rotary motors
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2022 ◽  
pp. 1-24
Isa S. Qamber ◽  
Mohamed Y. Alhamad

The movements for any type of electric vehicle (EV) can be powered by wheels or driven by rotary motors. EVs derive their power from various sources, including fossil fuels. In the long term, reducing the cost of electrically powered vehicles (EDV) is seen as an essential ingredient to increase consumer acceptance. In addition, it aims to reduce the weight and volume of EDV. Moreover, the focus is on improving the performance, efficiency, and reliability of the EDV. The development of innovative modules is important when the acceleration of production and marketing needs to be improved. Consumers are looking for the production and transmission of electrical energy. This contributes to a greener environment. One of the most important parts of an EV is its battery. A proposed model presented in this chapter considers several parameters: solar radiation (PV panels), EV backup battery, and main charger. The model allows energy storage to be developed efficiently.

Minh Tuan Nguyen ◽  
Van Tu Nguyen ◽  
Minh Tuan Pham

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Trishant R. Umrekar ◽  
Yvonne B. Winterborn ◽  
Shamphavi Sivabalasarma ◽  
Julian Brantl ◽  
Sonja-Verena Albers ◽  

Novelty in biology can arise from opportunistic repurposing of nascent characteristics of existing features. Understanding how this process happens at the molecular scale, however, suffers from a lack of case studies. The evolutionary emergence of rotary motors is a particularly clear example of evolution of a new function. The simplest of rotary motors is the archaellum, a molecular motor that spins a helical propeller for archaeal motility analogous to the bacterial flagellum. Curiously, emergence of archaellar rotation may have pivoted on the simple duplication and repurposing of a pre-existing component to produce a stator complex that anchors to the cell superstructure to enable productive rotation of the rotor component. This putative stator complex is composed of ArlF and ArlG, gene duplications of the filament component ArlB, providing an opportunity to study how gene duplication and neofunctionalization contributed to the radical innovation of rotary function. Toward understanding how this happened, we used electron cryomicroscopy to determine the structure of isolated ArlG filaments, the major component of the stator complex. Using a hybrid modeling approach incorporating structure prediction and validation, we show that ArlG filaments are open helices distinct to the closed helical filaments of ArlB. Curiously, further analysis reveals that ArlG retains a subset of the inter-protomer interactions of homologous ArlB, resulting in a superficially different assembly that nevertheless reflects the common ancestry of the two structures. This relatively simple mechanism to change quaternary structure was likely associated with the evolutionary neofunctionalization of the archaellar stator complex, and we speculate that the relative deformable elasticity of an open helix may facilitate elastic energy storage during the transmission of the discrete bursts of energy released by ATP hydrolysis to continuous archaellar rotation, allowing the inherent properties of a duplicated ArlB to be co-opted to fulfill a new role. Furthermore, agreement of diverse experimental evidence in our work supports recent claims to the power of new structure prediction techniques.

2021 ◽  
Shintaroh Kubo ◽  
Toru Niina ◽  
Shoji Takada

The F0F1 ATP synthase, essential for cellular energy production, is composed of the F0 and F1 rotary motors. While both F0 and F1 have pseudo-symmetric structures, their symmetries do not match. How the symmetry mismatch is solved remains elusive due to missing intermediate structures of rotational steps. Here, for ATP synthases with 3- and 10-fold symmetries in F1 and F0, respectively, we uncovered the mechanical couplings between F0 and F1 at every 36° rotation step via molecular dynamics simulations and comparison of cryo-electron microscopy structures from three species. We found that the frustration is shared by several elements. The F1 stator partially rotates relative to the F0 stator via elastic distortion of the b-subunits. The rotor can be distorted. The c-ring rotary angles can be deviated from symmetric ones. Additionally, the F1 motor may take non-canonical structures relieving stronger frustration. Together, we provide comprehensive understanding to solve the symmetry mismatch.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
Daniel Díaz-Caneja ◽  
Francisco J. Campa ◽  
Oscar Altuzarra

Abstract The objective of the present work is to develop a device for training the trunk balance and motion during the early stage of rehabilitation of patients who have suffered a stroke. It is coupled to a standing frame and is based on a parallel continuum manipulator where a wearable jacket is moved by four flexible limbs actuated by rotary motors, achieving the translation and rotation required in the trunk to perform a given exercise. The flexible limbs act as a natural mechanical filter in such a way that a smooth physiological motion is achieved, and it feels less intimidating to the patient. After measuring the kinematic requirements, a model has been developed to design the system. A prototype has been built and a preliminary experimental validation has been done where the jacket generates translation coupled to a rotation around the anteroposterior, medio-lateral and longitudinal axis. The measurements of the motors torque and the force sensors located in the flexible limbs have been compared with the simulations from the model. The results prove that the prototype can accomplish the motions required for the rehabilitation task, although further work is still required to control the interaction with the patient and improve the performance of the device.

