target markets
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2021 ◽  
pp. 879-885
Andrey N. Kostetsky ◽  
Natalia R. Chekashkina ◽  
Adelia R. Muratova ◽  
Margarita A. Shumilina ◽  
Anna K. Bukhanova

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
Pelin Çelik ◽  
Bilgen Akmermer

After 50 years of rapid development, today's aquaculture industry has become one of the driving forces of economic growth in many countries thanks to the increasing aquaculture production. However, less attention has been given to its growing global market demand and its contribution to relevant countries’ trade potential. Turkey has achieved significant success in aquaculture production dominated by Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), Sea Bass (Dicentrarchus labrax), and Sea Bream (Dicentrarchus labrax)species thanks to its geographical and biodiversity advantages. Thereby, Turkey has an exporting advantage in the face of increasing global seafood consumption demand. In this paper, we focus on the target market selection of these priority products to support the exporting potential of Turkey. Therefore, this is a multicriterion problem, and this paper aims to provide forecasting about target markets based on qualitative and quantitative criteria by combining fuzzy analytic hierarchy process (FAHP) and the technique for order preference by similarity to ideal solution (TOPSIS) methods. Seven criteria as trade balance, consumption, distance, average tariff, ease of doing business, non-tariff requirement and logistics performance index were chosen for evaluating the target markets. According to FAHP results, the trade balance criterion has the most significant effect while the distance criterion has least effect on the decision problem for ranking the target countries. According to these seven criteria, Japan is the best target market for Trout and Sea Bass while Russian Federation is the best for Sea Bream.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 1165-1180
Amour Gbaguidi Amoussou ◽  
Aristide Medenou

The export potential indicator is designed for countries that aim to support established exports by increasing exports to new or existing target markets, and several studies are being managed using various mathematical model to predict the export values. Here, we propose an econometric model that could be useful to predict the export values. We performed the ARIMA model to evaluate the realized and unrealized export potentials of products. We therefore propose to carry out actions in favor of increasing the export potential.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (4) ◽  
pp. 895
Robert BĘBEN ◽  
Izabela DEMPC ◽  

The development of technology, climate change as well as the cultural and social changes cause people to change their behavior, modify priorities and adapt to the new situation. Effectiveness and competitiveness, therefore, require up-to-date information on the market participants and factors affecting their behavior. As such, the aim of this article is to illustrate the impact of the weather conditions on participants’ attendance at various urban outdoor events, crucial for a leisure market. The study presents the relationship between the number of residents and tourists visits at the St. Dominic’s Fair in Gdańsk during individual days of the event and the weather conditions (temperature, precipitation, and sunlight intensity). As one of the data illustration methods, mobile phone-base-station logs were used to analyze consumer behavior. The study proved varying behavior of the residents and the tourists participating in the same event under different weather conditions emphasize these two diverse target markets’ complementarities.

Pringgitan ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (01) ◽  
Suhartapa Suhartapa

Tourism destination marketing activities begin by selecting target markets, and these activities are referred to as the segmenting and targeting process. Meanwhile, activities to acquire, maintain and develop target markets are called the selling process. And the last thing is creating, delivering and communicating the destination offering is called the positioning process. The process of tourism activities can be in the form of long-term decisions or strategic levels which include the branding, segmenting, targeting, selling and positioning processes. Meanwhile, the short-term activity process or the tactical level is usually called a marketing program in the form of various maneuvers so that the predetermined marketing strategy can run well. Meanwhile, tactical activities, which are usually called marketing programs, are short-term processes aimed at making the marketing strategy run as determined. Activities that are tactical in this marketing program are decisions about the marketing mix. Competition for tourism destinations can be carried out through strategies that optimize the functions of tourism destinations. Like other industries, the function of a tourism destination can be in the form of an operational function and a marketing function. Keywords: Marketing Strategy, Competitive Strategy, Tourism Destination

Ken McLeod

This chapter examines the ways in which the automotive and appliance industries approach concepts of sound branding to delineate both product and consumer identities. The chapter elucidates how sonic aspects of the car-driver experiences—whether it is the sound of doors closing, distinctive engine sounds, or the variety of interior warning indicators and chimes—are carefully designed to appeal to and identify with various target markets. The growing complexity of built-in or “intentional” sound sources and of the sonic experience of operating cars and appliances also calls into question the relationship between machines and people. Marketers and sound designers attempt to inculcate the “emotional values” they want consumers to associate with a product. As such, people inhabit a world of commodities that are increasingly marketed to them as anthropomorphic, sentient entities that give the appearance of sharing their values and enabling their lifestyle choices.

