict scales. In phase II, Dynamos and Drones were identified. Those scoring low on organizational stress, role conflict, and absenteeism and high scores on work motivation, work performance, and job satisfaction were grouped as Dynamos. On the other hand, those obtaining high scores on organizational stress, role conflict, and absenteeism and low scores on work motivation, work performance, and job satisfaction were categorized as Drones. In phase III, the Edwards' Personal Preference Schedule was administered to Dynamos and Drones to compare the need orientation of their behaviour. In order to examine the difference between the Dynamos and the Drones on various need orientation of their personality, t-test was conducted. The results reveal the following: The Dynamos are significantly higher on achievement, order, and autonomy compared to the Drones. Dynamos prefer to participate in friendly groups and form strong attachments. Dynamo's high score on endurance shows that they keep pursuing a job till it is complete. The drones are significantly higher on aggression and heterosexuality resulting in poor interpersonal relationship. There is no difference between the Dynamos and the Drones on deference, exhibition, interception, dominance, abasement, and change. In order to grow and be successful, an organization therefore needs a workforce consisting of more Dynamos. And, to be a dynamo, one should have the need personality orientation of order, endurance, and achievement which accounts for one's desire to give his best, to be successful, plan work, and stick to the job till the end. The author also stresses upon the need orientation of affiliation, succorance, and nurturance which together form the key ingredients for building interpersonally sensitive relationship.

2004 ◽  
Vol 94 (3) ◽  
pp. 771-774
Takashi Takigasaki ◽  
Kunihiro Fujimura

The Edwards Personal Preference Schedule was administered to open university students of various ages (95 men, 164 women). For both men and women, the scores on Order had positive correlation and those on Heterosexuality had negative correlation with age. Scores on Deference and Endurance had positive correlations for women. It is considered that the changes of these preferences by age would reflect social experiences accumulated over time.

1997 ◽  
Vol 81 (3_suppl) ◽  
pp. 1235-1238 ◽  
Takashi Takigasaki ◽  
Kunihiro Fujimura

Scores of 195 Japanese female nursing students, administered the Edwards Personal Preference Schedule, were compared with those of 261 Japanese female nonnursing students. The nursing students scored higher on Achievement, Abasement, Nurturance, and Endurance and lower on Exhibition and Heterosexuality than nonnursing students.

1997 ◽  
Vol 81 (1) ◽  
pp. 19-24
Hiroshi Nittono

This study examined a possible relationship between personality needs and short-term memory. 102 Japanese college students were administered a Japanese version of the Edwards Personal Preference Schedule and performed 3 verbal short-term memory tests. No reliable correlations were found between memory performance and the scores on the 15 scales of Edwards' schedule. In contrast, course examination scores in introductory psychology were statistically significantly correlated with some scale scores. These results suggested that motivational personality traits would not be related to short-term memory performance, although they were associated with academic achievement.

1997 ◽  
Vol 25 (4) ◽  
pp. 375-387
Daniel Kahans ◽  
Jerzy Krupinski ◽  
Christine Wilson

Conflict in relationships caused Wingrove Cottage Community Clinic to use in couple therapy and then further develop, the Edwards Personal Preference Schedule (EPPS; Edwards, 1959). The development addressed the length of the original questions and the limitations of self-reporting tests by creating a comparison of personal, partner, ideal and remake of partner perceptions. This obvious and concise inventory was called the Marital Synchrony Inventory (MSI) which allowed for comparison of discrepancies between subjects self, partner, ideal and remake perceptions by using the 15 personality variables of the EPPS with a written description of what each word meant. A significant correlation between both instruments provided the impetus to further improve and condense the MSI through factorizing the 15 items. This was effected and 3 factors emerged and were called Authoritativeness, Empathy and Compliance. This condensed version of the MSI was called the Partner Synchrony Inventory (PSI) to be used for both diagnostic and therapeutic benefit of the client. This instrument will be usable by therapists for all heterosexual, homosexual and relational couples. The PSI is now available as a userfriendly computer-aided test for use by therapists.

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