Jun-Wei Chen ◽  
Xing Liu

In this paper, the winding inductances of a linear ironless permanent-magnet synchronous actuator for high-precision applications is discussed. Different from rotary motors for conventional applications, high-order harmonics and the end effect due to discontinuous structure are considered. From such considerations, an improved Fourier series expansion is applied to the proposed distributed-parameter model of the linear winding. The calculated inductance matrix is of high accuracy, and presents a new non-uniform form. New features of the inductance matrix are analyzed, and the decoupling scheme is implemented via variable transformation and real-time updating inductances.

Antonio Caputi ◽  
Davide Russo

Abstract The primary task of machine tools is simultaneously positioning and orienting the cutting tool with respect to the work piece. The mechanism must avoid positioning errors, and limit forces and torques required to the motors. A novel approach for combined design and control of manufacturing means is proposed in this work. The focus is on the optimization of the control logic of a redundant 6 axis milling machine, derived from the 5 axis milling machine by adding redundant degree of freedom to the work piece table. The new mechanism is able to fulfill a secondary task due to the introduction of redundancy. The proposed methodology sets as secondary task the minimization of the rotary motors torque, or the minimization of the norm of the positioning error. The control is based on the solution of a constrained optimization problem, where the constraints equations are the kinematic closure equations, and the objective function is the table motor torque or the positioning error of the tool tip. The implementation of this framework in the virtual machine model of the mechanism shows an improvement of the performances: actually, the introduction of a redundant axis allows the minimization of the torques and position errors.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2020 ◽  
pp. 1-12
Ming-Hwa Hsieh ◽  
Yin Hsuan Huang ◽  
Chia-Lun Chao ◽  
Chien-Hao Liu ◽  
Wei-Li Hsu ◽  

In this research, we proposed a lower-limb soft exoskeleton for providing assistive forces to patients with muscle weakness during the preswing phase of a gait cycle. Whereas conventional soft exoskeletons employ two motors to assist each leg individually, we designed a single motor for actuation. Our design assists hip flexion for light weights and prevents some slip problems that can arise from rotary motors. The actuation mechanism was based on a pulley system that converted the power supplied by the single motor into linear reciprocating motions of a slider. When the single motor rotated, the slider moved linearly, first in one direction and then in the opposite direction. The slider pulled knee braces through cables with an assistive force of 100 N. The actuation was triggered when the system detected that the backward swing of the wearer’s thigh had ended. A prototype was designed, fabricated, and examined with 7 subjects (average age, 24). Subjects were measured while they wore our exoskeleton in power-off and power-on modes. Comparisons proved that wearing the exoskeleton caused a negligible deviation of gait, and that the soft exoskeleton could reduce metabolic cost during walking. The research results are expected to be beneficial for lightweight soft exoskeletons and integration with exosuits that provide assistive forces through the wearer’s entire gait.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (13) ◽  
pp. 5273-5278
Emma Lathouwers ◽  
Joseph N. E. Lucero ◽  
David A. Sivak

2020 ◽  
Vol 202 (8) ◽  
Daisuke Nakane ◽  
Tatsuro Ito ◽  
Takayuki Nishizaka

ABSTRACT The mechanism underlying Spiroplasma swimming is an enigma. This small bacterium possesses two helical shapes with opposite-handedness at a time, and the boundary between them, called a kink, travels down, possibly accompanying the dual rotations of these physically connected helical structures, without any rotary motors such as flagella. Although the outline of dynamics and structural basis has been proposed, the underlying cause to explain the kink translation is missing. We here demonstrated that the cell morphology of Spiroplasma eriocheiris was fixed at the right-handed helix after motility was stopped by the addition of carbonyl cyanide 3-chlorophenylhydrazone (CCCP), and the preferential state was transformed to the other-handedness by the trigger of light irradiation. This process coupled with the generation and propagation of the artificial kink, presumably without any energy input through biological motors. These findings indicate that the coexistence of two chiral helices is sufficient to propagate the kink and thus to propel the cell body. IMPORTANCE Many swimming bacteria generate a propulsion force by rotating helical filaments like a propeller. However, the nonflagellated bacteria Spiroplasma spp. swim without the use of the appendages. The tiny wall-less bacteria possess two chiral helices at a time, and the boundary called a kink travels down, possibly accompanying the dual rotations of the helices. To solve this enigma, we developed an assay to determine the handedness of the body helices at the single-wind level, and demonstrated that the coexistence of body helices triggers the translation of the kink and that the cell body moves by the resultant cell bend propagation. This finding provides us a totally new aspect of bacterial motility, where the body functions as a transformable screw to propel itself forward.

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