Christopher Buckingham ◽  
Vanissa Wanick

In serious game design, addressing issues related to the value and opportunity of the development of a game is vital in the early stages, creating a more structured and robust approach by exploring the business case. Present frameworks provide an in-depth analysis of game design models but often fail to state the case of predetermined target markets and new funding options for serious game design. Crowdfunding is an emerging funding path for these games and one that leads the vanguard in breaking with traditional forms of raising funding. This chapter aims to help in addressing an existing limitation in the literature by reviewing an existing framework on game design and blending this with the concept of crowdfunding. This chapter proposes the extension of a framework that reflects the possibility for early crowdfunding of a serious game.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 176-187
St. Asmaul Husna Syah ◽  
Pratiwi Juniar Ahmad Gani

Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menjelaskan 1) obyek wisata berpengaruh terhadap keputusan berkunjung wisatawan mancanegara; 2) promosi berpengaruh terhadap keputusan berkunjung wisatawan mancanegara; 3) sarana dan prasarana berpengaruh terhadap keputusan berkunjung wisatawan mancanegara; 4) faktor eksternal berpengaruh terhadap keputusan berkunjung wisatawan mancanegara; 5) segmen-segmen pasar wisata diidentifkasi berdasarkan persepsi wisatawan terhadap manfaat yang dicari; 6) terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara sejumlah variabel deskriptor (segmen descriptor) dengan segmentasi pasar  wisata Sulawesi Selatan; 7) implikasi dari masing-masing segmen pasar wisata terhadap strategi penentuan pasar sasaran (targeting) dan strategi memposisikan (positioning) daerah tujuan wisata di Sulawesi Selatan. Penelitian ini mengkaji hubungan antar variabel sehingga termasuk dalam explanatory research. Lokasi penelitian ini adalah daerah tujuan wisata Sulawesi Selatan dengan target populasi wisatwan mancanegara. Ada tiga Kabupaten/kota yang dipilih sebagai daerah tujuan wisata. Populasi penelitian adalah wisatawan mancanegara yang datang berkunjung pada daerah tujuan wisata di kabupaten/kota yaitu sebanyak 165 orang. Analisis Statistik yang digunakan adalah analisis regresi, analisis factor, dan analisis cluster. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: 1) atraksi wisata, promosi, sarana dan prasarana serta factor eksternal mempunyai pengaruh secara signifikan terhadap variabel keputusan berkunjung; 2) dari 34 manfaat yang dicari terbentuk 10 faktor daya tarik wisata; 3) dari 165 kasus yang diungkap terbentuk 4 segmen pasar yang potensial bagi daerah tujuan wisata Sulawesi Selatan; 4) persepsi wisatawan mengenai posisi daerah tujuan wisata Sulawesi Selatan terhadap para pesaing utamanya dan harapan para wisatawannya sebelum datang ke Sulawesi Selatan, secara umum di benak pasarnya Sulawesi Selatan ternyata paling ideal diposisikan (positioning) sebagai daerah tujuan wisata etnis dan pantai (beach destination). Akan tetapi mengingat besarnya potensi pasar dari kedua segmen pasar yang lainnya, kedua segmen pasar wisata tersebut perlu dipertimbangkan untuk diraih sebagai sasaran pemasaran  (target markets)  dengan upaya-upaya mereposisikannya (repositioning).

K ta Kita ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 201-211
Nathalia Cindy Cindy

This is a Creative Thesis Final Project Report on a problem at Swiss-Belinn Airport Hotel Surabaya (SAHS). SAHS is a hotel that is located strategically in close proximity to Juanda Airport. The hotel has three types of rooms and provide various facilities, such as restaurant, pool etc. The target markets for these products are people who need meeting rooms, and are away on business trips, vacations, and transit. However, the hotel is struggling to reach out to individual guests. Thus, in order to effectively introduce and inform the hotel to a wider population, a tool is needed. A Promotional Video (PV) is a short video or movie to promote a product or service to potential customers. PV can highlight the USP of the hotel. However, due to the current pandemic, creating the promotional video is unattainable. Thus, this thesis would cover interviews for the data and/until the act of creating the plotline for the promotional video.Keywords: Promotional tool, promotional video, USP, target market

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